by The Maha Chohan

Before man can come to the place where he may join the Ascended Masters, he must master the vibrations of his bodies to a point where they do not create dissonance in their own world or in the world of another. 

If you will THINK before you speak and act, and also before you feel, it will enable the elements of your bodies to return to their original beauty, harmony and peace. As soon as the pressure of discord is consciously controlled, the lifestream's natural state of being begins to establish itself as the Holy Christ Self returns the electrons to their natural orbits. That is why individuals who have come to the place of mastery and peace, attain great beauty, and why all the Gods and Goddesses (the Ascended Masters) are expressions of Majesty, Dignity, Beauty, Glory and Harmony. 

Old age and disintegration not natural:

The appearance of your physical body is determined by the amount of Light that is used within the four lower vehicles; the emotional, mental, etheric, and physical bodies. 

The natural emanation of Light through these lower bodies forms the protecting wall referred to in your instruction as the Tube or Garment of Light. When the electrons move more slowly in their particular organs and cells, they draw less Light from the Holy Christ Self and the natural resistance of the lifestream grows weaker. 

When the race becomes harmonious and the energy released through their bodies is never qualified discordantly, there will be no such thing as old age, disease, and the vehicles when abandoned at the close of that phase of life's experience, will be in as perfect a condition as when they were designed by the Builders of Form and the Higher Self. 

Grow more beautiful as you grow older:

When mankind will take a real interest in the vibratory actions that they allow to pass through their bodies, a state of very great harmony and beauty will be expressed within their lifestreams. 

The bodies of the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Host, as well as the Cherubic and Seraphic Guards, are ever growing finer and more beautiful as the energy through the electrons is ever charged with more Light, Love and Balance. Thus, the Master Jesus, who ascended many centuries ago, is a far more majestic figure today than at that time'. 

As above, and so should it be here below! The lifestream who has attained maturity should be more beautiful and exquisite in face and form as the years go on, and so shall it be in the days that are to come! 

It would be a glorious experience and manifestation if a few individuals who have knowledge of this Law would choose to experiment with the Law of Harmony and allow us freedom to help create bodies such as have never before been seen on this Earth: 

The Holy Christ Self of each individual is as beautiful as the most perfect Angelic Being that you could conceive of, and the individual Holy Christ Self will duplicate that beauty through any flesh form who so desires it with a little cooperation and conscious study by the personal self. I am willing to assist in this experiment with any or all who choose to make the necessary effort at self control. 

You would then be a marvelous example which Saint Germain could set before the whole world, which would "SELL" the Kingdom of Heaven far more rapidly than the precipitation of gold would do. 

You have full authority to build this same perfection into the children and young people you see around you. The Elohim of Peace, the Powers of Harmony and Purity and the Builders of Form will join you in this, and it will be a very great privilege for your lifestreams to render such a service.  

(This instruction on the body will be continued in the February issue.)


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You will be supplied with the sequence of the Retreats to be active for the year 1962, with the breathing statements, the Sponsor and Thoughtform by special letter. This will be forwarded to you just as quickly as we receive it here at Headquarters. 

God's Love is so great and the Ascended Host of Light so kind and considerate of their Chelas, ever anticipating the assistance they shall need, and so a Channel has been provided by which you may receive the Ascended Masters Plan for the New Year of 1962. 

Seal yourselves in a Pillar of Violet Fire and hold your attention unwaveringly on your God Presence and the feeling of God's Love and you shall ever know the Truth that will set not only you but your fellowman free. 

May God's Great Cosmic Flames of Love, Illumination, and the Power of the Great Silence fill your worlds now and be forever sustained until your service is completed and you are called Home in the Victory of your Ascension.