The Maha Chohan

Many individuals think that for energy to be harmonious, it must all be spent in devotion, prayer, ceremonial service and solemn invocations directly concerned with spiritual aspiration. The Truth is, that ALL constructive and harmonious energy is a natural expression of the God life, whether it be the loving service of friend to friend, or the constructive creation of a bench, a chair, or a garment. 

A woman may be scrubbing a floor on her hands and knees, immersed in suds and water, yet her energy may be very harmonious and peaceful in that activity, and there will rise to her Causal Body every electron released in such an act. A priest may stand on an altar with the Host elevated, in a state of rebellion, resentment or hate and not an electron of that elevation will add an ounce of energy toward his Freedom! 

Saint Francis of Assisi, and so many Holy Ones, dedicated their lives to humble service; walking the roads, serving the poor, feeding the hungry, and ministering to the ill. 

If you can understand that making a bed can be a devotional act wherein the energy passing through you becomes part of the magnetic pull to raise you into your Ascension, you are receiving in the hourly occupations, opportunities for you to complete the spiritual pull which will raise the tortured soul into Peace, which is its rightful estate as a member of God's Kingdom. 

Let us take an example: If you find a child weeping, the energy of that child is unhappy and therefore the Holy Christ Self can receive NONE of that energy to build for the ascension of that baby - the Holy Christ Self has no use for that despondent energy. 

If the conscious student, entering the aura of that child, can charge the feelings, not by suppression or fear which might make him stop crying but continue the radiation of rebellion, but by replacing the despondency with happiness, instantly the Holy Christ Self of the child receives the ascending energy and that becomes part of the glory which will ascend that lifestream one day. The marvelous thing is that the Holy Christ Self then directs into YOUR Causal Body exactly the same amount of energy that the child has released in happiness, plus interest so to speak, for YOUR Freedom! 

It is the most marvelous investment to awaken good feelings wherever you move, and it is the only investment that will ensure your own Ascension. 

Every tear you cause another to shed, may be just the ounce of energy that COULD have freed the Spirit at a given moment. Can you then see how intricately are interwoven the threads of individuals' lives, and how potent a force you are in your environment and community, for you are either generating good karma for those around you, or you are adding to their chains! 

Take an inventory and see what effect your lifestream has on the members of your family, as well as the people you contact daily; in the grocery store, or on the street, or wherever it may be. If you have left each individual HAPPIER and more peaceful when you leave, then you have fulfilled your Divine Plan for that moment, and you have rendered a spiritual service in lightening the burden of the world. 

Wherever you go, if there is the slightest inharmony left behind you, through any thought, feeling, word, or act of your lifestream you are responsible to the God Presence and the other people for the discordant energy; and also you take back into your own world more discordant energy which adds to the chains by which you are already bound: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," is an occult law! 

Energy, in order to qualify for "payment" of one's debts, need not be spiritually qualified as long as it is constructively or harmoniously qualified. This opens a wide field for thought and contemplation, and it enables many a lay-brother who is yet bound by obligations and duties and the wheel of moral and monetary obligations, to understand that this spiritual unfoldment is not delayed by reason of his present limitations, but that he can achieve his Victory in any state of circumstances and environment in which his karma has placed him. Each individual can rest in Peace, knowing that whatever work or activity by which his outer mind thinks he is earning a living, can be a funnel through which his energies are returned to his Causal Body to form the Glory and the Magnet which will one day draw his body into the union with Spirit. 

When fifty-one per cent of anyone's energy is constructively qualified, he or she is ready for the Ascension; and your energy can be constructively qualified whether you are a bootblack or a banker! 

Let the students not seek the long robed garments of outer ritual and mistake the opportunity of each day, where not a vestment but the HEART can determine the Glory of tomorrow: 

If you will divide your life into a twelve-hour span and watch how the energy of your lifestream is qualified within that period, you can check yourself at the close of each day as to whether 51% of that energy is written off constructively or otherwise. You can then see how many wasted days and years there are in the average life. If a twelve-hour period passes and the energy has been discordantly qualified for over 51% of that day, you have not stepped closer to your freedom. 

When you pin the personal self down to a small day's chart, you can realize that if your shoes are laced in a harmonious manner, that energy goes on the side of the constructive balance which your God Presence can use to ascend you. 

The Law is that the energy MUST BE harmoniously released - not spiritually released - to ensure your freedom. 

If each night before retiring you would recall, in a backward order, all the happenings of the day, classifying them as constructive or otherwise; then rejoice for the good deeds knowing that you have made deposits in your Spiritual Bank in the Causal Body and for the discordant situations invoke the Law of Forgiveness and resolve that next day the number of good deeds shall be greater it would be most helpful to your spiritual progress. 

The Bridge from the human octave to the Divine is Love - on Love mankind went forth and crossed the Great Divide, and when they lost Love, they lost the pathway Home! 

Who among you will open the hearts of the people and let that great Bridge of Love from within their own lifestreams, made up of their own life energy, surge forth like a golden tunnel of Light and provide for them the natural means of reunion with Divinity? How many hearts can you open? How grateful will be the lifestreams who can pass on the bridge of their own love into the Kingdom! You think you have experienced ecstasy, but I tell you each one that once you generate in another soul the quality of LOVE which forms that bridge into the Heart of God and see one Pair of feet walk across into Freedom, you will know why God created us and endowed us with the ability to share this Spiritual Ecstasy that I know so well, and because I know it, I want you to share!






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