From August 15th through September 14th, the Liberty Flame will be sending its mighty Radiation into the Earth and her people, under the direction of the Great Hierarch of this Retreat, Paul, the Venetian. 

While this powerful focus of the Three-fold Flame of God represents the Holy Trinity for the Earth, remember that each one of you is also a Guardian of that Flame, in that you carry a replica of that same Liberty Flame within your own Heart. You may call to it at any moment of the day or night. 

One of the Great Ones has suggested that after you have expanded that Threefold Flame in your heart, that you treat any problem you may have, no matter what it is; whether it is lack of faith, supply, sickness, disappointment in others or whatever it may be, treat that problem by drawing the disturbed energy INTO THE FLAME IN YOUR HEART: Transmute it there by LOVE in your breathing while the breath is HELD, and then breathe it out through the disturbed energy charged with Divine Love in its mighty Balancing Activity of Life. Do not requalify it after you have transmuted it into perfection through the Love of your Heart. 

Cultivate LOVE, in your dealings with one another and observe the uplift of soul which follows its use.

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You are to be among the guests of honor at my Chateau. This Retreat represents the activity of the Holy Trinity. We always try to bring the action of the "Three in One" to the attention of our visitors. The steps leading to the front entrance are in groups of three, a grassy sward separating one group from another. The first landing contains a beautiful fountain of blue fire activity; the second landing has a fountain with the gold fire; and at the top of the steps is the fountain with the pink fire radiating from it; the Pink Flame being closest to the special service which we give there. 

The Altar is in three tiers, the lowest one covered with beautiful roses; the second tier has two beautiful candelabrums; the third tier holds the Grail from which the Liberty Flame expands. 

Mankind has desired Liberty for many ages, from the time the Immortal Three-fold Flame of Life was projected by the Godhead and the first individualization of himself realized "I AM"! From that time on, the great First Cause gave into the use of that Flame of Life - FREE WILL - LIBERTY - in the use of that Flame, by which each individual so created may grow into limitless perfection. No matter how dense the accumulation around the human form, within the heartbeat is that same God-given prerogative of freewill to use life and reap the harvest of that using. 

Since it is on the wings of your attention that you come to our Retreat, I wish you would return to the Chateau De Liberte when you place your bodies at rest, that I may have the pleasure of taking you myself through the gardens. I want you to feel my Love for you each one, for I believe in you. 

As your project, I would like to ask you to take someone with whom you do not feel in absolute accord, and send your feeling of Divine Love to such a one. There may not be any such person in your world you may feel harmony with all life but if there is such a one, within this thirty day period I think I shall provide one for you! There is no challenge in loving Life that doesn't bother you. There is no challenge in saying the words of Divine Love while everyone is out of your way that is discordant, but the challenge comes when energy in man, beast, or elemental treads on your toes, so to speak. During this period we shall provide a Sponsor to assist you in the activity of manifesting this pure Divine Love.




By Ascended Master Paul, the Venetian

The correct understanding of the God Power Almighty is essential for the individual to become the Holy Spirit in Action. 

Energy is man's to command: Energy becomes power through use, whether in the wielding of a sledge hammer or the strengthening of the biceps of the arm or in wielding the God Power Almighty in strengthening the full momentum of the Victory of the individual wishing to identify himself with this God Power and catapulting it into the atmosphere, commanding the Electronic Light to express the completed form of his fiat or decree. 

This Law of Balance, also referred to as the Law of Retribution set forth in the old axiom, "As you sow, so shall you reap," was not intended as a threat of punishment for evil doers but as an expression of the mathematical precision of Life; that you must sow your seed for Perfection in concise mathematical accuracy and that your reaping will be in exact proportion to your sowing. This Law has been dulled in its potency by the inference that, "If you cast your bread upon the waters, your good will be returned to you." This is true, but it is a haphazard way of living as your "bread" has no definite form or precision of outline. 

He who would work with the Divine Plan tunes in consciously to the Perfect Etheric Plan, and rather than daily "casting bread" haphazardly, takes that Great Energy of Life, coupled with his mental picture, and DRIVES it into the substance of Earth by the Power of his feeling. Then, issuing the Great Fiat "I AM", projects into the mental form the Perfected Atom which is the cohesive power of Love. Instead of receiving back miscellaneous "loaves and fishes," one becomes the Master of Energy and receives back exactly that which one has ordered. 

The right hand is the directing wire through which the energy may be catapulted into the appearance world, and as you are conscious of it as the Representative of the Holy Spirit; you become the authority of Life when you release that energy through the hand in a Cosmic Fiat. 

In the privacy of your own room, you can draw that energy into your body with your left hand and then catapult it into your world with your right hand, and thus see some definite manifestation by your conscious use of this law of Life. 

The energy of man's world reaching to his fingertips is his sole concern, and when that energy is completely harmonized, purified, and charged with the understanding and consciousness of Faith in the Light of God that never fails, no outer condition or expression of another can disturb the inner Peace and Tranquility of the student. 

The attention is constantly pouring into appearances which are none of the concern of the individual seeking Mastery over himself. 

If you will examine your feeling world throughout one half-hour, you will find a tremendous pressure of opinion about the actions and re-actions of individuals in your personal association, governmental affairs, business, etc. All these opinions are based on one's ignorance of the complete plan and create vortices of inharmony in your world which begin to spew forth the disintegrating processes of both the flesh body and the constructive endeavors of the Lifestream. 

If an individual could refrain for even one twenty-four hours from any opinion about the rest of the world, keeping his attention one-pointed on his own "I AM" Presence, such an one would find that the natural flow of harmonious energy through his own lifestream would not only dissolve the impurities of the flesh but the limitations of both finance and unhappiness. 

You have seen the gently flowing water of a clear mountain stream through a deep, clear bed, and then the chaos of the rapids and how difficult if not impossible it is to guide a barque through the raging, broken rhythm of the rocky river bed of these rapids. This gives a small mental picture of the average man's feeling world. 

The sooner the student recognizes that his attention must be controlled and focused on his own Victory, the sooner he releases every human being from the pressure of his feelings. The pressure of energy directed through a strong opinion driven at any one, a member of your family, a business associate, or a political figure, enters that individual's world and ofttimes swerves him from the fulfillment of his own Divine Plan. It draws back into your own world the condition you see in the other one, and many times forms a mental carbuncle which is ugly to behold and a serious obstruction to your own Divine Plan. 

When a Master presents instruction or a Code of Living to a group of individuals, he must project that energy through their mental concepts. Thus the calm, serene, open-minded persons receive a great deal more than the one who is strongly opinionated. 

Strongly opinionated people are their own worst enemies for they create a fort of formidable strength against the inrush of the God-Power from their "I AM" Presence. I would ask that, not mentally, but in your feeling worlds, you begin now to release every person, place, condition and thing from the pressure of your personal ideas. 

Turn your attention to your "I AM" Presence; walk into the Light of the Pure Energy surging through you to set you free! Recognize that "I AM" Presence active in all you contact. I guarantee that twenty-four hours of conscious application will prepare you for a release from your Presence that will transform you and your world, as you will apply it.








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