by Jesus, the Christ

All Hail, this blessed morning in the name of the Victorious All-Christ! I am grateful to speak my words to those of you who BELIEVE the creed that many express - the possibility of a conscious "communion" between "sainted" and unascended beings. 

All over our planet Earth this Easter Morning, as I follow the rising of the Sun, good and sincere men and women have gathered, worshipping the Resurrected Power of the Christ, giving honor and glory to the Power of Resurrection. At the same time, individuals who represent, the Mosaic religion were completing their services of the Passover, and the joy and glory of liberation from bondage. The great Being who on Earth was known as "Moses" (now Lord Ling) poured his Radiation coupled with my own, into, through and around all lifestreams who are endeavoring through their own hearts and in their own ways, according to their customs and beliefs, to restore to the world mental Peace, emotional stability, physical honesty and spiritual integrity in a World Brotherhood where every man is a Prince in his own household; every woman a Queen, and every child a Vestal Virgin of living Light. 

On this Easter morning again I stand in the Heart of your Immortal Threefold Flame and say to you that the same Flame by which I attained my Victory, beats within your heart as well! 

I come with a definite thought this morning! I ask each of you - WHAT DOES MY LIFE, AND WHAT DOES MY RESURRECTION MEAN TO YOU? I want you to think about that. What actually does it mean in the change of the vibratory action of your own feelings; in the stability and acceleration of your mental capacity; in the revivification of all the glory that you knew as well as I, when we dwelt together in the Father's House before the world was! 

In a resuscitated flesh body, magnifying the Lord of Life and Light, does my RESURRECTION, my Ministry and my example, and the Presence of the Flame of God within you mean those things? Or do they mean just a story that is told during Holy Week, rousing the surface tides of sentiment and to again sink beneath the mass pressures of earning one's bread by the sweat of the brow, dealing with personalities and the constant pull upon the energies of your inner and physical vehicles that leave you devitalized. 

I lived long, beloved ones, to make that Ministry an example and the Victory possible. Long, long, long ages ago did I study the powers of Resurrection! Long, long ages before I was known by the name and took the embodiment of Jesus, did I love "Ahoura Mazda" and see as the Sun rose in the heavens, the example of that which man should be 

I walked with the Israelites into the Holy Land. I was part of the joy and celebration as we carried victoriously the Ark of the Covenant and the magnificent Commandments that Moses carved out of stone. I was there when he stood almost alone on the top of that mountain, when most of those he had drawn out of Egypt were disgruntled among themselves. 

I stood with him as the tears coursed down his face and as he faced the heart of the Great Eternal One whom he had vowed to serve. He wrote laboriously for there was no easy method of parchment paper and fountain pen. He wrote that which he could receive and before he descended from that mountain he was so distressed, he destroyed in impatience and anger and disappointment that which he had written! Of course he had to again make the ascent and re-do in love the same thing! 

I was among those who gathered with Lord Maitreya, when it came time on the cosmic screen of life for the coming of the Messiah. I was among those who stood with that great Guru, Glory be to his Holy Name, and at that time I stood the initiations with the others. As Mother Mary has told you, I was chosen because through ages of time I had prepared to be, as best I knew how, a selfless instrument in the hands of the One Eternal Father, endeavoring to carry through the veil of birth, with the necessary forgetfulness that is part of the karma of the race, an Image of the Immortal One. I give praise and thanks daily before the Infinite Fount that feeds my life and yours, for Beloved Mary and Beloved Joseph who preceded me and who held that Immaculate Concept until my own Holy Christ Self could catch hold of the brain and the outer sufficiently for me to remember even a little of Beloved Lord Maitreya and the Beloved Eternal 

Father and of My Mission 

It was the strength of those two great Beings, Beloved Joseph and Blessed Mary, that helped me through those early years. Some of you have been to Luxor; most of you left it hurriedly and some without exceeding grace! Many of you have read about it. I was taken there as a very small Child. I remember the heat of the marble beneath my feet and the heat of the relentless Egyptian Sun, and my hand was moist in the palm of my mother as I stood for the first time before the tremendous Temple. I seemed no higher than a thumb before its columns and the radiation that went there from. 

Then there came a parting from the One, remember, who had held the Immaculate Concept for me; who had kept me as a bird in a feathered nest of down, and I had to relinquish her hand and walk with the inexorable disciplined Priests of Luxor, into that Temple and take my place with no regard or special privileges. Those priests were not allowed to know; only the Hierarch knew of what I was going to do. They gave me no regard as to age, mission or anything else! I went through those initiations and disciplines in my physical body, beloved ones! 

Was I ever happy and glad when I would be released, sometimes at noon, sometimes not until the cool of the evening. Whatever time my day was through, there on the steps sat my mother, and always she had with her some little refreshing fruit, some fresh tunic, something to give me a little courage and comfort; and do you know, I was not allowed to even speak to her of that which went on within the Temple! Often when I returned home and was placed upon the pallet which was my bed, the disciplines and the tests would make me turn from side to side and I could find no sleep! I thought if I could have but one confidante, and yet the nearest and the dearest within hand's reach - and yet across my lips the vow of Silence had placed the cross!

Beloved Mary received some training at Luxor in the powers of the resuscitation of the physical body, which were of great help in my own experience that was to come. 

WHY did I do all this? Why do I describe it to you? Because I LOVE YOU and I want the RESURRECTION and my Life and my Victory over seeming illnesses and so-called death to BE PART OF YOU! 

When we went back to Jerusalem, Father passed on very soon. Then I was called upon to go away across rough country, one pair of sandals, one tunic, and a woolen robe that mother had prepared - a crust of bread! No crown of Light - no hovering dove - just a pilgrim among men entering into the heart of India to find the KEY which would sustain me - leaving alone that blessed woman who had done so much for me from the time my eyes could focus and I could see in her the Angelic Host - leaving her alone to outward appearances, and to her God! 

In India, I was not received with great acclaim, with flower strewn paths; in fact, my Guru never even turned his head when I joined the group of silent pilgrims seated about him. So far as they were concerned, I was just another hopeful neophyte, hoping to receive not through worded instruction but through the impress of what the Guru was directing outward in the subtle and spiritual realm, hoping to draw that into my own mind and feelings, brain structure and body. And so I did! I received the simple statement - "I AM" THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE" - and "I AM" THE ASCENSION IN THE LIGHT" - that was the full sum total of my instruction after a pilgrimage that took so long and so much of physical energy! Yet today, you have so much, so much of the Masters' Life invested in you! 

I brought that home within my breast, joyous and happy and grateful that I could make it my own - that Resurrection Flame within my physical body, within my mental and emotional worlds, and within my etheric consciousness until every one of them would vibrate at a rate which would make me in constant communion with Beloved Lord Maitreya. He was to use my hands in healing; he was to use my lips in speaking, and my body for the three years of the ministry to render specific service, and you all know of that public ministry. 

The miracles and marvels that you read about in a few short chapters are but a fragment of the thousands of years that went into making that ministry possible! All credit is given unfortunately to myself, but I was only One of a band of many who made the great Victory possible. I walked in public ministry and rendered that service of healing with the full cosmic pressure and consciousness of Lord Maitreya which had blended into my own Electronic Presence and expanded my Causal Body, and that full pressure of healing and love which was and is Lord Maitreya's, was my own! We became one completely in the baptism of the Jordan and we remained so during the time of my Earth Life! 

Lord Maitreya has kindly said that when he chose to raise his hand in benediction, my hand automatically went up; that when he chose to speak, I was in a state of Listening Grace so that his words might flow! So, although we were two, in reality we were one! And it is so with the Ascended Host - all of them use anyone, you unascended beings, any of you who are in a state of Listening Grace! 

It is said that every man can be your Teacher and it is true! Sometimes the Word of God comes from the lips of the seemingly unlearned as well as from the lips of the Teacher, the Rabboni, the Priest, Minister or the Lecturer! My public Ministry being completed, we began to discuss the development of my lifestream to the point where I could submit to a public crucifixion. 

Luke, as the Physician, was very skeptical of such a thing because it is one thing to resurrect a physical body from whence you have consciously drawn your breath through the mental, emotional, etheric and physical into the Flame, and then to resurrect that, to pour that Light back when you are in a sanctified atmosphere - when your physical body has not been marred and mutilated and treated badly from a physical standpoint. It was the strength of Beloved Mary and John who helped me from this side and of the great Maha Chohan, Gabriel, Beloved Joseph who had passed on, who helped me from the other side. 

At the time of the crucifixion, it was the love and help of my Beloved Mother who enabled me to compose myself to pass through that experience without allowing either the hatreds or the fears of those I loved, to anchor in. It is one thing to face an angry mob as Master, but it is another thing when those who are your family and disciples, who are full of fear and questioning and are thinking within themselves - "This man in whom we put our trust has failed" - and they are a little ashamed and hiding, safe and secure from a like fate. I do not blame them at all, but it is those things that one faces in a public experience such as I had, and which, thank God none of you will have to experience! 

It was to hold myself so fully within the realization that this Victory was possible; to be emotionally at peace with the mob, which was easy to do; with my disciples that were gone, and with myself; to keep mentally alert to do the process learned at Luxor of withdrawing the energies and life from the body so that it would feel no pain, and to keep etherically before myself the recollection of Lord Maitreya and the Father - THAT was my service on Calvary's Hill! 

Do you think that was easy? I did it for LOVE OF YOU. Blessed Mary stood there all that long time and she said herself the only way she kept herself from going mad, was to keep recollecting the happy events of our lives together and holding the Immaculate Concept. When they took the body down, fortunate we were that it was enabled to be put in a sanctified place that had not been polluted and was not full of other bodies! 

There, the process of resuscitation and Resurrection took place. There we tried, Beloved Lord Maitreya, Beloved Gabriel and Hope, the Maha Chohan, Joseph and my own Holy Christ Self, we began slowly to lower the etheric vehicle into the flesh form again. I could not allow the stigmata to record on the etheric body so it had to be withdrawn while I still kept consciousness out here, because I had certain directives which I gave at the last moment from the cross, yet I had to be so withdrawn that there was no mark on the etheric vehicle. As we lowered it in through the physical body, and through the hands which had suffered some and the side of the body, I was able to take full possession and, THANK GOD, THE RESURRECTION WAS ACCOMPLISHED! 

Beloved ones, that Resurrection was accomplished through the help and assistance of many, and it was accomplished to show you what can be done and what I hope will be done by many unascended beings that walk the ways of Earth. 

As I came out from the tomb: I spoke first with my Blessed Mother and I admit she wept some when she saw the Victory was complete. I asked of her that great renunciation, that she stay rather than go with me into the glory of the Ascension. I told her if she would stay, it would be offered to her and to John to daily receive instruction on the Law during a period of approximately thirty years, and that I could, in the fuller free estate of the Father's Home in which I dwelt, bring forth certain revelations. These revelations are still in manuscript and will be released when mankind come to a point where the rich do not want to put them into museums, and the poor do not want to sell them for the wherewithal to eat, but when everyone wants their content for their own and their fellowman's glorification! 

Then forty days spent with my beloved friends and disciples and my mother; and forty days thereafter I walked up Bethany's Hill and it was an easy walk because my mother had walked it so many years while I was in India; she had made a path with her blessed feet and I mean not only a path of Light but a physical path where the grasses had been worn away, and every place I put my feet, I felt her prayer, her love and her energy! 

When I stood on Bethany's Hill - Oh - the upsurge of the energy which resulted from the years that she had prayed there, making the very beam of energy, the Ladder of Light over which I might ascend in the full consciousness of my own resuscitated vehicle and before the physical sight of those who chose to witness it! Some did not! At the start of the Transfiguration and Transmutation, almost everyone fell upon their faces! That is so often the case when the great Light comes and the experiences for which lifestreams wait through the ages, then at the very moment of the experience, the outer consciousness either blacks out or falls upon its face! 

A few did witness it and it was so recorded! It was on Mary's love and light that I ascended and that Pillar of Light remains on Bethany's Hill - the etheric record of that Ascension remains there - as well as the words that I spoke during those thirty years when I conversed with her and with John. 

Mary and John brought my words down to the small humble community which Mary had established around the granary at the foot of Bethany's Hill. Remember, beloved ones, after all of that, there were about forty in her community - so you do not do so badly only forty after all the thousands of years of work, all the sacrifice, all those many lifestreams, and it is a tremendous thing that it has grown in impetus because it has grown in glamour! Two hundred years from now, you will all have beautiful halos and you will be on beautiful statues and you will have lost all your sins and you will be just magnificent beings of light! So live - and wait!

We were real men and women; part of the karma of the race and I talk to you frankly as a man who lived; a man who consciously gave his body to death; a man who chose to resurrect it, and with the help of Almighty God and his Messengers, was able so to do, and I say the things that I have done, you each one, shall do also - ELSE MY LIFE, MY SUFFERING AND THAT OF ALL MY GROUPING WOULD HAVE BEEN IN VAIN! 

A Holy and Happy Easter, beloved friends of Light, and as we close the service, will you play that prayer that meant so much to me - The Lord's Prayer - and hold in mind during the playing of it, every lifestream that you know is in distress today, and direct a beam of Light which carries the Presence, the confidence and the Victory of the Ascended Jesus Christ. Forget not in that prayer ALL who have none to pray for them. Thank you!






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