by Lady Amaryllis

Beloved Ladies and Gentlemen upon the Earth today, I come, the Goddess of Springtime, to bring to you a remembrance of the constancy which is required to bring Beauty in manifest form again and again to the remembrance of the outer consciousness of mankind. 

Springtime is purposeful; its purpose being to bring cognizance to the mankind on Earth of an Immortality to the Nature Kingdom, an Immortality in the Animal Kingdom, and an Immortality in the Human Kingdom as well, which we celebrate around the Feast Days of the Beloved Jesus.

"I AM" the Daughter of the Beloved Maha Chohan, and therefore my service through the ages has been one with him. 

We have flowers from other planets 

For nine hundred years I prepared this blessed Earth for the coming of the Holy Innocents at the time when Helios and Vesta themselves thought it time for the Earth to be populated. We designed at inner levels every type of Flame Flower from every Planet belonging to this System. We had a most magnificent Spring when mankind first came to the Earth. We have remained for millions of years in this same Office. 

Some think because Spring is fragile and delicate that such Office is one of great delicacy. It takes tremendous tenacity of concentration to make and create a Springtime for an entire Planet, bringing forth from the effluvia of human creation and discordantly qualified energy with which mankind and animal life cover our Beloved Virgo, and create and resuscitate Beauty in form - in flower, shrub and in every manifest form. 

All of us who represent the Spring of Life say to you, that Spring of Life which I represent to the Planet is also alive within you! Is your Spring of Life flowing freely or is that spring so small that it only feeds the necessity of retaining consciousness mentally, emotionally, etherically and physically? I represent the Cosmic Spring of Life and I touch that spring within your heart so that it shall flow freely and you, too, shall enjoy the power of Resuscitation and Restoration. What I have done, you, too, shall do! 

One day someone else shall hold my Office representing the Spring of the Earth, the buoyancy which is the life-beat of the entire Planet which keeps her turning in her orbit, and will in due course bring her to the magnificent perfection which she had when we first designed her preparatory to the coming of the First Root Race. 

We do not leave an Office in any Ascended Master capacity until another Divine Being has been prepared or has accepted that Office. 

There are many chelas who would like to be the Spirit of Springtime, thinking it merely the garlanding of themselves with the spring flowers. I would advise such chelas to be wise and choose whether they desire to spend eons of time with a Planet yet unborn, or with this Earth bringing back every blade of grass. There is intelligence within Nature. Do you think the Spirit of the Grass wants to take re-embodiment at the close of one year, after it has performed its service through the hard surface of the Earth and then is stamped upon, clipped or used in imperfect ways? No! That Spirit desires to stay in the Realms where Gratitude is expressed". 

It takes persuasion of Beings like myself to get them to come forth again and again, season in and season out. Some of the most exquisite species that were on the Earth in earlier days, through free will have no longer shown themselves upon the Earth but remain at Inner Levels where there is sufficient Gratitude for their Presence. 

Think, and cognize fully your opportunity to bless every blade of grass, every living thing as the Maha Chohan does - as I do - as Holy Mary does - and every Being of Light in God's Kingdom! You thus become part of that Life and in blessing you expand the Spring of your own Life Essence and can more quickly attain the Victory of your Ascension and a particular Office. 

Live always in the Eternal Spring 

You who aspire towards the Expression of Divinity, we come to the Open Door of a Holy Season, a Season which is impregnated with Hope and Faith, with the consciousness and vitality of Life Eternal - a Season when the memory of the RISEN CHRIST and the Gifts of his blessed Mother are brought to the attention of the people. I ask you in that remembrance that there be resuscitated with you NOW, the Glory of the Resurrection and allow that Resurrecting Power to be the ONLY POWER acting in through and around you! 

Let not another springtime come and go; let there be no Autumn for your life. Let it be lived always in the Eternal Spring for if it were not possible of accomplishment, I would not have told you! We speak only those words which are Truth expressed. 

In the Name of the Father who made you, and the Son whom you represent, and the Holy Spirit who is my Father, I bless you this Holy Springtime!






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