In Shamballa, Etheric City over the Gobi Desert, Asia


HIERARCH: Lord Gautama, now Lord of the World

    COLOR OF FLAME: Pink, Gold and Blue

                    MUSICAL KEYNOTE: "Song of India" by Rimsky Korsakov


November 15th through December 14th, 1961 


November 18, 1961

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"I AM" inbreathing from Beloved Shamballa its balance of Love, Wisdom and Power

"I AM" absorbing   from Beloved Shamballa its balance of Love, Wisdom and Power

"I AM" expanding  from Beloved Shamballa its balance of Love, Wisdom and Power

"I AM" projecting  from Beloved Shamballa its balance of Love, Wisdom and Power


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World Brotherhood

World Brotherhood, as sponsored by THE BRIDGE and all its subsidiary publications, does not constitute the leveling of all men to the sub-standards of the lowest strata of human kind, but rather the conscious raising, through education and competent guidance, of the entire race through the individual to the highest standards of moral, ethical, economical and spiritual maturity.






Letter to the Flame Class

November 18, 1961

Beloved of My Heart: 

God love your tenacity of purpose which makes it possible for us to continue to hold open the Cosmic Grant of the Karmic Board, so that you can freely (in projected consciousness) day or night; visit the Ascended Master Focus of the Month. 

Again, we are privileged to enter into the Presence of Lord Gautama, Lord of the World, and look upon the very beautiful Three-fold Flame brought to the Earth by Sanat Kumara himself. This Flame has been guarded by Sanat Kumara and the other Kumaras for eons of time, until the present Hierarch, Lord Gautama, prepared himself and was accepted by the Karmic Board as the new Lord of the World. 

I shall here ask you a very personal question: Are you as faithful, patient, constant and one-pointed to render this service to your own Holy Christ Flame? That is "your assignment" - and the expansion of your own Holy Christ Flame adds to the Light of the World. 

By the expansion of your own Holy Christ Self, with the Gentlemen Sponsors from Shamballa assigned to you by Lord Gautama, you are guaranteeing to the Great White Brotherhood that all of their energies so lovingly invested in you, are truly in-breathed, absorbed, expanded and projected for the blessing of all who use the Earth as a planetary Home. It also prepares you, as the same exercise prepared Lord Gautama, for a greater Position in the Eternal Scheme of Cosmic Creation. Come, let us together visit Shamballa and place our sheaves upon the lap of Gautama and bless him and Sanat Kumara for their Service to this Earth. I shall await you there. 

Love and blessings



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by The Maha Chohan 

The Feast of Thanksgiving is a Universal Cosmic Activity that takes place at inner levels and has been celebrated for eons of time. 

When America first acknowledged Thanksgiving, the early forefathers merely tuned in to this Cosmic Day. It is significant that the United States is the only Nation on the Earth today who celebrates this Holy Service when Life pours forth gratitude for all that is given. 

With the Great Helios, I represent one of the Hierarchies who is the recipient of the Gratitude from all life for our Outpouring through Nature and the avenues that supply energy to the people of Earth. This has been my very great privilege for many centuries. At inner levels the Thanksgiving Ceremony is celebrated by every Angel, Master and Nature Spirit, for they know that the very breath in their nostrils has come to them through Grace, and passes through my Body. 

Mankind's attention is more or less upon the satisfaction of the outer senses, but there will come a day when the people of Earth (as the early Pilgrims) will pour gratitude to Nature for an opulent harvest and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit manifest throughout the year. 

The Holy Season, from Thanksgiving through New Years, is a Godsend to the Hierarchy that govern this Universe, for mankind's attention is the most valuable lever by which we can raise them again to Perfection. Through the course of the busy year, their attention is not easily gained even for a moment, but during the Christmas Season, the resentment and rebellion at Godly things are held in abeyance, and through their receptivity we can more quickly permeate them with the true understanding of Life.






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