In our editorial in the January 1960 "Bridge" magazine, we announced four steps of progress. Today, we are announcing a Fifth step, namely the removal of the Mother House of our Beloved Maha Chohan (and the Headquarters of The Bridge to Freedom Activity) carried out under his personal directions from Charlottesville, Virginia to St. James, Long Island, N.Y. 

The purpose to be achieved at Charlottesville, by the Hierarchy and the Heart Center of the Activity, was realized sooner than was expected, for which the whole Staff there merits the congratulations of the Hierarchy. 

Several strategic points in America and in the world are being spiritually reinforced for protection of wide areas in relation to the coming changes connected with the straightening of the Axis of the Earth; and the Heart Center of The Bridge Activity has been assigned now to render on Long Island the same service they rendered so successfully in Virginia. This is our Fifth step of progress. We continue therefore, in the process of the vitalization and expansion of The Bridge to Freedom Activity.


Our new address is P. O. Box 777, St. James, Long Island, New York, U.S.A. 


(The Ascended Master El Morya)