Letter to the Flame Class of July 15th, 1961

Beloved Ones who seek Light upon your Path: 

The very seeking of THAT LIGHT is the seed or magnetic power which shall draw to you, individually and collectively, as much Light and Illumination as your consciousness is prepared to receive.

The God and Goddess Meru, in their Focus near Titicaca, guard much of the Spiritual Wealth of this Earth. Beloved Himalaya has already transferred a great many priceless documents from the Orient to God Meru's Retreat. Now, there is your opportunity, when you desire illumination and knowledge for the express purpose of helping not only yourselves but others, to read the scrolls written by Lord Gautama, Beloved Jesus, and many Sages of the past. Your Sponsors, All Gentlemen empowered with the strength of the Gods of the Mountains, will refresh your Divine Memories so you can enjoy these priceless doctrines in their original text (not as translated by lesser minds in later generations). 

Come, join with me in the Presence of the God and Goddess Meru and let me place your dear fingers upon the unrolled scrolls and read with you what God through Illumined Beings has revealed. 

Love and Blessings,




by Kuthumi

(reprinted by request)

It is my pleasure and privilege to conduct you, through projected consciousness, to the Beloved Meru's Retreat, situated in the High Andes of South America where the Transmission Flame Ceremonies are performed. This Retreat is the focus for the Great Feminine Ray for the planet Earth, the Masculine Ray being under the guardianship of the Great Himalaya in his Retreat in Tibet; this Feminine Ray expresses itself as the great Flame of Illumination. 

As we approach the great Andes range, we can see the Holy Mountain Meru. Let us think for a moment of that Feminine Ray of the Godhead directed through that mountain where it meets with the Masculine Ray from the great Himalaya and forms the cradle around which the Builders of Form fashioned the planet Earth. 

For many long ages the Masculine Ray has been active. All the great Masters, Gurus and Chelas have been drawn to Himalaya for his teaching and understanding of the law, but as the Feminine Ray in Meru's Heart becomes intensified, you will find in time the jungles will recede and new civilizations will come in. Certain climatic changes will take place and many of the Illuminati of the East will come and sit at the feet of Meru for their complete illumination. 

In this great South American Continent, the great Saithrhu (Manu of the Seventh Root Race) intends to bring forth his people. Of course the God Meru (Manu of the Sixth Root Race) still has many of his people in embodiment throughout the world.

Let us feel the pressure of the tremendous Feminine Ray which is the fertility or manifest expression of all the ideas held in the Mind of the Deity for the planet Earth. All that anchored through the Flame of Meru's Mountain can be yours: We hope you will accept it in your feelings and that you will realize, through proximity to the Flame, the capacity within yourselves to do all the things your hearts desire and that you will be wise enough to hold your attention anchored on the mental concept until manifest expression comes into being. 

The walls in the Lodge of the Retreat, are hung with beautiful tapestries woven by the natives and depicting various activities of the Incan Civilization and the Golden Age when South American culture was at its height. We feel a tremendous sense of peace as the curtain is drawn aside and the guide beckons us to follow down the corridor, carved out of the mountain; in the floor and walls you can see the polished veins of virgin gold. 

At the end of this long corridor we come to the great open chamber where the Illumination Flame burns. The ceremonies in this Retreat are informal compared to the other Retreats. The attending Celestial Hierarchy are all seated Eastern fashion on beautiful pink and gold cushions, in a great circle around the Flame. Some Masters are robed in pure white, others in unadorned gold, but all wear a pink rose, which is the symbol of the Retreat. The Illuminati of the world, men and women, are seated back of the Hierarchy and we will now take our positions behind them. 

The Flame has no chalice, no adornment, not even an Altar. It seems to ascend right out of the heart of the mountain and disappears through the roof of the cave in a pillar of blazing light. Over the mountain is built a gigantic amphitheatre in the form of a rose, and the Flame circles and blazes out over Central and South America. At the outer edges of this beautiful structure are untold numbers of lifestreams, drawn by the feeling of fear and insecurity and upset conditions of the world. In the center of the amphitheatre is seated the Manu of the Seventh Root Race, Saithrhu, surrounded by his people who are destined to take embodiment on this South American Continent. 

By the side of the Flame in the Chamber where it is focused, stands the mighty God Meru. He represents a truly majestic appearance, golden of hair, blue of eye, with a serene and noble countenance. He is wearing a simple garment but banded on the cuffs and hem with deep gold. By his side stands his beautiful Goddess, who is an almost exact replica of him, except her golden hair is longer and flows over her shoulders. She wears a band of light around her head, with a beautiful Pink Flame rising from the forehead. 

A tremendous sense of Peace and well being pervades the entire atmosphere of the Holy Mountain and its vicinity. We, the brothers of the Golden Robe, will take an active part in the expansion of the Flame during the ceremonies and assist in projecting forth the Illumination Flame into the mental and feeling bodies of the race. We ask you to assist us not only tonight but during the entire thirty days it is active. 

As the Breathing Ceremony is about to commence, I must take my place and will say God bless you friends.







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