Letter from the Maha Chohan to the Flame Class

December 16th, 1961

Beloved Ones: 

How often you have desired, impersonally, to learn the lesson of conscious precipitation of Good. Therefore, Confucius and his Brotherhood at the Rocky Mountain Retreat have assigned to you mighty Ascended Master Gentlemen Sponsors to teach you how to precipitate only good. This practice is very important and requires consistent endeavor upon the part of the chela. 

First, the chela must be sure that the motivating power of any manifestation is good, and not selfish; then such a one must create a mental mold of his desire through the use of his own free will, and energize and keep alive that picturization until it enters his etheric consciousness. Purity of the outer consciousness is essential to receive the perfected picture and have enough tenacity to actually bring into the physical world the manifestation upon which he is working, silently and humbly. Rejoice when you have your manifestation and allow it to bless the Earth and all life upon it, never dissipating your regained powers by claiming the manifestation as your own. 

Many chelas throughout the ages have had such manifestations, but the subtle inner human nature tends to enlarge the personal ego by flaunting the manifestation. Loving reverence for life helps the dear chela to enjoy giving of his developed God-Virtues without allowing another unascended being to even suspect that he had passed the training of precipitation. Such silence also protects the earnest chela. 

The Perfected Thought-Form of the Earth is constantly held before the Great White Brotherhood by Immaculata, the Planetary Silent Watcher, so that you can "tune in" to this Thought-form and allow your seven vehicles of expression to become radiating centers through which some part of that perfection can flow constantly, rhythmically and lovingly. 

Looking upon the Chinese Green Flame of Confucius' Retreat, you can become today a part of its Service to all life everywhere. 

I shall help you being a Source of the Precipitation of Comfort! I did not learn to control, mold, externalize, and project God Comfort in one day; but I did learn patience in practice under a very strict Ascended Being. In such patience I qualified to become the Present Maha Chohan, who, with my six sons and lovely daughter, can and do give of our Virtues freely when invited so to do. Do you likewise!

Love and Blessings,






We, the entire Staff of The Bridge to Freedom, and all its associated services, wish to express our deep love and sincere gratitude to each dear student of The Bridge, for your love, your loyalty, your financial assistance, and your faithful service to the Light as presented through the pages of The Bridge to Freedom publications.


Together, we send forth to each dear reader the blessings of our combined lifestreams and wish you the most Holy Christmas Season, and a New Year filled to overflowing with the full power of Light Eternal:


We call to the Great Maha Chohan, and the Ascended Masters El Morya and Saint Germain, to amplify back to you a million fold, your every kindness, generosity, encouragement, and assistance given to us in any way. God bless you each and every one. We LOVE YOU!