I stood at the beginning of the Christian Dispensation and into my arms the Beloved Master Jesus (who was to be the first impetus of that entire Dispensation) was placed - even before his mother received him. I stroked tenderly the soft down on that baby head; I looked into those large liquid eyes that had not yet focused upon the plane of consciousness and shadow into which he had come to function. I touched those petal-soft hands that one day would call the dead to life, and through which would flow the energies by which withered arms would be restored and the blind be made to see. As I looked upon that infant form, there did not seem at that hour to be much except Faith to carry us forward in the hope of establishing a Creed which would become the life breath of millions. 

I walked the long way into Egypt with that Infant and that beautiful girl bride. I made the first pair of sandals for those baby feet. I listened as my beautiful Mary spoke to her son about the importance and devotion that each man should feel toward the souls of other men. I learned of the tenderness of the Eternal in that simple life. Who would have thought then as we lived so simply, as I earned our meager bread as a carpenter, that one day the Christian Religion would be accepted by millions, great edifices would be built, and thousands of voices would join in song and adoration to that small child and his Blessed Mother - and yet - it has been done! 

I see your hearts; I see the strengths and weaknesses and I see the tenderness in each of your souls. Yet I know, for now I see with Freedom's sight, that tomorrow's world is being built today through the consciousness of individuals WILLING to sit at the Feet of the Masters and accept their word, their understanding, their promise, as much of the Vision as their blessed minds can accept, and as much of the Truth as their feelings can absorb. 

Be of good cheer! For centuries I desired to establish a World Brotherhood where every man will love his neighbor and the good of all life be the paramount feeling within the heartbeat. My beloved heart friends, you are building a foundation today just as surely as we that innocent humble family in Galilee - built a Foundation in, through, and around a few fishermen, which has become the strength of a dispensation that has lasted for two thousand years. What is Religion in its final essence but a way to find God, and in that finding, each man to BECOME a God Incarnate! 

Contemplate in the silence of your room the Power of God within you, and allow it to transform your world. I shall help you, for YOU are my Representatives'. You are the lifestreams that mankind can see'. Your bodies, worlds, and consciousness represent my teaching, my World, and my very self! I am dependent upon you to mirror that which you have received thru the years from me. Arise in the mastery of your God-hood: Wear the Robes of Freedom which I give you! Use the Power of the Sacred Fire. Who among you is going to arise and BE? We shall see!








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