An Address by the Ascended Master Serapis Bey,

Director of the Fourth Ray, at

The Bridge 1960 Summer Conference

Harrisburg, Pa.

July 3rd, 1960

Beloved ones who are qualified as Candidates for the Ascension in this embodiment, I greet you on behalf of the Brotherhood at Luxor, in gratitude for the magnificent accomplishments of your own dear lifestreams which enable me, with full confidence, to write upon the breast of your etheric garments "Candidate for the Ascension". 

At Luxor, all my chelas receive their instructions standing upon their own two feet, with spines erect but you have such a kindly Intercessor, my immediate superior, the beloved Maha Chohan, so, in his name, I ask that you please be seated and remain grateful, always, that your present and future training will take place in the comparative comfort of air-conditioned rooms, with nice soft seats, lovely hosts and hostesses, rather than under the hot Sun of Egypt in the noonday heat at Luxor, where the chela is not allowed to wear sandals to protect his feet either from the sand of the desert or from the mosaic floor of the school rooms or the cubicles to which you are assigned wherein you are allowed to assimilate your lessons of the day. 

The disciplines at Luxor are strict because we know that many lifestreams are capable of expressing much more of their own potential Divinity than they choose to utilize and some rather enjoy tarrying along the wayside insofar as Spiritual exercises are concerned. There are other Ascended Master Foci where such individuals can and do receive illumination, either sitting down or lying down (according to their taste) but AT LUXOR, in order to pass successfully through the Seven Temples of Initiation and come forth VICTORIOUSLY, REPRESENTATIVES OF LUXOR'S HOLY LIGHT, with a portion of the ASCENSION FLAME ALIVE WITHIN YOU, it is essential that you have these disciplines. It has not made me the most popular of the Chohans. 

This severity of Discipline has occasionally frightened chelas who came to Luxor to enjoy our library, our sculptures, our activities. These timid ones after spending an hour in the cell assigned to them fly from Luxor and one can't see them for the dust of the desert sands as they make haste back to the temporary "pursuit of happiness. 

I love you! The Seraphic Nature is One of LOVE. Divine Love is a POSITIVE QUALITY, which embodies the capacity to make each lifestream externalize the highest possible expression of God-life that is within him or her. 

I seek LIGHT BEARERS TODAY to consciously carry the ASCENSION FLAME all over the continental surface of this Planet Earth, as well as all over the Oceanic surfaces, even as we (ages ago) carried the physical Spark of the Ascension Flame from Poseidonis, (last remnant of beautiful Atlantis), rowing rhythmically, praying constantly, breathing upon it, sustaining a tiny Ember of that Flame as we rowed CONSTANTLY ONWARD from Alexandria to Karnak and Luxor. As you know we just reached our destination seconds before the tremors of the Earth and the spreading of the Nile told us (without words) that lovely Atlantis and many of our loved ones, had sunk beneath the waves, to rest awhile in the purifying essence of the present Atlantic Ocean. There was not even time for a tear, as we breathed into that Ember of the Ascension Flame until it blazed brighter and brighter forming for you and all imprisoned life, the service of holding a Door Open when each one's time has come, so that you and all imprisoned life can gather your purified energies about you and utilize that Ascension Flame and the assistance of the Brotherhood at Luxor into that beautiful God-Free Glory of the Ascension in the Light. (Note: it does not matter where your physical vehicle should happen to be. We know and render this service for you in LOVE.) 

When we say "Home, to go out no more" that expression gives some of you a feeling of claustrophobia. Many sincere chelas think and feel "oh, my God, I have to stay up there in the Kingdom of Heaven forever". We mean you shall never have to come back into the confines of an earthly vehicle. You will be about OUR FATHER'S BUSINESS, even as we are. You shall have opportunity to soar through interstellar space; to visit other Planets of this System, to visit loved ones in the Ascension Temples. You will take on new Ascended Master and Cosmic Assignments. Many of you, as we have done, will foreswear Nirvana, and, in time, according to your qualifications, become Chohans of the Seven Rays (God help you!) 

From experience I can tell you, it takes considerable patience to be a Chohan or Director of even one Ray - particularly the Ascension Ray. Many people fear they will ascend instantly into the Light if they place their attention upon it. Would that this were so! 

You will not be called before your time. Then the gentle hand of a Seraphim will be placed upon your shoulder, and my voice (or that of your particular Ascended Master Guru) will speak to your heart... saying "My child, you are ready now to come home! Under the previous conditions (when self importance and foolish pride were allowed full sway) individuals were allowed to re-embody again and again in their egotistical desire to further the pattern and plan of God's Perfection on the Earth. Now, as Beloved Brother El Morya has told you, this DISPENSATION IS CLOSED. The Lord Manu of the Seventh Root Race and his First Sub-race are already to come into embodiment, and at the close of your ordinary lifespan, you shall not again embody upon this Earth. 

I think Freedom's Holy Star can spare you when your time comes (not before, of course, because I would not know what to do with you). If I placed you in the Ascension Temples before you where sufficiently developed and you were to meet all your friends and blessed departed ones you, being more advanced than they are, would not stay there. If you should enter into our Realms, as you do in consciousness before you have full conscious-control of your four lower vehicles (emotional, mental, etheric and physical) you should endeavor, through your personal desire to change the Kingdom of Heaven itself, you will find you can't do it. 

Develop those ideas, visions, patterns and plans upon the Earth plane which make comfortable and pleasant the lives of your fellowman and all evolutions in the Earth, upon her surface and in her atmosphere. Surrender of your own ideas (splendid as they may be to you) to the Almighty God who also created you is essential to your being a conscious channel for his expression of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Surrender (by the outer self) is a part of the disciplines at Luxor. 

We have had our outer courtyard changed this week (June 26th through July 3rd, 1960) seven times. The Maha Chohan has asked that I be lenient with the sincere chelas, who have been so cheerfully running about our courtyard with various and sundry chairs and tables and new kinds of flowers, birds and other objects d'art. “I Am" learning PATIENCE, for I love Beauty and Symmetry of Design so much, as that is a part of the Seraphic Nature, Last evening, we had nine chairs in one corner of the courtyard, and another placed two more on top of them. Another sweet soul placed a single marble bench with an entirely different motif and design of a different Era on the other side of the Courtyard. All have been mixing Oriental and Occidental flowers, and our crystal pool, which we keep filled with the exotic Lotus of the East has been changed into every color imaginable. I finally had to enter this melee to speak to the birds and flowers because they had decided amongst themselves to "take off" for Himalaya's Retreat and LASTING PEACE. 

They agreed (as it was a temporary arrangement) to remain. In this courtyard, we have also exquisitely sculptured marble figurines of the Seven Chohans (Directors) including the Lady Nada (who now holds the position previously occupied by Beloved Jesus). Nada was removed because one of our visitors prefers Beloved Jesus. I have the figurine of Nada in my study, as well as most of my other beautiful and irreplaceable objects of beauty, until this experiment is completed. 

Now you have the Maha Chohan, the very gentle Spirit, the great Holy Spirit but oh my, he is strict with us! I don’t mind saying I complained to him about the chaos over there at Luxor and he said now, perhaps you will be the next great Chohan and one of the things perhaps that you require - He always says perhaps - but you know he means "that you require" but he makes it kindly, he has more understanding and patience with earnest and worthy chelas who are endeavoring to utilize powers which we are teaching them, so would you just be so kind just for a week to allow them to play around in your courtyard? Of course his Word is Law. 

Now it has become a rather laughable matter and I'm kind of enjoying it. I'm waiting for the third tier of chairs, I'm waiting for something really spectacular which probably get today. Really it is doing something for my nature and doing a lot for the Brotherhood at Luxor too. 

It is a new kind of discipline for us to see if the water in our fountain is going to be green, yellow, purple, and see what kind of motif the next group is going to bring in, whether Jesus is going to get knocked down and Nada put back and I imagine I’ll probably be "removed" from the pedestal, hah, in the favor of maybe the Maha Chohan, oh, that's all right, I'll stick the bust in my study. I have been knocked down before my Ascension more than once and since my Ascension, it is only that happy feeling of the Ascension Flame that has kept me buoyant enough to continue on and ask the Maha Chohan for a Successor. So this experience teaches me. 

So, come along, you have been there before you walked out before; you won't be thrown out, you come along, you do what you can, see if you can make a Parthenon, a Pyramid without the use of physical labor; just try to reproduce on canvas some of those priceless beautiful pictures that are in your mind, your thoughts and your feelings. The Seraphim have the canvas for you and the brushes and the paints, so you don't have to have a kit before you go to sleep, just come on over and if you want to play something, I will admit I removed our magnificent celestial Harp and piano chord and organ but I have three that will do you well. Play on them some of this celestial music, you will have a very appreciative audience - yes, I will be there! 

I appreciate the endeavor as well as the perfection expressed. I won't bother you. In fact you won't know me, because you know what I'm going to do, I'm going to be one of those little hooded monks in the courtyard, splashing away at water color, to give you courage. I just can't do surrealist art – no - but I will pick out something. I have something in mind, something kind of sweet. I don't dare tell you because you would know me. It has to do with the Forcefield that is now world encompassing from this Class (audience rises). Thank you. 

I might say, in passing, that the unascended members of the Brotherhood at Luxor have come to me again and again to ask WHAT IN HEAVEN'S NAME IS HAPPENING TO THE BEAUTY OF LUXOR. I assure them to be at peace and that, at the request of the Beloved Maha Chohan, some worthy chelas are practicing levitation, precipitation and telepathy, and that, for some unknown reason they chose Luxor rather than the Grand Teton. This is certainly a blessing to Lord Lanto, Confucius and the Brotherhood of Precipitation. (All was restored at Luxor on July 3rd, 1960.) 

Think, beloved ones, of the Power of Hercules and Holy Amazon encompassing the entire Planet Earth with their Illumined Faith and their Illumined Power of Cosmic Christ Protection, giving THAT BLESSING TO ALL LIFE EVERY. WHERE which will be sustained even when you take your sweet and happy departure for your homes. A replica of that will go with you, of course, at the close of this Class (audience rises). Thank you, beloved, and be seated. 

We are in the Temple of Precipitation, supposedly, I don't know why everybody got to Luxor, they should be over with Lanto and Confucius but somehow or other we seem to have a crowd over there. I don't know whether everyone is tired of living down here, or what, but everybody seems to be at Luxor. 

Well, anyway the Sponsors are carrying you to the magnificent Tetons at the proper time so you can present that Petition and have the opportunity of being a credit to the Ascended Master El Morya. How he loves you! 

Why did the small elemental in the palm of the hand of the Seraphim have difficulty walking up the steps to the Halls of Karma and have difficulty opening the door, you have asked? Splendid question deserving of a clear reply - because he became afraid. He was afraid of the power of Light and fear is a lowering of the vibratory action of your vehicles just as buoyancy and happiness and laughter, balanced, is an accelerator of your four lower vehicles. 

There is nobody who can consciously levitate who is physically afraid, who has mental accretions or doubts, who has etheric memories of trying to levitate to show their powers to someone else way back before the Continent of Mu, when they didn't make it and said - oh, look at me - and nothing happened - see. Well if that is there and the cause and core hasn't been removed. what's going to happen when you are faced with the same test if it be two billion years later, if the cause and core of past failure is not removed from all your four lower bodies and vehicles you can never express that mastery in this physical body or your etheric, mental or emotional bodies now. 

The same with the emotional body, containing far the greater part of your blessed God-energies acting through you. If you have had an emotional shock from the first time when you consciously defended and became a Guardian Spirit, as you all are of the peoples of Earth and that emotional scar has not been, removed from your own emotional world over some particular failure upon your own part or upon the part of an unascended teacher, when you endeavor again with new life, new light, greater understanding to do that thing you have - I have explained this before - that scar bursts open, it really runs just like an incision that has been sewn and you are deflated. 

Now don't you think it is time that these causes and cores, flown and unknown, in your lifestreams back to the beginning of recorded time be removed, of a discordant nature, of course, and replaced by the Cosmic Three-fold Flame and the Power of the Three times Three. THEN, if you have to levitate in a hurry, for instance if you are in New York and you have that city under control and there is somebody in Europe who hasn't got that control, you can after settling your city place your second in command in charge there to hold that Focus, and you will have to levitate quickly, whether it is to Europe, to Asia, to Africa, to Latin America, to Australia, or to the Arctic and the Antarctic and you have to do that pretty quickly, beloved ones, to carry that balance. What better time is there to practice on that than now! Think on it! Tomorrow may never come, but today IS for you. 

And always have a "second" in command in the name of God, a second in command who is alert and ready so you can hand them with one hand the power that you wielded and then through projected consciousness or through levitation go to the point where you are directed by your Ascended Master Guru when the assistance is required. If you haven't got a second in command, get yourself as quickly as possible such an individual and if there is no such individual available get yourself some kind of a votive light large enough to burn for twelve or twentyfour hours and have your Group, as we did on our trip from Poseidonis to Luxor, breathe upon it whatever the activity of your Forcefield may be, sustain it till you return, otherwise when you come back you may find embers. 

You know the power that makes a Leader a lasting benefaction to the human race is not felt by those who cluster around in happy assurance of that Leader's proximity until such a one's personage is removed. That is why it is good once in a while, as you have done here, for you to come into our Presence and allow those in lesser command to endeavor to hold the Foci in your cities, states and nations. Then you can examine for yourself the momentum of the Power of those you have trained. Even Jesus himself did not escape this, as you all know in the story in the Bible, he knew his disciples had not learned the Law and so he in himself asked for the Holy Spirit to come and bless them before he made his departure. 

Beloved ones, your dreams and your visions are beautiful. NOW LET'S SEE THEM BECOME ACTIVE IN THIS PHYSICAL APPEARANCE WORLD - I SO DECREE IT AND SO BE IT, BY LUXOR'S HOLY LIGHT! I SO DECREE IT (audience joins in) AND SO BE IT, BY LUXOR'S HOLY LIGHT. I SO DECREE IT AND SO BE IT, BY LUXOR'S HOLY LIGHT! Thank you for that beautiful response. 

I now CHARGE (3x) the Essence within the Communion Cup with the Power of the Ascension Flame. Then as you partake of that Communion you will receive some of the lasting buoyancy and joyousness which is the Nature of the Seraphic Host and which is my Nature too. I love to be happy and to laugh and I love for you to be happy too. 

In the Name, by the Power, through the Full Authority of God, the Father Almighty, God, the Holy Spirit, and God, the Holy Christ Flame, I do CHARGE, CHARGE AND CHARGE into this Communal Cup and into your FEELINGS all the Powers of Luxor's Holy Light, of the Ascension Flame and Ray, the love of the Seraphim and myself.

Ever I Am your Serapis.








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