May 11th, 1960

The great annual Wesak Festival represents the fullest outpouring of Nature represented by the Month of May, and as the planet Earth must be served through her natural faucets, the time of year when the currents of Earth are turned outward toward manifestation and every leaf and tree and bud and blossom are unfolding the beauty of their own heart center, the Hierarchy utilizes this natural force for their greatest outpouring of nourishment to the soul and spirit of man. 

It was the Beloved Lord Gautama Buddha (who is now the Lord of the World) who first joined the mighty course of the River of his Life to the natural currents of Earth in his visitation that first Full Moon in May, and year after year since then, every member of the Brotherhood has voluntarily joined the substance and energy of his or her own lifestream to increase the crescendo of spiritual blessings that flow forth at this mighty Festival. 

You are invited to the Wesak Festival 

There is no outer invitation to the Wesak Festival, the Light within the heart draws the wayfarers and pilgrims both in their inner and outer bodies to the place where it is held. There is never a mention made as to the exact location where the Visitation will take place, but the tribes and nomads and disciples of Lord Gautama start into motion in March and April and are led only by the prayer in their hearts which points their feet toward the great Light which is the only magnet and invitation that can draw them without compass or guide with the whole of Asia beneath them. Their initiation is to allow the heart to join the greater manifestation of the self which, accordingly, brings the body with it. 

From Ceylon and India, from Persia and Arabia, from China and Tibet and all Asiatic countries come the enthusiastic pilgrims who cross continents without thought of time or effort. The pupils in the West, whose Light is great and who are drawn by that Light and whose inner bodies are a part of the receiving as well as the outpouring of the energy, are ofttimes entirely unconscious of the tremendous experience which has bathed their souls in the Celestial and Eternal Light and they return to their mundane tasks and duties greatly enriched by their experience. 

In describing to you some of the festivities of the Wesak Valley Festival which takes place each year at the time of the full moon in the month of May, we would like to draw your minds toward that Valley and allow you to contact in a moment of silence the great outpouring of the New Lord of the World as the moon reaches its fullest radiation. Why do we choose the time of the full moon? Because, beloved ones, every emotional body is at its greatest tide and there is more opportunity to pour the radiation from above. This pilgrimage is not chartered or coursed by any Master where the Brotherhood do honor to Lord Gautama and where he, in turn, creates a visible Luminous Form in the, atmosphere with his glorious Causal Body, pouring through the Brotherhood and those fortunate enough to be there in their physical forms, as well as the chelas who are able to attend ip their inner bodies, the benediction of his Presence. 

When Lord Gautama within himself decided to expand his Causal Body to meet that of Sanat Kumara, he naturally made a much greater radiating center of blessing, and so the outpouring of the new Lord of the World which takes place at the Wesak Festival is greater than before he became Lord of the World. 

Pray that all may find the Wesak Valley 

The preparations are made by the conscious chelas who create the stone altar and bring the golden chaste bowl and fill it with the beautiful lotus of the East in honor of the coming of Lord Gautama. As the pilgrims arrive, you can see their yak tents as they busy themselves about their personal ablutions, each one preparing according to his own capacity to receive the benediction of the Lord. 

The great Angelic Beings and Builders of Form supervise the spiritual activity and Great Beings at the cardinal points of the Valley, north, east, south and west, magnetize on Chamuel's Ray the pilgrims by an added heart pull. 

Will you pray with us that all who are earnest, honest and sincere may find their way to that Valley! It is the Voice of Asia that is the prayer in the heart of thousands that the Flame in their hearts may lead to the Presence of their Lord.








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