An Address by beloved El Morya

The Ashram

December 27, 1959

I come in the name, by the Power, in the Authority of Love Divine... that Love which will not let you go, but chooses rather to sustain and perfect every lifestream belonging to this evolution until this Earth is Free. I come with Illumination, for I know the Divine Pattern for this Earth, as held in the Planetary Silent Watcher's Heart (Beloved Immaculata). 

I come, not with the lash and whip, but with Illumined Faith and Constant Enthusiasm for the Externalization of God's Plan fulfilled here and now. We love you well; seeing what you have done, are doing, and yet are to do. We forswore Nirvana to help imprisoned life everywhere. Nirvana is a beautiful consciousness of bliss, where Beings live in the Aura of the Godhead, directing there from the blessing of their Light. When one consciously forswears Nirvana he holds that feeling of the Godhead and yet serves eon after eon to help the mankind of Earth until everyone is redeemed. Then we can fold our cloaks about and proceed upon another venture or join the happy ones in the Nirvanic State. 

The Earth shall be a Shining Star 

Once upon a time long ago, long before you can remember, the Earth was a very beautiful and shining planet and all of its peoples were magnificent in their perfection. Now, due to eons of living, the Earth does not show that perfection and that is our Cause to redeem it quickly; restore it to perfection and bring mankind again into conscious communication with the Angelic Host and the transmuted happy Elemental Kingdom, just bringing the trinity of the elementals, the Angels and mankind into the beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain's Royal Court for this Golden Age. It shall be permanent and it shall be a shining Star indeed. Freedom's Holy Star, it shall be called and again the love and light that flows to and through it will make it one of the Brightest of the Stars in this System. 

That is the reason that we have the Teton meetings; it is the reason that we seem to push you towards greater endeavor; just so that your own Light may expand, so that each and every one of you in the course of this Earth life may wind up perfectly every bit of untransmuted karma, not only for yourselves but for the peoples of Earth. 

That is a tremendous task, beloved ones, as it takes in about ten billion people belonging to the Earth besides all imprisoned Angels and all animal life and all living things, yet the Power of God, which is Love, is greater than all these appearances. 

That is how I know, for "I AM" fired with that feeling of Illumined Faith and Understanding and Obedience. That Power of Faith I bring to you in Love's Name. 

Peace is an activity of God 

When you left Tara's Halls and went for a time on the highways and the byways. I continued to play that beautiful harp of Tara; knowing in full Illumined Faith that you would RETURN to manifest perfection, each according to your own free will; some more quickly than others and some of you sustaining your physical vehicles here on this Earth plane even unto this very day and hour. Blessed ones, we are Beings of Love. Sometimes we are considered strenuous in our endeavors to continue to point out the Law to you, so that you, too, may manifest that Love. We have loved you from the very beginning of our own Individualization and then after our Ascension. 

All want some time of peace; all want some time of activity and that is balance which comes with Illumined Faith. The peace is good as long as it is not lethargic, as long as it is illumined and directed by the Powers of God. The activity is good so long as it is constructive and proceeds to give assistance to life everywhere. Then it, too, becomes an activity of God. 

Utilize the Power of Hope and Gabriel 

The Sponsors at the Teton are preparing magnificent violet and purple Thrones for the year 1960. Many of the guests have already given their petitions to the Angel of the Scrolls. I know that all of you will prepare yourselves to speak on behalf of imprisoned life everywhere as your voices ring out and are heard by all there assembled and all say -aye- and give unto us that energy and power we require to manifest in 1960 the Divine plans bursting to come forth to prepare for the Seventh Root Race and Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain's Golden Age quickly. 

Utilize the power of the beloved Hope and the beloved Gabriel to CHARGE and CHARGE and CHARGE into your minds, bodies, beings and worlds and affairs right here and now that Illumined Enthusiasm and capacity to continue on in Illumined Faith until you manifest the full expression of God's Divine Plan for you. 

As, I, your Guru, have taken it upon myself to teach you the Cosmic Law, so also have I assumed your karma (good and evil) transmuting the evil by Love Divine. Why? Because I love life and loving life so much, seeing a planet divested of her beauty and perfection "I AM" endeavoring to set that imprisoned life Free until it is truly Freedom's Holy Star. 

A New Planet 

Even Excelsior is more beautiful, with its little men and women and its shining movement in space, than the Earth, which has had opportunity after opportunity to externalize perfection. Yet being of a very positive Nature, as you all know, “I AM" and shall remain I shall continue to impress the consciousness of unascended lifestreams with the Perfection of that glorious Plan until it is manifested here on this Earth through each and every one, until the Earth shines again as it did in the beginning. 

We are beginning another planet (besides the shining Excelsior) where you shall leave great opportunity to serve. As yet, we have not directed the Cosmic Ray through it, to set it into motion. It is a planet to be peopled particularly by elemental life which has not yet achieved its full freedom on this Earth. 

I know you have all felt the pressure of my Presence many times; and now this morning I enfold you in a Luminous Presence of myself, which is going to be sustained eternally; you shall never forget it, waking or sleeping, day or night, twentyfour hours, until the Full Expression of God Almighty DOES MANIFEST through you and your fellowman. 

Prepare for the Seventh Root Race 

We represent Power. Our Realm is the Blue Ray; the Power of Almighty God to set into action those causes and cores at Inner Levels that MUST MANIFEST in this world of form. There is nothing that can shake our Faith in that and as we charge into your worlds that same feeling through my Luminous Presence, you, too, will accept in Illumined Faith the Perfection for this planet Earth and for all of her peoples and evolutions and we will quickly, by the Power of my Love and the Powers of the Sacred Fire that are vested in each and every one of you, see a planet where the great Lord Saint Germain can come forth quickly and bring forth his Seventh Root Race in dignity. 

How do you think that that Being feels, that magnificent Being of Love and Light and Power, who has so much ready for release into this world of form; so many Beings prepared by the Seventh Root Manu? The Sixth Root Race and its subraces are responsible for the preparation of this planet so that the beauty and delicacy of the Seventh Root Race may come forth quickly, to manifest eternally perfect and that the Earth moving forward may give forth her song of Love and Light to all that is! 

You do accept this morning for I feel my Presence within you expanding through you in the fullness of its Love and Light and in that acceptance is your Victory through the Light. There is no other eternal Victory except that which comes through Light, SO I thank you; I thank you for your Love and Light, your Illumined Faith your constancy of service, your ability and capacity to continue in that service until this Earth IS the manifest expression of the Star which Saint Germain must have before his Root Race can manifest here. 

We have come to bring to you the fullness of our love and gratitude for your assistance in this Service until the hour comes when the human creation parts and you see me face to face. I enfold you, until that time, in a Luminous Presence of myself, which is eternally sustained, and you shall never forget it, waking or sleeping, day or night until the full expression of God Almighty does manifest through you and your fellowman. 

Carry on in our name, in our service and in the dignity and mastery of our love until you are, each one, God Free! Thus I remain always, your humble Servant in the Light.






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