An Address delivered by Beloved El Morya at The Ashram

On Holy Thursday, April 14th, 1960

"Beloved friends of Light and Love Eternal, I, like unto Beloved Serapis Bey am called a strict task master. It is that very Will and desire for you to accelerate the vibratory action of your lower vehicles so that you shall quickly find your way back home which is our Love in our Hearts directed to you and through you for one purpose, your God Freedom! 

Here we have a stone, one of the few which remains of Tara's Halls where long since both you and I served our Lord together. That harp that once through Tara's Hall, its song of music sped, now lies as mute on Tara's walls as though its soul had fled. Why? Because, except for myself, everyone of you and others dear to my Heart got tired of the Harp of Tara, got tired of the Spiritual Law, and went happily down the by-ways of life seeking self-satisfaction through the senses. 

I tell you that harp shall ring again and around it shall be gathered not only in Heaven, but right here on Earth, the faithful who have learned that the highways and byways in the pursuit of happiness lead into nothingness leaving disillusionment of soul, etheric memories of imperfection, mental confusions and emotional chaos! 

Almighty God, it has taken All the Sons and Daughters of Heaven these past seven years to untangle, not once, but every day, the chaos in your four lower bodies. Every single day during each twenty-four hour period I take the time to go over those bodies, and remove the emotional, the mental, etheric and physical chaos of one twenty-four hour period. Isn't that love? Methinks when you consider it deeply it is, for love to many of you is an ephemeral thing, consisting of the kiss, the embrace, the handshake. Beloved ones, the love that the Great White Brotherhood from our Regent, Sanat Kumara, down to my humble self for you is so great that the foreswearing of Nirvana is nothing in comparison to the redemption of each and every living thing, and this Earth that we love. 

I walked the ways of Earth not too long since. I knew the love of beauty and I knew the trials of flesh. Because "I AM" called the Preceptor of God's Will, from which many men shrink in heart though not in intellect, you think I do not love beauty. Ah, beauty and order are Heaven's first law and in my home at Darjeeling there is and shall remain always both beauty and order. Disorder is no part of my Nature or that of my particular Brotherhood. Disorder of person or disorder of surroundings is the externalization of the human nature of disordered mind, feelings, the etheric consciousness or just physical laziness. I repeat to you, as I have many times, if you invite me or any Divine Being to a Feast for God's sake leave a place of honor (uncluttered) for us. 

In your own realm, in your own life, you will find that when you bring order and beauty into your world, you will progress more happily; for order and beauty bring grace, and that grace brings to you perceptions that you never knew you had and those perceptions externalized make you God-men, women and children in action here on Earth. We know that there are times, naturally during the course of your work-a-day world when you become a little disheveled through the use of the various media of your magnificent service but this can be rectified in the matter of moments and those moments can be spent in what? In invoking the Will of God for every man, woman and child on this Earth, invoking the Will of God to make his Kingdom manifest now, invoking the Will of God for this. Sweet Earth and its redemption NOW; invoking the straightening of the Axis of this Earth, the preparation for a Class wherein the Ascended Master Serapis Bey and myself should not have to supply all the energies required to be of worldwide blessing throughout the entire United States of America and across the great Oceans into Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and encircling the planet round in Love! 

Are you going to do that with the type of energies released or the vehicles in the condition in which they are? Hah, methinks not! How about the little men in the Voodoo countries? How about the lone souls in Scotland, dear, and England too? How about those way off in Asia, Malaya, Hawaii? Think you that the energies, beloved hearts, of your songs alone could reach to Hawaii where those blessed and earnest Boerrigters hold their Focus of Light for this Easter Season? Your energies don't even reach down the rugged road to the so-called macadam. Therefore, in love, we have given those energies that Easter Season throughout the entire planet Earth chelas sincere and earnest might be blessed, so that Mother Mary, Brother John, Beloved Jesus might have a forcefield into which they could step that is befitting the dignity of an Ascended Being. That is why I come first, the forerunner, absorbing the deflections, preparing the way for the Greater on Life's Path. 

Now awake, come out of that soul sleep, ALMIGHTY GOD awake and let the fires of enthusiasm again spin within your vehicles, spin within your emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies setting those little electrons spinning around the atoms and prepare for the Holy Mother of Jesus and Brother John and Jesus himself by making yourself a Cup for their Presence, for myself I have the name, I have the Brand and I care not, except as I fire you with enthusiasm for the Love of God to bring this Earth back Home; bring it, oh bring it back home with all its lovely Spring flowers, with all its Summer grace, with all its saddened mankind, with all its laggards, with all imprisoned elementals, with all its humankind; with all those who have left the former compound and roam yet in the psychic realm. 

I plead with you, bring our Earth back home; bring your little four-footed creatures and all that lives back home for Saint Germain's sake, that this Earth may be Freedom's Holy Star. I love him so! Why should I have gone to Vesta and Helios and asked for a Dispensation to help you? Because I love him so, because he has that Faith in you all and in all his chelas though they fall by the wayside and desert him right and left; a Faith which I perchance do not share, having served so often with mankind, both through the Theosophical Society, Mrs. Bailey, the "I AM", and The Bridge Activity. But his Faith, he is like a child, your Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain. He is so happy when anyone of you Ascend, when any one of you shows the tiniest bit of Light, he rushes to the Karmic Board with that Light and your achievement and he covers over every error you make, either consciously or unconsciously, and when we talk with him he can talk only about how beautiful you are, even to the great Maha Chohan smilingly knowing and listens and too, in Love, does not dissuade Him for that Faith. 

Saint Germain pleads your cause and the cause of all that lives and we, the fiery ones, Serapis and I, are DETERMINED that His Faith shall be realized through you, BY GOD, even though We may not seem popular to your outer self, yet one day when you meet us face to face, we won't be so difficult. I can play the harp, if you want to hear it; they say I have a reasonable tenor voice, if you care to listen and I can love enough, love enough to plead for the Ascended Master Saint Germain's Vision of Utopia manifest on this Earth. 

It is Easter time, ah yes. We come again to the Holy Season first today the Feast of the Last Supper and tomorrow to the agonies of the cross; Saturday the waiting of the unfaithful disciples and the faithful Mary and John and on Sunday to the Halleluiahs when Jesus burst the tomb and Magdalena knelt by his feet and he told her to go and tell his disciples that he was Risen, and why seek ye the Living among the dead! I love that phrase. When I come in here, and I come in more often than you know, I love to say to myself, to cheer myself up, WHY seek ye the living among the dead? 

Now come on and LIVE, in God's name live; live to every ounce of your mind and body, soul and spirit in the Service of the beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain and make his Star, a Star of Freedom NOW! Another Cycle has started. Now many Cycles do we have to begin and turn again, again and again and again before you all decide to take off on the Ascension Flame. 

NOW I INSIST AND COMMAND BY THE POWER OF ALMIGHTY GOD that you, individually who have had the privilege of my company, wanted or not, do something about making this Earth Freedom's Holy Star... and I NEVER TAKE A 'NO' FOR AN ANSWER! It is not my nature; I'm a terrifically persistent fellow, so persistent that I've followed you all, some of you, into the compound and dragged you out literally by the hair, or out of the Sleepers Realm where you were enjoying a fine respite, and have literally SHOVED you through the Board of Karma and begged Mother Mary on bended knee to give you your embodiment today when there are two others who could have taken embodiment, making them stay in Heaven's Realms, just so that YOU COULD, because I knew that you had it in you, help the Ascended Master Saint Germain bring the Earth Home. 

I didn't do this for any other reason but that because in that persistence and constancy of service you shall have your individual Freedom, the Earth shall have her Freedom, Saint Germain shall have his Utopia, and the Ascended Host shall have an Open Door through this vehicle, through which to convince you again, again and again that we are Real Beings. COME OUT OF THE TOMB OF SELFISHNESS INTO THE LIGHT OF THE NEW DAY FOR IT IS HERE! SO I have spoken! 

Welcome to Darjeeling for the gentle side of my Nature.








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