An Address by Beloved Lord Zadkiel

Beloved and blessed ones on the Earth's surface today, you who are among the aspirants to become the permanent Heart Cells created by the beloved Madonna, Mary, the Mother of Jesus. I, Zadkiel, in my capacity as a Priest of Invocation of the Powers of Good, greet you! It is the desire of Mary, the Holy Mother, to see that this Diamond Heart enfolds this entire Earth and into it are placed those worthy chelas all over the Planet who are presently in embodiment. I have received the added dispensation of allowing to come into that meshwork of the Universal Diamond Heart and to remain permanently there, Angels from the Seven Kingdoms. This will do a great deal to sustain it until the blessed and earnest chelas themselves are ready to come forth and be the Light of the World! 

The Focus of Divinity is in your heart 

“I AM" the Priest versed in the Law of drawing forth the Powers of Good. When our Temple was manifested on Atlantis we taught unascended lifestreams how to magnetize the Powers of God through the magnificent focus of God-good within each beating heart. Now again comes the day when such magnetization is not only possible but IMPERATIVE for the expansion of the Light of the World to any and all who choose to listen to and apply our instruction. 

Let us first remember that within your heart there is a Focus of Divinity; that Focus of which Mother Mary speaks so beautifully and of which you refer to as the Immortal Threefold Fame of God. That is the Magnetizing Power which all of the White Priesthood on Atlantic used to magnetize and draw into the atmosphere of the Earth those currents of energy which stabilized her and held the Atlantean Era during its prime in a state of harmony and peace. That same Immortal Three-fold Flame within your hearts now is likewise a Magnetizing Power not only of the good of your own "I AM" Presence and that, of your own Causal Body but of the good, the full gathered momentum, of any Divine Being or Member  of the Spiritual Hierarchy whom you call upon and who welcomes the opportunity to channel that good through you, through your Holy Christ Self Flame as it expands until it fills not only your personal world, aura and spirit with influence but as it fills the world of the entire Planet Earth upon which you presently abide. 

You have the power to attract Good 

Now the magnetization of the powers of Good is as mechanical as the magnetization of a piece of steel by a proper agent. When the Holy Christ Flame, which is Immortal and alive within you, is given freedom through you, by your outer self and the self-conscious renunciation of your own human free will and all destructive desires, known and unknown, and you allow that Holy Christ Flame full power, it begins to magnetize through your blessed lifestream the fullness of your Divine Pattern and Plan and begins to magnetize also the gifts and Powers of the other Beings that dwell in Divinity's Realm and they flow forth also to make of the atmosphere of Earth a magnificent multi-colored positive radiation in which shadows cannot exist. 

Beloved ones, this power to magnetize through the Sacred Fire the Gifts and Powers of the Godhead must be utilized and become practical through actual works. It is our desire, deep and sincere, to have you begin to experiment with the use of that Power of the Sacred Fire that is within your hearts to so magnetize not only our Presence but our Radiation, Gifts and Virtues. You can do this and every loving and willing chela, wherever he or she stands on the face of the Earth, can do this and they will not only be the recipients of the gifs themselves but they will be ourselves, Sons and Daughters of Freedom, walking about the planet Earth and the hems of their Spiritual Garments will be filled with the Virtues magnetized and consciously drawn forth. 

The benediction of the Violet Fire 

Because the Violet Fire, for the most part, is not seen by the physical sight of mankind, very few cognize and feel its essence and reality. Those of you who are kind enough to give special recognition to that Violet Fire have felt the changing of the vibratory action of your own bodies; have felt the dissolution of shadows by the power of light, have felt the removal of chaotic conditions in yourselves and others through its use and some of you with the inner sight and hearing, have even seen that Violet Fire and heard the song of the Angels of the Violet Fire as they move along their appointed pathway. 

Beloved ones, Blessed Alpha and Omega, all the Suns of all the Systems, all Solar Logii, all the Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters, Cherubim, Seraphim and Angelic Host everyone of the Divine Beings - can be magnetized by the least of men through this Immortal Three-fold Flame of God that is within every human heart. That magnetization is a permanent blessing to and through that lifestream. However, those who are unconscious in the outer mind of the powers of magnetization of good, naturally cannot use it and, naturally, do not have as much effect in benefaction as the chelas who are trained in that Power. 

The activity in the Inner Realms 

Beloved ones, there have been, in the ages that have come and gone, many ideas formed, many thoughtforms and patterns which have not been dissolved, some of them remain within the etheric realm and what you call the psychic and astral realm, and they float around there - they would be dissolved except for the fact that disembodied individuals, some of whom promulgated those very ideas, feed their life into them and keep them alive. Now these invisible focuses which are imperfect, are kept alive by the very individual or those who have a similar rate of vibration who for one reason or another would like to see them externalized in the world of form. 

At the present time we are very busy at Inner Levels, disconnecting the souls of those individuals, who, between embodiments have had certain affinity to discord. As they are taken into the Temples of Light and, as they are given knowledge of the use of the Violet Fire within those Temples of Light, then there is nothing to feed these forms and the natural process of the Violet Fire, which is blazing through those Realms at all time will dissolve them before they can anchor into embodied lifestreams who have the way, the means and the power, temporarily, to again externalize them to give distress to mankind and the Earth. 

There has to be a cause and core in the inner realms before there is a manifestation and effect in the world of form. If we can remove these vortices of disembodied souls from their affinity, mentally, emotionally and etherically, to discord of every kind, as we are trying to do, it is easy then to remove causes and core of that discordant condition and replace it by a magnificent blazing Cause and Core of Cosmic Light, which in turn filters down through the constructive people on any one of the Seven Rays into the outer consciousness and becomes something that is constructive which they can externalize. 

Then, on the other hand, you have the constructive picture. You have from the First Realm the magnificent Divine Ideas of God molded into form on the Second Ray, animated by Pure Divine Love, through the Third Ray, purified by the Purity of the Fourth Ray, concentrated through the Fifth Ray into any one of the facets of expression that is necessary for its further development, enfolded in Peace Divine, purified and living to manifest through unascended beings who are receptive to those Divine Ideas. 

How to make application 

Now, beloved ones, the magnetizing of the Powers of Good come from acceptance in the FEELING of the Presence of Deity within you until you can say, as we said in the White Priesthood long ago, where some of you were members; "In the Name of Almighty God, in the Name of all Life, COME FORTH" - and there came into manifestation that which required in precipitation of every kind and description. Our White Priesthood could and did bring that precipitation forth, whether it was Illuminated Faith, whether it was greater constructive Ideas, more Wisdom; whether it was Love, more Purity and selflessness of motive, greater Consecration of the lifestream to a specific facet of service, or whether it was the Mercy of the Violet Fire that was required! 

That which was done once, shall be done again, because we have come forth, the Priest and Priestesses of the White Order, from the Silence wherein we abided for eons of time and we are here in this physical appearance world training chelas to magnetize the Powers of Good through themselves and through their fellowman. When you make the application to your own “I AM" Presence or to me for that Power of the Violet Transmuting Flame, please be still for a moment and feel yourselves enfolded completely in this Violet Fire, enfolded in my own Presence and feel within that Violet Flame, that is within your heart, the Presence of Holy Amethyst. 

It is the efficacy in the use of the Violet Fire NOW when the Earth requires it most, to change all shadows and all discords into Light, LIGHT, LIGHT that can be seen oh, not just a thousand miles at it was from our Temple in Cuba, but that it may be seen throughout the entire Planetary System, and all those other Planets of our System KNOW that the Earth gives forth her Light, and the Music of the Spheres again, from the planet Earth, rises in harmony, in balance and in love to all that lives, breathes and has being, above or below. 

The purpose of the Diamond Heart 

I speak to you again on behalf of the Priest and Priestesses of the Order of Archangel Zadkiel and ask you to help us in every way you can to become such a Power of conscious Invocation of Good. Practice, as Mother Mary said, yourself! Practice, through the activities of your daily life, in allowing the expansion of your own Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame and then practice allowing, through the radiation of our Presence through you, to give you a sense of self mastery, poise and balance that is at all times required when handling great numbers of people or individuals who are in distress of any kind. 

Beloved ones, the Ascended Master Saint Germain, his Divine Complement the Lady Portia, desire to manifest as quickly as possible on this Earth their Golden Age of Perfection. It is to this end that Mother Mary, myself, and all of us are creating this larger Heart. Into it each blessed cell that loves the light and has prepared himself or herself is being placed in combination with the Angelic Host until the entire Earth will be surrounded with the glorious Planetary Diamond Heart of light which will be a protection against the intrusion of any imperfection from within or without what will be in a measure like your own Tube of Light, only larger than the Earth rising to the ten thousand foot level all around her. 

Call forth the Powers of God 

Beloved ones, when you speak of destructive thoughts, feelings and etheric patterns, you say "we shall keep our attention only upon Light." That is very true but where shadow is manifested there is a cause and core of distress and that cause and core is fed, not only by those who have been released from the previous Compound but by unascended beings. They require not always to be disembodied; sometimes these beings meaning well see discord in thought, feeling, word and action and these vortices at inner levels thus have life, for they are all vampire activities. When there are no individual intelligences to feed them longer, that very instant they will be dissolved and then, through the use of the Violet Fire repolarized and CHARGED back into the Sun or into the Heart of One of the Ascended Ones, whichever it may be and then qualified with God Perfection, directed again Earthward to produce perfection here on this Planet Earth. 

We want you to understand this and that is why we emphasize it to you again and again. It is not that we wish to dwell upon anything of an imperfect nature. We want you to dwell naturally on the things that are good, BUT when manifestations here in your world today are imperfect, the wise, intelligent chela KNOWS that there is in some place a cause and core sustained by intelligent life, for only the Immortal Three-fold Flame of Life is an Intelligent Being. When that power of coalescence is removed then instantly that discordant form disappears. It is the same in a constructive way - the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame within your heart is the power of the coalescence of good into your world and into your auras. It is the power of radiation of the good that has been drawn forth, magnetized by your blessed selves for the blessing and benediction of all mankind. 

Let us then, in the name of Mother Mary, in the name of our beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain and Lady Portia, in the name of our beloved Jesus, the beloved Ascended Master Morya, call forth THOSE POWERS OF GOOD, latent within you, and let those POWERS of Good EXPAND through you for the benediction and blessing of yourself and of your fellow man. THEN, and then alone, are you true Priests and Priestesses of the White Order that wear Purple Vestments according to the efficacy of your Power. If you will do this and cooperate with me in its full manifestation and expression, we can greatly hasten through the removal of discord and release through your Causal Bodies, through your own silver cord and through the expanded Three-fold Flame of God within your heart, the acceleration of your Divine Plan fulfilled and the Plan of the Divine World fulfilled as well. 

Remember, you have the Rod of Power 

We will retreat no more, beloved ones! The Ascended Host of Light is on the march toward the planet Earth and with them come all of the Beings that represent God's Holy Will and God's Holy Way. Join us! 

We come as usual, earlier to the 'few' and then later, when they are prepared, to the masses. I say, in the name of the Power of the Violet Fire of Mercy, WE SHALL RETREAT NO MORE! We are manifesting and expanding God's Perfection to every chela, here and wherever Mother Mary and Lord Raphael find them upon the planet Earth. So help us now in your endeavors to expand your light without strain, without stress, but with a constant remembrance that you have the Rod of Power; you have the very Essence of Creation in your beating hearts. You have, through the spoken word, the power to direct those currents of energy verbally when necessary and the discrimination and discretion to direct them mentally when necessary until shadows are no more. 


Let us here, in the essence of the Universal Diamond Heart created by our Beloved Mother Mary, feel the magnificent Powers of the Violet Fire, the Transmuting Flame, flowing in, through and around this Earth, all her evolutions, all salamanders, sylphs, gnomes and undines, all human kind, all Earth's substance, the water substance, the air element, the fire element and let us feel the fullest power of that. 

In the name of the Presence of God “I AM", I invoke the cooperation of the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame in the hearts of man and all the Beings and power of the Angelic Kingdom and the Nature Kingdom in this great endeavor so that we may have the forward and onward progress toward perfection.  

SO BE IT, in his name! 











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