An Instruction by El Morya

How to Manifest Peace and Ease 

Beloved students: Greetings: As you each one call to me, El Morya, to enfold and charge you with my Strength and Purity of the Light, you will manifest Peace and Ease in your feeling worlds first, and then it shall outpicture in your everyday affairs. 

You Need Both the Purity and the Strength of the Light 

First, to be happy and victorious in your service to Life, you each one need both the Purity of the Light and the Strength of the Light in far greater abundance than any of you have yet called forth. 

These two qualities are mine to bestow upon your lifestreams without limit as your desire for these qualities is expressed in your calls for them. 

All depression, all lack and limitation must go when one has enough strength and purity of the Light. Please note well, this means that you shall be charged with a wholly balanced activity of these two qualities which shall act in perfect balance through each one of your seven bodies. 

How to Release the Love of Your Presence 

Some of you may have had my Strength in physical effort, but possibly lacked Purity. Some may have had both Strength and Purity, but lacked these qualities in endurance. All lack to a marked degree my balanced Strength and Purity in the emotional and mental world. 

Had you these Ascended Master qualities in these two bodies there would be no lack of Perfect Peace and Harmony in your feelings at all times. 

Had you the sufficient Strength and Purity in your mental world - no word or thought of anything but the Love of your Presence could be released by you to another of Life's children anywhere. 

Think well on this, my dear ones and know that I ever stand ready to assist you as I know your hearts crave that Strength and Purity of the Light to express in Love's Balanced Activity through you, each and every one. 

The Necessity and MEANING of Your Call 

We are conscious of your slightest effort, and sometimes in the struggle of your world we feel the longing of your Presence for our help that may not be given except at your call. In this you will see the Wisdom of the Love of Life, for in your call is the giving up or letting go - the surrender and the struggle is no more. 

In the Service of the Outer to the Inner Self is thy Mastery 

Dear Blessed Ones know that the way ahead lies in fertile, flowered valleys of our Peace and Love as you will, in all you do, serve Life within your own Pure Hearts. In this joyous service of the outer to thy Inner Self is thy full Mastery, for remember the words of him who said: "The greatest of these is he who serves." 

Today, my Precious, Blessed Ones of Life, those of you who serve thine inner Self are forging on the Eternal Records of Life such greatness for thy Cosmic Names as all in the history of the past have not achieved. 

I Offer you My Cosmic Strength and Purity of the Light 

Will you permit my Cosmic Strength and Purity of the Light of God that never fails to assist you to greater Heights and Glory of thine own Divine Self? 

I AM, in Love and Gratitude to your Streams of Life.

 El Morya








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