An Instruction by our Beloved Maha Chohan

If you want the Purification of Holy Amethyst whom you have affirmed very vehemently and strongly is inside of you, breath in from your emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies into the Presence of Holy Amethyst, anchored within your own Threefold Flame, every bit of that substance which you have loosened through Astraea's activity of the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame. 

Feel it transmuted there while it is within your body - qualify it as you hold the breath within the body with the Resurrection Flame and then release it rhythmically, giving each vehicle as much as you want it to have; not as much as it wants to have. There is a great difference there and this is one of the activities of becoming master rather than servant of your vehicles. 

If you would practice this, in the first place it will slow up your breathing process, you will breathe more deeply instead of in those shallow surface breaths and you will live longer... Now that may not be a promise that gives you any great joy! Do you know your breaths are counted? Do you know that if you use them up in short breaths as people do in the Western Hemisphere, you don't live so long? Do you know that those in the early activities of life mentioned in the Old Testament lived eight or nine hundred years because they had control of and used the slow and rhythmic breath - qualifying it - drawing it in - just five minutes at a time at first?





At Luxor the students are asked to find the source of the Nile. At their own discretion they either take the instruction literally and march up-land through the jungle, or plunge deep into their own hearts. In either case the tests are similar: endurance, one-pointedness and perseverance. Few men ever saw the source of the Nile because of the tremendous cataracts and impenetrable jungle which surround it, but those who have achieved this stupendous task receive remuneration at the end of their journey. Other students seeking the "source of the Nile" through inner striving meet with similar success and others with failure. 

Another test which has come down through the ages is that of precipitation. Moses drew the Children of Israel into the desert and for forty years they wandered between Heaven and Earth and had to draw sustenance from the recesses of their own lifestreams. 

At Luxor, the chela was placed in a steel room with no doors nor windows, no furniture and no food. Here he was faced with the necessity of using his knowledge and understanding to draw forth the sustenance for his body and the requirements of his daily needs by plumbing the depths of the authority that was within his own lifestream. In the outer world the same tests appear, the same initiations are brought forward: thus the soul is tested as to its strengths and weaknesses. 

Healing is among the activities the initiate must draw forth from within his own life. 

When all these examinations have been successfully achieved, the chela is master over the energy, vibration and substance of the physical world. He is, therefore, no longer bound to the school room of human experience and is graduated from the humanity of Earth into the Ascension. 

Serapis Bey