Monthly letter to Transmission Flame Class of May 16, 1959

Beloved Ones seeking true and lasting Peace: 

Is it not significant that the official opening of the God Himalaya's Retreat is on the eve of my Feast Day (Pentecost)! I shall, of course, help you to make the visitation to Himalaya's Retreat and you will carry back with you, not only his Peace, but a tiny replica of the Immortal Blue Lotus, in your dear Hearts. As an Oriental in ESSENCE, I can assure you that the privilege you now have of visiting his Temple of Peace and Tranquility is great. So many dear pilgrims, earnest in the extreme, endeavoring to make the physical pilgrimage thither, have been lost in the tremendous mountains which we know and love so well. One focus, that of the God Himalaya, has never been climbed by the average man, nor will it be, until such a man is proven worthy of such a visitation. Yet you each one, are carried easily, through projected consciousness into the very Presence of this Lord of Wisdom and Peace! 

It is worth your time and attention to make such a pilgrimage, I assure you! Once, centuries ago, before my Ascension, I made my way thither, but was not admitted by the Great One but rather returned among the rejected and distressed pilgrims seeking the True Way to Godliness. While this dispensation is opened to you, through my humble endeavors, I do plead with you not to take so lightly these visitations but using every faculty of your thought, feeling and desire to be present, create the necessary aura that is required for your Sponsor to present you to Beloved Himalaya. Himalaya, strong and powerful, has chosen gentlemen from his Retreat to Sponsor you during this thirty day period. Be assured that a Sponsor from a God of the Mountains will be powerful yet, withal, loving in the extreme. 

A spiritual dispensation is granted only when unascended beings are qualified and examined before the Karmic Board to benefit by it. Thus, the opening of the Ascended Masters' Retreats to you, my beloved, required some guarantee upon my part that you would truly use this dispensation of entering into the Ascended Master Retreats, enjoying the participation in the Cosmic Activities of the Hour, and, most important, using the Truth imbued in your inner vehicles as well as your outer consciousness, to bless your fellowman. 

Now, as a gift to Himalaya, let us, you and I, help in the redemption of the Fourth Root Race, through the sublimation of their karma, and allow this Great God of the Himalaya Mountains to return HOME, carrying in the golden robes he wears, every member of that race. That is being practical!  

Yours, in love and in service too, 

Love and Blessings







The Statement for Transmission Class of May 16, 1959:

1        2                  3                4        5                  6        7       8

"I AM" inbreathing Himalaya's peace, tranquility, mastery and Godliness

"I AM" absorbing   Himalaya's peace, tranquility, mastery and Godliness

"I AM" expanding   Himalaya's peace, tranquility, mastery and Godliness

"I AM" projecting   Himalaya's peace, tranquility, mastery and Godliness




THE HIERARCH, COLOR AND KEYNOTE of this period of 30 days

Color of Flame: Gold

Musical Keynote: "Love's Old Sweet Song"

Hierarch: Beloved Himalaya 













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