To the evolving soul and spirit who seeks to ascend to the Master Consciousness and tries by various means to achieve, goal of unity with perfected thought and feeling, I offer the following instructions! 

As the four lower bodies are contributing factors to the fluidic consciousness, which in unascended beings is in a state of constant change, we must see that to rise into the Ascended Master Consciousness, we must have the control of and cooperation from these four sources that are constantly qualifying the individual consciousness of the lifestreams. 

The four bodies must be balanced 

As Serapis indicated, for the plane to rise, the four engines must be in complete unison as to revolutions of the propellers, the power of the motors and the efficacy of the individual engines in order to unite completely with the power of the other contributing engines that their united impetus might transcend the law of gravity. 

Due to the uneven development of the inner bodies, it is more of a task to raise and harmonize one than the other and the particular inner vehicle requiring the greatest treatment varies according to the aspirant's development through the centuries. For instance, many devotional lifestreams find their emotional bodies easily tune into the spiritual currents, whereas the physical and mental bodies often lag behind. Here you have a spiritual phenomena so to speak, wherein, one of the four bodies, or two, can often experience a great ecstasy which vibrates but little through the others, and this does not, as a rule, have a lasting and permanent effect because the weight of the other bodies, not having been raised to a transcendent place where they were not completely submerged in the higher consciousness, affect adversely the transcendent experience. This has happened time and again when individuals have experienced emotional ecstasy. 

A developed mental body is not sufficient 

Individuals with highly developed mental bodies have probed the inner possibilities of the occult law which have greatly increased their mental capacity but which are ofttimes never experienced in the emotional body to any extent. You may continue this trend of thought with regard to the other bodies, but of course the etheric body is always impressed by any experience of these three sister vehicles. 

A little contemplation will assure you that these experiences when not entered into by the four vehicles of man's expression do not lead to a balanced evolution of the spiritual nature and will one day require the training and preparation of the lagging vehicle in order that the four may enter the Chamber of Devotion and Aspiration at once and, kneeling simultaneously before the Risen Host, accept the Spiritual Communion. 

Self-analysis and preparation necessary 

In preparation for your meditation and contemplation, it is therefore to your greatest advantage to secure the conscious cooperation of your physical, your mental, your emotional and your etheric bodies. Self-analysis will truly reveal to you the various vessels that require more preparation and tuning up than the others which are naturally prepared for this contemplative period, then by devoting a little time to the raising of the recalcitrant members of the team you will move the entire consciousness of the lifestream into the Higher Octaves. You will then find your contemplation more satisfactory and its resulting effect more lasting and you will also be of greater service as conductors because the fine vibrations playing equally through the entire set of vehicles will be of great assistance in developing them toward a more Godly expression. 

Now, having prepared your nature for the inrush of the Divine Consciousness from your own Higher Self or an Ascended Being, you come to the truth that it is only vibration of thought and feeling which changes, and that you enter the Higher Octaves consciously and at will by raising the vibration of your four bodies to a point where you enter the vibratory action ALL AROUND YOU, that is ever present and into which you can tune yourself by sounding the same keynote as that to which the Ascended Masters Consciousness is vibrating. 

How to tune in to God qualities 

For instance, take Kindliness - the Spirit of Kindliness is ever-present, it is not something that must be drawn from beyond the farthest star, but the lifestream desiring to have his consciousness filled with Kindliness merely raises the vibratory action of his inner bodies and finds that in the room in which he is sitting the air is filled with the substance of Kindliness and that as he tunes in toward it, the vibratory action of Kindliness rushes toward him, and when they meet the lifestream experiences the cosmic feeling which Kindliness is. 

This is the same with Purity, Wisdom, Love, and the various God qualities, just as the music is within the room but requires a mechanical contrivance to draw the vibratory action downward to a point where the physical ear may hear it, so is "the Kingdom of Heaven at hand," requiring but the conscious attunement of the inner bodies that you may experience in as mechanical and scientific a way the fullness of the Octaves of Light as you hear a program over the radio. 

Saint Germain







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