The correct understanding of the God-power Almighty is essential for the individual who wishes to become the Holy Spirit in this fact I would like to impress upon the chela on the Energy, is, man's to command. Energy becomes power through whether in the wielding of a sledge hammer or the strengthening biceps of the arm or in using the God-power Almighty to build a momentum of Victory in commanding the electronic light to manifest the completed form of fiat or decree. 

One must sow the seed of perfection 

This Law of Balance, also referred to as "The Law of Retribution" and set forth in the old axiom "as you sow, so shall you reap" was not intended as a threat of punishment for evil doers, but as an expression of the mathematical precision of life... that one must sow the seed of perfection in concise mathematical accuracy and then the reaping will be in exact proportion to the sowing. This Law has been dulled in its potency by the inference that if one casts his bread upon the water, his good will be returned unto him. This is true, of course, but it is rather a haphazard way of living as the "bread" one throws has no definite form, continuity or precision of outline. 

You can become a Master of Energy 

He who would work with the Divine Plan tunes in consciously to the Perfect Etheric Plan and rather than daily "casting bread" haphazardly "upon the waters" - takes that great energy of life, coupled with his mental picture and drives it into the substance of the earth by the power of his feeling. Then issuing the great fiat "I AM" projects into the mental form of the desired manifestation the perfect atom contained in the great command "I AM," which is the cohesive power of Love. This way, instead of receiving back miscellaneous "loaves and fishes" one becomes Master of Energy and receives back exactly that which he has ordered. 

The right hand is the direct wiring through which the energy may be catapulted into the appearance world and when you are conscious of it as the Five Rayed Representative of the Holy Spirit you become the authority of life when you release that energy through the hand in a cosmic fiat. 

Experiment in the privacy of your room 

When you study Serapis' Ray you will learn the significance of the index finger and why it is so often dignified with the ring of authority. 

In the privacy of your room - DRAW that energy into your body with your left hand, then direct it into your world with your right-hand and let us see some definite manifestation through your conscious use of this Law of Life.



The Ascended Master Retreat of the Month

At Chateau de Liberte, Southern France

February 15th through March 14th, 1959 


The purpose of this Ascended Master Retreat is to establish the Spirit of Liberty in the hearts of mankind, so that the Christ Self of each one be made manifest. Since Order is Heaven's first law, this Retreat, like all others, has an admirable organization, not only to take care of the different grades of advancement of its chelas, but to attend to all the requirements of mankind which need liberty for their blessing. 

There are several departments under the direction of Ascended Masters with the assistance of numerous chelas. Here are six of these departments: 

Spiritual Liberty, which is freedom from contact with thoughts, feelings, actions, persons, places and circumstances which are not in accord with the Will of God. 

Personal Liberty, which is freedom from external restraint (such as discord, sickness and want), from slavery, bondage or control of another, as well as freedom of opinion and conscience and its expression. 

Civil Liberty, which protects the rights of citizens of any nation to live in peace and prosperity, having the right to share in establish and maintaining their own governments. 

Art, for the development of all latent artistic faculties in all their expression. 

Other God Qualities, for the encouragement of genius and inventions for the benefit of mankind. 

Petitions - In this department all petitions and prayers and are lovingly received and charged with the Power of the Liberty Flame, and referred to the different departments, which in turn contact Christ Selves of the different individuals, or the Silent Watchers of different localities, as the case may be to render the required service. 

Description of the Retreat 

The Temple of Liberty is situated at Chateau de Liberte, on the banks of the Rhone river in Southern France, which is the home of our Beloved Paul, the Venetian, Hierarch of the Third Ray. 

For the benefit of our readers we offer the following excerpts from a previous description of this Retreat and its Hierarch to facilitate their visualization of both, to better approach the Retreat in consciousness.  

The natural beauty of the profusely flowered countryside emphasizes the grace of the buildings, framed in the loveliest of nature's setting.  

The musical play of the water rising from the marble fountains mingles with the songs of the birds and the warm sun unfolds the petals of the water lilies, lighting up the multi-colored plumage of the many birds who find safe sanctuary in this peaceful environment. 

Entering the spacious hall, a beautiful painting faces us, representing the Holy Trinity, a magnificent Being depicting the Father, a lovely white dove with a wingspread of almost nine feet representing the Holy Spirit and a glorious likeness of the Master Jesus representing the Son. 

The radiation from this picture is so tremendous that it envelops the entire entrance hall and holds the visitor spellbound in its presence. This painting was begun, as has been said before, by Paul Veronese and was completed by him after his Ascension, therefore it has the unique distinction of carrying the vibratory action of both realms of activity in which he is vitally interested. 

A pen-picture of our Beloved Paul, the Venetian 

Our Beloved Host stands, framed for a moment in the open doorway leading out into the rose garden. His beautiful Presence is so breathtaking that even the roses that form a background for his figure seem almost dull by comparison. He wears a robe of emerald green, which looks like mirror velvet, over which is thrown a beautiful cape, caught at the breast with a cord of gold fastened by a gorgeous emerald two inches in diameter. His deep, golden hair, softly waved contrasts beautifully with the emerald green of his garments, and the delicacy of his features are emphasized by the deep celestial blue of his expressive eyes, his voice, as he bids us welcome, carries the melody of the liquid voice of the Presence that soothes and heals and blesses all life. 


(Note: For further information about the Temple of Liberty, please see "The Bridge to Freedom" Journal of Sept. 1953, Sept. 1954, Aug. 1955, May 1956, Aug. 1957 and July 1958)






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