The Ascended Masters Speak



All evolutions want the Ascension 

The very process of the Ascension is a natural feeling of all evolutions after they have made their descent into the world of form. It is one of Heaven's Great and Unchangeable Laws. Through the use of free-will, Angels, mankind and the elementals descended into the evolution of Earth for service and for training. 

When that training and service is completed, it is natural for the very Spirit of each Kingdom to desire, within itself, to again ascend into its natural estate, as their Creator intended. The feeling which propels any member of these Kingdoms toward the Ascension is accentuated by those of us who know that the individuals of each Kingdom have performed, perfectly, their service on this sweet Earth and are ready, at inner levels to make such an Ascension into their rightful God Estate. 

Individuals, imprisoned Angels and mankind who have such a feeling often cannot define it and only know that they are unhappy in limited forms. Be at Peace, beloved, and know that the feeling of desiring greater Freedom is also the will of God for you and yours! 


Personal application is necessary for the Ascension 

As we have often said, THE WILL OF GOD IS GOOD! The ultimate expression of that WILL is the Ascension, at the close of each embodiment into greater freedom. For this, we forswore Nirvana... seeking always to inculcate and increase that feeling within the hearts of any worthy chelas serving for the time being on this Sweet Earth (upon whatever evolution they are rising) so that they will make the necessary endeavors to become, as we have done, Ascended and Free! 

Sometimes such Spiritual "prodding" becomes "annoying" to the aspirant and, at any such time, we in Mercy, allow them through free-will to rest upon the Pathway Home until they, themselves, through free-will, are again ready for such Ascent and the necessary disciplines required to again endeavor to prepare for this, their ULTIMATE GOAL, which sometime, somewhere, they shall have to achieve! 

Whereas physical laws are accepted by the masses, so often Spiritual Laws are either ignored or given a "happenstance" glance by the aspirant. I have seen so very many of the applicants for the Ascension temporarily disappointed when they found that personal application was and is necessary for God accomplishment. They have the foolish idea that they can rise on the "Hem" of someone else's garments into the Ascension, rather than make individual personal endeavor to earn this great service. 


What prompts you to desire the Ascension? 

Let me here, gently, remind you that often the promptings of one of the four lower vehicles (emotional, mental, etheric or physical) think they desire the Ascension as a means of escape from lessons that are not fully learned here on the Earth plane. This, of course, is not the real God-inspired feeling of the chela whose service has been fully performed and who is ready for such Ascension. It is rather, built upon the premise of human desire to escape from that which is unpleasant. Such a one will, invariably, have to render the service for which he or she volunteered, either here on Earth or in God's Holy Kingdom, upon some other planet. 

Call, always that the motivating power behind all your desires to so ascend be God-Inspired and then, quickly, as your Service is completed you shall have that Victory of the Ascension "to go 'HOME' and come out no more!" We shall help you, each and every gentle reader, to achieve the ultimate of your Victory when your motive is right and when you, as God INTENDS, have finished in dignity your service here on Earth! 


Divine Love has to be externalized 

One of the most efficacious ways to complete your God-Service on Earth is of course to cultivate and externalize pure Divine Love toward all life that is imprisoned. That being the activity of the Third Ray, we are desirous and eager of giving you assistance toward the development of this pure Divine Love. Then, your service, being impersonal in nature, raises you and all the life you contact into the natural vibratory action of Freedom from limitations of every kind. There is no better beginning than now! Particularly, this year of 1959 when the Divine Beings of the Third Ray are the Sponsors for the evolutions belonging to the Earth, of Which, "I Am," of course but One. 


Living in HARMONY with your fellowman is the lesson of 1959 

The activity of the Ascension is, of course, primarily my service on the Fourth Ray. Personal and impersonal service must be employed by the individual to achieve the right to Victorious Accomplishment. 

So long, the doctrine of "vicarious atonement" has been taught, that mankind, for the most part, expect someone else to "raise them into a state of "Heavenly Bliss." It is foolish in the extreme to accept this consciousness. No more than an airplane nor one of your motor vehicles could rise without the employment of the necessary laws of this world to overcome gravity and forward motion, can an individual attain the Ascension without the compliance with the Spiritual Laws which make such an Ascension possible. 

In the year of 1959, the lesson is, primarily, that of living in HARMONY with your fellowman, the nature kingdom and imprisoned Angels. The lesson of IMPERSONAL DIVINE LOVE (not sentimentality) is the aspect of the Law which we teach at Luxor and purposely place, within the orbit of each aspirant, others who are not in accord (as to outer will). 


The Vibratory action of the electrons has to be raised 

As I have so often explained to the chelas, the process of the Ascension is absolutely scientific. Each tiny electron, moving around its central core of love, forming the atom, has to be released of the accumulation of discord, self-created, until those electrons are free to raise the human body into a Sphere in which such a one has become fitted to dwell. This can only be done through the free will of the individual, who desiring such freedom from limitation, calls to us, as well as his own Holy Christ Flame and "I AM" Presence to so raise the vibratory action of these electrons and sustain them, each one, in a state of harmony, peace and love. 

Spasmodic rising of the electrons through proximity to Divinity and its Messengers often does temporarily raise the consciousness of the chela but until that chela can and does sustain that Divine consciousness within himself, he cannot remain aloft, nor enter those Spheres of Perfection toward which he aspires. 


Keep silent about your service 

As one of the Sponsors for 1959, and also as a humble Assistant to Serapis Bey himself, I speak with AUTHORITY when I say "you can learn how to impersonally love all imprisoned life, making it more comfortable and perfect in its expression." As I have told you, often, the personal experience which was mine fitted me to help beloved Serapis. I had to learn to love the Holy Christ Flame in the hearts of my family first, until they developed certain latent talents and virtues. 

One of the Commandments given to me by my Teacher, Blessed Charity, was to never allow anyone to know the Service I was rendering. Many individuals, who have attained the development of various Virtues, are unable to restrain the outer ego from the sin of "boasting" of their accomplishment and then the gift, virtue and blessing is gone. 

"I AM" willing to help you, beloved ones, to learn this Law of impersonal service to all imprisoned life now. Further, "I AM" willing to help you to overcome the inflation of the outer personality through temporary successes. Into the beautiful Pink Rose, symbolic of the Thought-form of 1959, I shall most happily descend into your aura, upon your invitation, giving you the assistance of the energy which was and which is mine to offer. 


"I, of myself, could do nothing." 

Although, through the grace of the Heavenly Father, I have achieved, with Kuthumi, a Higher Position in the Heavenly Hierarchy, I, too, can affirm that Pure Divine Love is a most positive quality. Human appearances were all about me, during my Ministry, as they are about you now... a great "practice ground" for the use of Divine Love and Compassion, rather than sympathy and acceptance of imperfection as God's Will for mankind. 

I. too, like Beloved Lady Nada, was apprised of the Truth that I, of myself, (the outer man) could do nothing, but the Father within me did the works. How often have I said: (recorded in your new testaments) after such a restoration, "Go and tell no man"! Those who obeyed sustained their healings, those who enjoyed the flattery of their contemporaries, invariably lost the healing performed in his name and by his Power. My whole Ministry was based on the Law of Pure Divine Love, Humility and Sustained Peace! I can recommend to you, each one, such a formula, for this particular facet of ministration. 


The three kingdoms must be in affinity 

"I Am" grateful to Lord Gautama, particularly, for dedicating the year of 1959 to such cooperative service of the Beings on the Third Ray. Elemental life, for the most part, is not particularly interested in mankind, and some elementals actually endeavor to block the forward progress of the Sweet Earth and all upon it. Imprisoned Angels, too, caught up in the meshes of human effluvia, are often not only antagonistic but actually employ their energies toward the destruction of their fellowman. 

We have a large order in 1959 to bring into affinity these three kingdoms and we, on our part, are using every method known in Heaven's Realm to convince, even a few of mankind of the Vision of Heaven on Earth, here and now. 

Let us, you and I, serve together while the Love Ray is so very active, to reach the minds of even a "few" earnest chelas. All of Heaven's Glories are destined to come forth here on Earth, as soon as the Earth's inhabitants are ready to receive them.








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