An Address by

Our Beloved Lord Maha Chohan

July 1, 1958

Flourtown, PA

My beloved and blessed friends of Light, how grateful I Am among those chosen to present to you my heartfelt love for your desire to be a comforting Presence to life. 

As the Representative of the Holy Spirit to this sweet planet Earth and all its evolutions that are in distress, do you know how deeply my heart is touched when unascended beings, still feeling the power of their unredeemed destructive karma, desire to prepare themselves to become Representatives of myself in the world of form, bringing God-Comfort, impersonally, to all life for the benefaction of all in distress? 

Ah, my children, little do you know, even those of you who have the gift of true inner sight, and whose ears are attuned to the dissonant sounds of the Earth, how much Comfort all the life which uses the sweet Earth as a schoolroom require? For human pride ofttimes locks within the breast of the lifestream requiring the greatest assistance the required call for that Comfort. In the case of little ones that have not yet learned the use of words (such as animals) they have only their feelings to apply in their calls to their group souls, who in turn apply to me. Of course on the return current of my energy comes the humble gift of my Comfort to life. 

Call Me Daily

Beloved ones, there are those who have been recently released from the compound, there are those who have been awakened from the sleepers realm, where they were enjoying a sojourn where neither speech, feeling, thought nor action was required of them, who have not yet stretched forth their hands for Comfort. It is to the chelas, the unascended, that I make my plea that you, on behalf of all life, although it is not necessary to know the particular lifestreams nor conditions that require assistance, just once in every twenty-four period send your call to me for Comfort for all life. That opens the door into the Realm wherein I abide. Ask that the Comfort Flame flood forth in, through and around the Earth and all its attendant evolutions. I will answer, and all the Angels of Comfort at our Command will answer you. 

Many, many in distress who know not how to call, or who are too stubborn or rebellious to call, will receive the Comfort which always precedes lasting peace. When the mind and outer consciousness is in distress, when the body is in pain, when the emotional world is disturbed, when the financial conditions of the present day temporarily are chaotic and changing and individuals are concerned about their very livelihood, they need Comfort and assurance, so that they can become still enough to receive the healing, the financial assistance required, faith in the light to help set them free from all distress, and the ministration of the Angelic Beings, the stimulant to the Holy Christ Self which externalizes the perfection of the Divine Plan through each individual who gives an opportunity so to do! 

There is no unascended being who does not require Comfort before he or she can even concentrate upon the development of a constructive activity for the benefaction of the race, much less concentrate thought, feeling, word and action, for a lifetime, aye, for an eternity, to the establishment of God's Holy Will here on Earth as it is in Heaven. This Comfort brings Peace. This peace of mind, soul, thoughts and feelings allows the Truth now presented to you so freely by those of us who are interested in your specific lifestreams to register in your outer consciousness. In that peace, you can concentrate upon the aspects of the Truth, which must appeal to you, having full freedom (not license) to utilize those aspects of Truth and bring forth manifestations of a lasting benefaction to the race. 

Nada and Lanto, New Chohans

Beloved ones, every one of the Seven Rays, as you know, is under my direct Supervision. There are magnificent unascended lifestreams on each one of these Seven Rays, as well, of course, as the magnificent Elohim, the Archangels, the Archaii and my seven blessed sons (The Chohans), and to whom I have added the Daughter of Light, blessed Nada. Soon I shall accept in the place of my dear Kuthumi, the beloved Lord Lanto. So my family grows larger, it grows larger so far as the Chohanship is concerned, it grows larger as each dear and blessed chela holds my hand and chooses to receive the Comfort which I can give and chooses to enter into our Retreat at Ceylon, learning to become a Comforting Presence in himself or herself to all of life in distress. 

Comfort is not a negative feeling

Comfort is a very positive Virtue, it is like Mercy. Neither of these Virtues is negative in quality. They are positive pressures of energy. Now let us think it through and counsel together, as I do with my beloved sons and my lovely daughter, Nada. Let us think on the quality of Comfort. An unascended individual, as well as an animal in distress, is releasing energy CHARGED with the quality of pain, agony or unhappiness of some kind. That energy is usually a great deal more active, when an individual or even an animal, is in distress, than the energy that is around them while they are temporarily at peace. 

Therefore, the aura of the individual or the animal in distress who desires Comfort, help and assistance is about three times as large and moves with about nine times the rapidity of the same individual or animal in their normal happy little orbit where they are secure and safe. That is something to really think on. You are dealing with a rapid vibratory action discordantly qualified with the emotional world in a sea of chaotic feeling, where the mental world cannot concentrate, where the etheric body is filled with all the memories of disappointments of the past and where the physical body or some member or portion of it is in distress. That forms the energy which you, who desires to be a Comforting Presence, will have to meet. All right. Now if, as a Comforting Presence, you assume a negative feeling and even mentally encompass in your arms that entire condition or person, you draw into your own emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies exactly the condition which the other individual had and there are then two people in distress. This does not mean that you should not be compassionate, merciful, understanding and tolerant, but it means that you must be as the beloved Jesus said: Wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove. 

How to bring Comfort to discordant conditions

When these conditions express even through one individual, you may practice this, because there will be times when you will have hundreds, maybe thousands of individuals, whom you shall have to protect, comfort and guide. You all have someone on whom you can practice. When these conditions arise in the other individual, please, in the name of God, the "I Am" Presence, have discrimination and do not speak immediately. Hold the dignity of your silence as long as you are able so to do. Direct your attention to your "I Am" Presence, then allow it to expand your light through your Holy Christ Flame through you, then call to me, your own elder brother, Maha Chohan, and allow me, through you, to direct the currents into the person, place, condition or thing you are assisting. Do not even raise your hands when you are endeavoring to help antagonistic individuals, because you rouse the sleeping tiger, their human creation. This can all be done absolutely in the power of the silence. As you are seated, or preferably standing, you have the guard over your own solar plexus and feeling world. Then allow that radiance which I promise I shall give, to flow through you, and through your own spheres of influence, to bless all in distress. 

After some practice, because first it will take you longer to accomplish this activity of being a Comforting Presence to life, after a time you will master more quickly this very simple application. When the other individual is quiet, then is the time for a few well chosen words; words that will give him peace in the mind, in the consciousness, until he returns to you to be comforted all over again. 

Patience a Requisite

I can tell you, beloved ones, that those of you who are being trained to be a Comforting Presence, shall learn Patience, for you do not comfort a human being once and have it done for ever. I have comforted more lifestreams since I have assumed this Office than I would care to record. They are almost always the same ones that come back again and again for comfort. However, it is my joy, my privilege and my honor to comfort them until one day, oh, that magnificent day, when they are alert and say: "Now, how can I learn to control my energy and be a Comforting Presence?" Oh, beloved ones, when you have waited for hundreds of years, those are sweet, sweet words. You will learn too, beloved ones, particularly those who live in the great metropolises on the Earth's surface, what is to comfort life again, again and again. To give of your love, of your light and substance and energy, and returning to you those same individuals only when they are in dire distress. That is part of the training for Chohanship and it is part of the training for my successor who will assume the office of the Maha Chohan, as I too ascend the ladder of evolution when the Cosmic Moment allows, and there is someone ready to give the assistance which I presently give to the Earth and its attendant evolutions. 

At the present time, howsoever, having come so close to my chelas, my beloved Pallas Athena and I having read over so lovingly so many letters written, so innocently containing within themselves matter, not only of Cosmic, Spiritual and soul import, but matters concerning the most mundane events, I desire to remain a part of this great Cosmic Era when my gracious and beautiful Ascended Master Saint Germain shall see externalized in the planet Earth the beauty of a permanent Golden Age, where comfort will be the aura of the Earth. The radiance which flows forth from this sweet Star shall be a comfort as it rises and becomes a part of the Music of the Spheres. Oh, if you could see how earnestly all of the great Chohans and the Hierarchs of the many Ascended Masters Retreats prepare for this Era, if you could see how much your Sponsors have done, if you see how much is being prepared right now at this half-yearly Council for the benefaction of your dear and blessed selves as well as that of all mankind, all living things, all belonging to this evolution, your hearts would rejoice indeed. 

We are in a period of Initiations

Oh, surely you are going through some severe initiations, there is not one in this Activity who is not passing through initiations; each of you in different Temples of initiation according to your light and the capacity of your individual lifestream to meet and conquer certain destructive karma, individual and assumed. Let me remind you that when you pass through such initiations, your Divine Sponsor is always with you, invisible often, but directing the Protective Ray from his own Flame and Heart to see you God-successful and God-victorious in the light, until that great hour comes, for which so many of you long, when the call for the Ascension comes from your "I Am'.' Presence, and beloved Serapis Bey, blessed Son of Light, signifies that you are ready to come "Home". Then I have the task of receiving your last breath. After all is said and done, as the beloved One said yesterday, even the most sincere chelas hold on to that breath, when so gracefully and in such dignity I can take you "Home". 

It is not so light a task to give the first breath to the infant that is born, full of vitality and promise and breathes into its lungs the breath of life; knowing yet the glory of the Inner Realms, knowing yet some of the perfection of the Ascended Masters' Temples in which the soul dwelt, even though that infant form does not seem, for a time, to focus his attention upon the world without, either through sight or any other of his outer faculties. That particular activity at present is the mercy of life, to give time for the great builders of form and the Holy Christ Self of such a one to anchor in, through and around that baby boy or girl the life, light and protection which will be required once the senses are open to sight, to hearing and to all the faculties that are utilized by mankind and which records so much discord in the individual's world. 

The New Era

When we come into the New Era, when mankind has raised itself out of the degradation of the present day experience of birth and death, when again the child is born in dignity through the direction of the light rays from the hearts, heads and hands of the parents, into electronic light, where the Immortal victorious Three-fold Flame is established and around which a beautiful light body is created, then we shall see the Seventh Root Race and its several subraces come forth quickly and the Great Divine Director, Manu of the Seventh Root Race, will be able to manifest his portion of the Divine Plan. Unto that day, unto that hour, do we serve and do you, individually, serve. 

Beloved and blessed ones of the light, those days which I have described were once manifested on this very Earth. Some of you have known on other planets, on other suns and other stars the activity of the precipitation of the individuality of a beautiful lifestream. You have seen the etherealization of that lifestream in dignity within the Flame at the close of a certain span. That is why birth and death today as manifested on the face of the Earth is often repugnant to advanced and illumined lifestreams. That is why the great Goddess of Mercy, beloved Kwan Yin, Holy Mary, the Mother of Blessed Jesus, and beloved Meta, Daughter of Sanat Kumara, have sent into the atmosphere of Earth individuals who can give that assistance to those entering into Earth life through the gates of birth and passing again from the Earth plane, through the gates of so-called death, while such conditions remain. 

Remove the cause and core of rebellion

Meanwhile to you, each and everyone desiring to become a Comforting Presence to life, I say, learn, in patience, to remove the cause and core in your own lifestream of all rebellions, resentments and disdain for that which is not yet perfect. Thus you can be a Comforting Presence wherever you move. No divine Being, the great Goddess of Light, beloved Astraea, Mary of the Immaculate Hands and the Gracious Heart, pull aside their skirts from even the most discordant and repugnant appearances, but they go, in all their kindness, into those conditions and into those places to give God-assistance. They are the great examples for earnest chelas who desire to be a Comforting Presence to life. 

The greater your light, the wider the scope of your understanding, the wiser your minds, the purer your vehicles, the more humble you become. I will tell you that the great Lord of the World is One of the humblest of Beings; and Sanat Kumara, in all the majesty of his magnificent Presence, and the Lady Master Venus, his beautiful Complement, have eyes like those of children and have graciousness radiating around them which forms the hem of their Spiritual Garments. There is no Divine, Cosmic, Ascended, Cherubic, Seraphic or Angelic Being who is not, at all times, kind although sometimes firm. Sometimes it is required that one be firm, but if your feelings are kindly before you use the directives that are necessary, your firmness can never hurt any part of life. If your directives come forth, as they must of course, particularly through those of you who are going to handle great numbers of people, while your own feelings, your own thoughts and your own memories are disturbed, those directives carry the lower vibratory action of your outer self. 

So please, those of you who are handling any number of people, and everyone in this Activity will handle greater numbers of people, as they learn to control themselves, learn to become still within yourself and then call to the loving Presence of God "I Am" and to anyone of the Members of the Third Ray or myself, then your directives going forth, although they are positive, are enfolded in our love. 

Why think you, that great Beings like the Beloved Ascended Masters, Morya, Serapis, Hilarion and others are screened through my very consciousness before their energies reach the vibratory action of your aura? Because of the vibrant Power and energy of such Beings which would be truly overwhelming to the outer self. 

There is not one person in this Activity who knows, for I have never chosen to reveal it, that I always stand between the audience and the speaker, so that any Being, Elohim, Archangel, Chohan, whoever he or she may be would have the momentum of that love which is mine, through which their Rays flow to bless all in the group. 

Now, as some dear chelas seem weary and as the outer minds tire so quickly when we talk on Celestial things, and yet they can spend hours of time talking of things terrestrial, I shall, in courtesy, give you my blessing and adieu. 

Lord Maha Chohan








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