May 17, 1958

Friends of Beloved El Morya's Diamond Heart: 

God, the Infinite Source of all, bless you and yours, this very instant and forever, with the FULLNESS of his Will made manifest for you in outer physical action, right here in this physical appearance world! I call directly to your own individualized God-presence "I AM" (whose very life is beating your physical heart even as you read) and to the Beloved Master Morya, to seal you and your worlds in an all-powerful focus of the beautiful Diamond Heart of Perfection, all the rest of your way "Home", releasing to and through you its gifts of invincible protection, illumination, peace of mind and the limitless supply of money and every good thing you require to fulfill your own Divine Plan, the Will of God for you. Ask our Beloved Jesus to flood your world NOW with HIS feeling of ACCEPTANCE of these gifts that they may manifest practically and physically for you! 

THE WILL OF GOD IS GOOD for what? To instantly produce and eternally sustain ABSOLUTE PERFECTION in, through and around everyone, everything, everywhere forever! 

IF GOD IS ALL-POWERFUL, WHY DOES NOT HIS WILL CONSTANTLY MANIFEST HERE? Because of his own gift of free-will with which he has so generously and graciously endowed every lifestream that free-will having been given them so that they could be co-creators with him of greater and greater perfection and not mere automatons simply doing as they were directed, without choice. 

It is easy to understand that there could be no real Mastery without the use of free-will and choice. The Ascended Ones are often called "The Masters of Wisdom". Wisdom is the RIGHT USE of knowledge and knowledge comes from experiencing the results of cause and effect, learning what causes produce what effects constructively and otherwise. Once the lifestream has gained this Mastery for himself, he is then ready and able to teach others, having trod the same way himself. 

You see, after accepting the gift of life in individualized form from whatever God-parents we came, each one then began the use of that freedom of choice, either to stay in the Octaves of Light in which he was created, just continuously enjoying the light, love, happiness and general perfection which is there; or he deliberately chose to go farther afield, find out what was in the rest of the Universe and there, wherever he wished to go, experiment with the creative powers of his being. So did the color and radiation of good from every Sphere in which he had abided sits, for a time register in his Causal Body (the bands of color around the "I AM" Presence, upper figure in the Chart). In this way, the Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters and Angelic Host can tell at a glance just who and what any being is and from whence he came, just by looking at the Causal body around his form (if he be an Ascended One) or around his "I AM" Presence, if that one be unascended as yet. 

IF GOD IS ALL-POWERFUL, WHY IS NOT HIS WILL PARAMOUNT IN EXPRESSION HERE? The day is speedily approaching when this perfection shall manifest! The perfection of the manifestations of God's Will are constantly and eternally manifest in the starry Heavens, in the precision of the movement of the Earth around the Sun, in the rising and falling of the tides, in the coming and going of the seasons would that mankind's activities were as dependable in producing good to bless all! 

However, wherever the perfection of God's Will seems not to manifest here today, it is because of the interference of man's ignorance of that Will, mankind's will being imposed upon the pure, obedient life and light of Almighty God! In the infinite patience of the Heavenly Father, one day that too shall give way to the all-powerful, limitless love of the Creator of All - FOR DIVINE LOVE IS THE GREATEST POWER IN ALL INFINITY! 

We have all heard the phrase so often: "Ignorance of the Law is no excuse!" Even in the courts of law in our work-a-day world, this statement is used. Why? Because the word "ignorance" is not correctly understood and, when separated properly, we see why. Were the word to be spelled "ig-nor-ance" it would be more correct for, since God is the ONLY LIFE there is and since it is HIS life which beats each heart, enabling the mind to think, the body to function and move about, etc., then that life, constantly. flowing into and through each heart, IS INTELLIGENT and, like its Source - REALLY KNOWS ALL! 

THERE IS NO LIFE ANYWHERE, even animal life, WHICH DOES NOT KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG! Our Beloved Saint Germain has said that even the least spiritually developed of mankind (even those with cannibalistic tendencies living in the jungles) know the difference between right and wrong through the feelings. Even though the outer mind is not illumined, the Holy Christ Self lives within that beating heart (or there could be no heartbeat there). Although very much limited by the personality's use of freewill, still that Christ Self watches every opportunity to guide that outer consciousness into the paths of right and light. 

When a thing is wrong, there is always an unhappy or uncomfortable feeling about it directed into the outer consciousness of the individual concerned and mankind sometimes call this "conscience". However, this feeling is often so very gentle (especially in comparison to the violence which sometimes wants to express) and it often manifests as a "still, small voice" that is neither heard nor even noticed by the personality, because of the clamor and confusion of the senses demanding to be satisfied. Therefore, no one can honestly say: "I did not know... "One should say: "I did not listen and obey... "Very often, the price we are allowed to pay in suffering for such disobedience should make us listen next time but do we? We can from now on if we really MEAN that we want the Will of God to manifest for and through us! 

After all, how can we do that Will without listening for its instructions? A Wise One has said: "The first duty of the outer self, every day, is to ask for orders from within". Do we, every morning, ask that ONLY THE WILL OF GOD MANIFEST FOR AND THROUGH US THAT DAY? Then, during the day, one should take a few moments at regular intervals to "BE STILL AND KNOW... "that his very own Holy Christ Self is grateful for opportunity to guide him and give him all the assistance he is willing to accept - NOW! 

Therefore, "ig-nor-ance of the Law is no excuse" because, the knowledge of the right use of the Law is right within your own life! Then, ig-nor-ance of that Law reveals a careless or even deliberate refusal to either listen or obey. This may seem like a hard saying, gentle reader, but it is Truth, just the same! 

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FAILURE, there is only delay to the full manifestation of God's Will for all, everywhere forever! All discord is temporary - thank God! Anything manifesting the appearances of imperfection can only last for a limited time. GOD'S WILL OF ULTIMATE AND ETERNAL PERFECTION SHALL MANIFEST HERE AND LAST FOREVER! That perfection shall still be there, in ever-increasing loveliness, beauty and happiness, WHEN ALL ELSE HAS LONG SINCE GONE into the Sea of Forgetfulness (The Violet Transmitting Flame); emerging there from the pure and perfect Diamond Heart of God-manifestation, a veritable Phoenix, arising from the ashes of a dead past! 

GOD'S WILL FOR YOU IS GOOD - Gentle Reader! ALL GOOD and is meant to manifest for you every day, here and now! Be patient with yourself and with the Law, for it can only work for you AS FAST AS YOU WILL PERMIT IT SO TO DO, by your absolute faith in its loving willingness and all-powerful ability to serve you. 

"I AM"







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