The Masters of Wisdom Speak



One of the main spiritual feelings which must be developed in the chela who is aspiring to his own Ascension is JOY IN SERVICE, individually, as well as on a more general scale, to the evolutions which he or she has voluntarily offered to assist. As it is my office and responsibility to help any and all such chelas to achieve their own highest potential in expanding their own Holy Christ Light, as well as the Light of the world, I cannot over-emphasize the Truth that the desire to serve must be "born" into the hearts of these chelas and externalized in joyous expression (not, however, in unbalanced fanatical zeal). 

Spiritual service is so often performed through a sense of fear, superstition and duty upon the part of the unascended lifestream, but such endeavor has neither the merit nor the efficacy of joyous, happy serving, doing God's Will. Destructive karma (as yet untransmuted) must return for redemption to the one who originally sent that energy forth discordantly qualified, even though that chela be now serving on the Spiritual Path. Blessed indeed is the chela who can and does continue his JOYOUS service, while still redeeming his own personal karma! 


JOYOUS obedience in the performance of God's Holy Will seems so difficult for the outer mind to grasp. Yet, it is the KEY TO FREEDOM! Disobedience to the Will of God has been the cause of every limitation experienced by mankind and all the evolutions living in the Earth, upon it or in its atmosphere. Every direction and instruction that will ever come from your own "I AM" Presence or from any of the Great White Brotherhood WILL FREE YOU (if conscientiously applied) from the causes and cores of the distresses which limit and bind the outer self. The suggestions to the outer self which have come from the lower nature caused disobedience to the Divine Plan in the first place. The very word "obedience" causes the feelings of some people to bristle. Let me point out to you, dear chelas, that you are required only to give obedience to your own Holy Christ Self (which is the anchorage of your own Beloved "I AM" Presence within your beating heart) and to the Ascended Host of Light (who have become one with the perfection of your own Presence), in order to be able to free yourselves from the manifested results of the seeds of disobedience which have been sown by you in the past! This God-obedience is an individual surrender of the outer self to that Divine "I AM" Presence and an acceptance of and loving co-operation with the directions of that Presence by the outer mind. This brings tremendous release to the individual and, through such a one, allows the "I AM" Presence to begin to externalize that one's Divine Plan. 

As Chohan of the First Ray, quite naturally I can see into the auras of all chelas. Even among the most earnest of these, I often see them flinch at the idea of giving obedience to the Law of Love. After all, obedience to God is only loving cooperation with GOOD! Let me point out that such obedience is wholly a self-conscious voluntary activity entered into by the chela, wherein and whereby he learns to master the energies of his emotional, mental, etheric and physical vehicles. The presenting of the idea of the need for obedience is never an attempt to intrude upon the free-will of the lifestream and we, the Brotherhood of God's Holy Will, always courteously await the conscious invitation of every lifestream who desires, within himself, to give this obedience. Then are we able to assist such an one! Remember! WE NEVER INTRUDE! We come only at your invitation! 


Obedience to God's Will requires discrimination upon the part of the chela. This quality is often lacking in the student and we, the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe, are so willing to help any one develop this God-quality of spiritual discrimination and discernment within each such earnest chela. Discrimination is not to be confused with "logic", which is purely an activity of the lower mind. True discrimination is a God-gift which enables the chela to cognize Truth and ACT UPON IT! Often, well-meaning teachers upon the Earth impose foolish disciplines upon their earnest followers and the hope in the hearts of such chelas, coupled with innumerable fears and doubts, causes them to follow such disciplines in an endeavor to find Godliness. Think for a moment of the exquisite FREEDOM your own "I AM" Presence and Holy Christ Self have given to you to use life, throughout the ages! Measure your present condition of mind, body and affairs against your use of free-will in the past and present and then, honestly accept the Truth that any distress or discord results only from your own personal abuse of such FREEDOM and your own free-will choice to disobey the Law of Love! 

Any disciplines that RAISE your consciousness and the energies of your four lower bodies into a vibratory action of harmony, peace and love, ARE OF GOD. Any disciplines that merely repress untransmuted feelings and cause frustrations of mind, body, soul and feelings, have little efficacy in your spiritual advancement. THE CHELA MUST WANT TO DO GOD'S WILL and be discerning enough to know what the disciplines offered are now doing and will do in the future to so raise his personal energies BEFORE he really begins the upward climb out of inharmony into peace; out of limitation into opulent supply; out of disease into health and, finally, out of Earth's evolutions into his Ascension in the Light. Thus did we, each Member of the Great White Brotherhood, attain our freedom and thus will you! 


The Brothers and Sisters of the Third Ray rejoice indeed when anyone of God's blessed children desires to know the Will of God and to ACT UPON IT! There are many sincere individuals who think they want to know the Will of God and spend many lifetimes in pursuing various methods of study prescribed by their fellowmen, in the vain hope of learning God's Will. Remember, beloved ones, the Will of God is to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, through the expansion of PURE DIVINE LOVE. Surely when the outer consciousness becomes aware of this blessed Will of the Father-Mother God for all their children, each individual can accurately measure those disciplines offered to him by the Ascended Host which will bring love, harmony, peace, balance and joy to himself and to his fellowman. Then, through such an individual, the Holy Christ Self is allowed freedom to expand. The aura of such an one becomes a conductor of that Divine Will into his own world FIRST then into the atmosphere about him. 

Will is often confused with domination. God, he, and we, his Representatives, NEVER ATTEMPT TO DOMINATE ANYONE! The chela, himself, MUST WANT to do God's Will and then ENJOY expressing that Will in every facet of his activities. He truly becomes a happy, joyous, willing chela and we can assist such a lifestream almost without limit, in his personal as well as planetary endeavors toward the redemption of the unhappy and distressing karma, not only of himself, but of the entire human race. 


The subject of discipline is close to my heart. For many ages, at the request of earnest students, I have examined their auras and provided for them those disciplines which I knew were necessary to enable them to master the energies of their four lower bodies. When these disciplines were provided in our Retreat, the chelas were at least somewhat prepared for them and endeavored, according to their own capacities, to utilize them in the overcoming of the habits and tendencies of their human nature. Thus they became conductors into the outer world of pure impersonal Divine Love. Even here at Luxor, however, many chelas have rebelled against such disciplines and have left the Retreat, feeling unjustly and harshly treated. 

Now that the Dispensation of the New Age allows chelas the privilege of having our assistance while they are still living in the outer world, rebellions against such disciplines (which usually manifest through the ordinary experiences of daily life) is even more apparent. Let each dear chela know and remember that every experience of daily life is provided only for the express purpose of developing the Divine Love Nature which is the true nature of every child of God. If rebellion, discouragement, discontent and soul-weariness are the fruits of such disciplines, we immediately discontinue them until such time as the soul is ready to truly enjoy co-operating with the Will of God, which is the expression of perfection of all - individually and collectively. PERSEVERE! 


Practicing obedience to the Will of God through the outer consciousness is A SCIENCE which requires the loving, willing, joyous co-operation of the emotional, mental, etheric and physical consciousnesses until that Will is manifested in, through and around the chela. The vibratory action of each of the four lower bodies of any chela is quite different in each of those bodies. The quickening of the vibrations of each of these bodies so that they act in accord, balance and harmonious expression, humbly and reverently externalizing the perfection of the "I AM" Presence through the outer self, is the SPIRITUAL SCIENCE of which many people have spoken and written but all too few have actually manifested! 

Fear and superstition are two of the mass entities which have impeded the efficacious use and expansion of this Spiritual Science. Man's reluctance to think for himself and, instead, accept the doctrines of others who are in like limitation, has been a cause of great distress to earnest seekers after Truth. These humanly conceived doctrines, bearing only the fruits of disappointment and disillusionment, have caused many earnest seekers after Truth to become temporary skeptics and agnostics. As you know, our service on the Fifth Ray is to present and expand Truth to all, especially to these confused and unhappy individuals and one of the facets of our service is to restore their faith in God's goodness and his desire to have ALL his children happy, harmonious and free of limitations of every kind. This is not always so easy of accomplishment, for the scars of past disappointments are deeply imbedded in the etheric bodies of the disillusioned and such individuals do not quickly accept the true doctrines of Divine Love. Yet, even the beloved ones who formerly abided in the "Compound" are now beginning to realize that the Will of God is GOOD for them, as well as for all Earth's evolutions. 

This is the FIRST step, followed by ACTIVE participation in the making of that goodness available to all mankind. This SECOND step is one with which few are willing to co-operate as yet. 

The science of mastering the rebellious and uncontrolled energies of the soul through transmutation of such energies (by the use of the Violet Transmuting Flame), IS PRACTICAL INDEED. To this end we serve and to this same end do we invite each and every sincere chela to serve, until the Will of God is known to the outer consciousness of every lifestream embodying upon this Earth as a joyous and beautiful expression of perfection! Help us to this end, beloved ones, and we shall be so appreciative, proving our appreciation to you in ways of which your outer mind knows not! 


Many centuries ago, I said: "Thy kingdom come! Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven..." Those who have followed me have endeavored to express my decree in their own lives and for this, I truly bless them. In my own life on Earth, I faced many of the trials and tests through which you are passing today. Therefore, I know something of the requirement for you to consciously accept that the WILL OF GOD IS ALWAYS FOR YOUR GOOD. Think you not that, before my Crucifixion, I questioned God's Will as being GOOD in such an experience? Yet, the centuries have proved without a question of a doubt that the Crucifixion, the Resurrection and Ascension of my physical form were necessary to be experienced in order that I might be the Example for humanity, which would keep HOPE ALIVE in the souls of men. 

Now, we enter the Permanent Golden Age for this Planet, which Golden Age is under the direction of the Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain for the next two thousand years. At your call, I shall gladly give you my full gathered Cosmic momentum of my own personal conviction and feeling that THE WILL OF GOD IS GOOD and I shall give this feeling to and through every channel which will allow me expression in thought, feeling, spoken word and deed. The prophecies of old are soon to be fulfilled and, truly, THE WILL OF GOD SHALL BE MADE MANIFEST for and throughout the entire human race! The expression of that will WILL BE GOOD! 


True inner joy comes to the individual when he voluntarily surrenders his personal will to the Will of God! Then nothing of the outer world can disturb him. Such was my experience before the Ascension and such was the experience of every Member of the Great White Brotherhood who has attained the Ascension from this Planet or any other Planet in this Universe, System or Galaxy, even those of which you are not presently aware! It is only the refusal of the outer self to surrender to God's Will that causes the Armageddon of the soul. It is my privilege to re-establish the Kingdom of Heaven, right here on Earth. 

Thus, I am so eternally grateful to Beloved Master Morya and his Brotherhood for sustaining the focus of God's Will on Earth. As this Crystal Flame with a radiance of Sapphire blue constantly radiates through the emotional, mental, etheric and physical strata of Earth's atmosphere (during this thirty-day period particularly) Its vibratory action and feeling are bound to be picked up by the more spiritually sensitive lifestreams still in embodiment here. They, in turn, will aid my Cause to make of Earth a Star of Freedom. 

To Beloved Hercules and Holy Amazon; to Beloved Lord Michael and Blessed Faith, I am also grateful indeed for keeping a living Focus of the POSITIVE FEELING OF THE GOODNESS OF GOD'S WILL upon Earth and in its atmosphere. 

To the dear chelas who have offered to assist me, I am also most grateful. In this month of May when I, myself, achieved the Ascension in the Light; when Lord Gautama received his enlightenment; when Beloved Jesus achieved his Ascension there is a MORE THAN ORDINARY CURRENT OF ADDED SPIRITUALITY flooding the atmosphere of Earth. Accept it! Use it! EXPERIENCE THE JOY OF DOING GOD'S WILL.






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