An Address by

Our Beloved Maha Chohan

Aug. 6, 1956

Beloved and blessed children of Light, endowed with that magnificent Gift, the free-will use of the primal essence of deity, Life itself as your intelligence desires (through the use of thought, feeling, spoken word and deed), CONTEMPLATE THAT GIFT of self-conscious intelligence and the right to use primal life as you choose! Try to realize how rich, how magnificent is your heritage! Think! That life never ceases to flow for a moment, day or night, waking or sleeping, in embodiment or out of it! The love of your Source from whence that life comes is so merciful, so compassionate and so understanding that, never has that Supreme Source said: "Enough! I shall give no more" no matter how much of its life you have used in the past through eons of time, experimenting with thought, feeling, spoken word and deed which produced subsequent creation, according to its kind, constructive or destructive, as its cause was sent forth! 

Constantly there flows into your being that Gift of primal life with your every heart-beat; life which can either be woven into the glorious pattern of your own Divine Plan fulfilled and into your Causal Body; or life which can be woven into the chains and limitations which temporarily bind you to distressing experiences here. It is all a matter of your self-chosen use of free-will! 

In acknowledging the Gift of Life, let us be grateful to the Universal First Cause for its patience, its tremendous generosity and its capacity to hold for you that Divine Pattern and Plan, knowing that some day that Plan inevitably shall manifest for you. Your Source of Life knows that when you have mis-qualified ENOUGH energy (thus creating conditions unhappy enough), that very discord will become the spur and prod which will turn you back again to your Supreme Source, there asking for the way and means by which you again can set your worlds in order. Then, beloved ones, the same Source from whence flowed that life which you have qualified with shadow, disintegration, decay and general inharmony still will let flow to you more of its life to qualify as 1 you desire (this time constructively) and, with the assistance of the Ascended Masters, raise your emotions, your minds, your etheric bodies and your flesh garments back again to the dignity and beauty which always has been and is now your Divine Destiny. This Destiny is expressed by the externalization of your Holy Christ Self through the outer form in the fulfillment of your Divine Plan here on Earth. 

Think for a moment! No matter how much Violet Fire there is in this Universe, if your Source did not continue to supply you with its life and intelligence, that Violet Fire would be of no use to you for you would have neither the consciousness nor intelligence to accept it, nor the wisdom to use it to set yourselves and all mankind free from shadows of every kind. Therefore, to the Supreme Source of all that is and to the individualized God-intelligence which holds within itself the Sacred Fire of your individuality, be grateful for the Gift of Life and for the opportunity of using that life, even while you yet wear a garment of flesh. 

At the close of an embodiment, I have received the "Breath of Life" from individuals who have laid their burdens down, finding those burdens (for the time being, at least) too heavy to carry further. Then, after they had self-consciously given up their breath which had enabled them to be sustained in a body in this world of form, I have seen those individuals filled with remorse and regret for the tasks not done on Earth, the services not rendered, the opportunities of the past life not woven into loving accomplishments. I have seen those individuals begging for opportunity to return to Earth at once to make things right but, through the action of the Cosmic Law, they were required first to appear before the Karmic Board and then spend some time at Inner Levels for needed rest and necessary instruction which would help them live more constructively in their next Earth life. These lifestreams were also required to pass through the necessary rituals and applications to receive new birth here. Also, I have seen such individuals who were so desirous of making things right, come back upon the scene of life so long after the distressing experiences involving certain other lifestreams, that those with whom the balance could and should have been made had already passed from the Earth-life and there was no way for the new brain-consciousness and soul-self of the newly incarnated individual to make the contact with those gone before. 

Therefore, TODAY IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY, each one in his or her own chosen place of service, to draw that Flame of Healing, Comfort, Peace and Supply; to magnetize that Flame of Truth and to help us to establish and radiate through this Activity, those particular Virtues which belong primarily to Beloved Pallas Athena and myself. 

Allow Christ Self Within to Manifest - Here and Now! 

NOW IS THE TIME to create emotionally, mentally, etherically and physically, channels through which may flow the Nature of the Holy Spirit, whose Nature I represent to the Earth. You cannot do this by endeavor of human will; you cannot do it by repression of untransmuted, destructive tendencies but you can do it by entering into the Secret Place of the Most High which is within your own beating heart. There you can call to me, asking for the Presence of my Comfort Flame in, through and around you, letting it give you my feeling of Comfort. Instantly at your call that Comfort Flame shall flow to you from my heart, down through the golden radiance which surrounds your Silver Cord and fill your feeling world with my desire to be a Comforting Presence to the Universe! 

This same activity can take place with any Quality or Virtue of God, the fullness of which you do not now feel and yet which lies dormant within that Immortal Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth which lives in your heart. Of course, you can endeavor to stimulate such qualities by the expanding of that Immortal Three-fold Flame itself, but you can also have the great assistance of the full-gathered Cosmic momentum of every Cosmic Being, Ascended Master and Angel in Heaven. At your call, these will gladly give to you their understanding and their feelings of God-accomplishment until you have developed a similar momentum in yourselves. 

That part of the Christian credo which speaks of the "Communion of the Saints" refers to the capacity of the unascended lifestream (in the silence, privacy and sincerity of his own prayer hour) to reach up and draw upon the perfected energies of the Ascended Ones, asking for their understanding and their feelings of God-accomplishment; then allowing those feelings to fill your inner bodies and blaze through your flesh for the benefaction of all who are using the Earth as a schoolroom. 

As I have previously told you, it is my obligation to life to help every soul who desires to become a Holy Spirit, a Spirit filled with Holiness, Healing, Love and Peace. For this reason I remain in this Universal Scheme and I can never refuse (nor would I wish to) to personally assist individually or in group endeavors, life-streams who want to become the Holy Spirit in action. 

There are few upon this Planet Earth, beloved ones, who are cognizant of my Presence, my Service and even my name. Of these few, there are fewer still who have opportunity to come as close to me as you do - able to take of my life and instruction, given freely to you for one purpose: to raise you and make you such conductors of the gifts and powers of my life and light that mankind, feeling more than seeing the radiation of your aura, will want to make the application necessary to come into a like estate of peace.  

I thank you for this opportunity to reach your hearts and outer minds and, at the same time as I am speaking to you, I thank you for the opportunity you have given me to pour the Comfort Flame through the energies of your inner and physical bodies. This shall be a permanently sustained activity which you can re-animate at will by thinking upon it. You know that it is possible for you to re-animate unpleasant experiences of the past just by thinking upon them and then, by securing the co-operation of the emotional body (your feeling world), you can stir your entire set of four lower vehicles into conditions of distress. That same Law works constructively, of course. If you think of your own Beloved "I AM" Presence, the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Host, the Cosmic Beings and the Suns of the Systems - your emotional, mental, etheric and very physical body too will respond and all will begin to absorb and radiate those higher vibrations of light which the beam of your attention upon these God-free Beings has drawn toward you. WHATEVER A MAN THINKS UPON AND WITH WHICH HE ALLOWS HIS ATTENTION TO CONNECT through the use of God-given free-will DOES SUCH A MAN DRAW INTO HIS WORLD! 

Therefore, take the search-light of your attention that beam of your God-given energy and consciously direct it toward the Comfort, the Truth, Peace and Supply, as well as all the Ascended Master Qualities and Virtues which you desire to have manifest in your world. Consciously govern that beam of attention, not allowing it to play upon the quagmires of distress which you can see everywhere about you. The farther you go in the light, the more energy and power you draw, the wider is the beam of your attention and the more powerful the magnetic attraction which draws into itself (just as your vacuum cleaner draws into itself the dust from your rug) that upon which your attention rests! 

Now, among the masses of mankind, that beam of attention in many is not very wide. In fact, sometimes it is no wider than the width of an ordinary straight pin. It can flit from one subject and experience to another and not particularly magnify any distress in the individual's world, except something in which he is particularly, personally interested. You would be amazed to see the beam of attention of a mass of people flowing over the headlines of a newspaper, for instance, just barely noticing them with a thin pin-like beam of attention. Yet, if there is something in the paper that directly concerns a particular lifestream who is reading, the beam of that one's attention instantly can become as wide as a nine-foot span! Then all the distress and turmoil connected with that experience is thus given an open door to flow into that individual's experience world. You see, the personality feels so very important especially when the outer self and its affairs are touched. So, even in the case of the masses of the people, the open door formed by the direction of the attention into the description of distress in the paper draws more of that grief and distress into the inner bodies and brain consciousness of the reader, when his or her own personality or those near to him is concerned. 

In the case of a chela who is consciously walking the Path of Light, where the Immortal Three-fold Flame has already expanded within the heart (at least to some extent); where you have consciously drawn forth certain powers of the Sacred Fire and you have learned to direct your attention to the Retreats of the Ascended Masters, to the Suns of the Systems and have had the added assistance of being able to project your attention to a Galaxy above you - do you realize what power there is in that life energy? That is your own life and it is a mighty powerful magnet which can draw to you from superior Galaxies the glorious life that is there, or it can draw to you the distresses which are in the outer world, if you to allow your attention to dwell upon them! 

That is one reason why, until this New Dispensation came forth, we did not invite individuals to attend the activities in the Retreats of the Ascended Masters, even in consciousness, because we knew that the beam of attention and power of levitation through consciousness would become not only a power to enable that lifestream to reach these various Inner Activities, but that beam would continue to act during the rest of the twenty-four hour period. Then, without control, that same attention could draw into his world a great deal more discord than could be drawn by the individual who had the very small and pin-like beam. 

Therefore, with every God-power conferred upon you; with every expansion of consciousness; with every bit of training from the Ascended Masters' Realm, you must be cognizant of the requirement for more God-protection and more wisdom in the use of your faculties. You must become cognizant of the fact that you have become a greater power for good or for evil after you have received the pressure of the Ascended Masters' radiation and when your attention has been raised. In order to proceed in consciousness to the Throne of Alpha and Omega (God and Goddess of the Great Central Sun) or even just to the System above you, the beam of your attention is literally held by the hand of some Great Being of the First Ray and is moved up into the Realm upon which your attention is fixed. Then it is "pinned" in that Galaxy (you might say) by the hands of the Blue Ray Angels and Devas. Otherwise, you would not be able to retain consciousness here during this period, you would either go to sleep or perhaps faint. However, in order for you to have a visit into these powerful Realms, these Beings hold the beam of your attention upward there and sustain your outer consciousness here, allowing you to look for a moment at a superior Galaxy and see a part of the Divine Plan. Then, ever so gently, that beam of attention is lowered by the same Angels back into your own Galaxy; then from the Central Sun into the Sun to which your System belongs; then horizontally back into the Planet of your present habitation (the Earth). 

I have told you and others that many, many souls who proceed on individual spiritual experiments without the protection and assistance of the Ascended Masters cannot find their way back to sane living on the Earth plane. Do you think that if you were to be left alone in consciousness in the heart of a Great Solar System that you could come back, carefully and safely, into the atmosphere of Earth without help? Beloved ones, the outer mind takes SO MUCH for granted! 

When your Transmission Classes are in progress, Devas and Angels hold the beam of your attention in the Ascended Masters' Retreats to which you have consciously directed it, so that you may receive from such Active Retreats of the month those tremendous currents of energy which vitalize your inner bodies and your flesh as well. Then, in the same manner as I have described, they draw back that beam of your attention into your natural orbit. 

Why do you think Sponsors from each Retreat are provided to be with you during the time that each such Retreat is active? For this specific service that your consciousness may be drawn to the Retreat and then safely drawn back into your own personal sphere of influence. Then, during the thirty-day periods of the Retreats' activities, at night while your bodies sleep or when you consciously direct your attention toward an Active Retreat, these Angels convey your consciousness again to the Retreat, let you feel the radiation which is there and then bring you back safely in the morning to your physical body, home and environment, with as much of the substance and energy of the Flame as the Hierarch and Brotherhood of that Retreat deem it wise to anchor within your physical body and inner world. As conscious chelas on the Path, you are constantly guarded and guided by Angelic Beings, as well as by the Spiritual Hierarchy. Every exercise that we give you or application that we suggest you make, we give with the forethought as to how we may protect you in the use of that exercise or application (breathing, decrees, songs, visualizations) because you are as yet living among the dangers of the outer world in the astral plane. 

Now, you well know, especially those of you who have studied something of Occult Law, that much instruction to the chela is given only while the chela is within the aura of a competent and well-trained Guru and that much of such instruction is given through radiation alone. The chela receiving such instruction through radiation from the Master must be alert and illumined enough to be able to interpret it correctly and then apply it efficaciously to produce the results desired by the Guru. This instruction through radiation alone is really quite a protection to the chela himself, for thus he has no actual words from the Guru to repeat, even with a slight coloration of his own interpretation thereof through his own mental concepts. 

You see, the Guru's aura provides the chela with protection against certain influences of the astral world in which all unascended beings abide here. While the chela is so protected by the Guru, he is able to perform some deeper breathing exercises which are very helpful to his spiritual advancement and the chela there can also practice certain exercises of precipitation and levitation. The Guru's aura also protects the aspiring chela against the weaknesses of his own personal nature, as well as certain destructive influences of the astral plane as we mentioned before. 

It is, too, the Guru's loving endeavor to protect the chela as he goes out again into the world to serve, when such a Teacher admonishes his chela to seal his lips against divulging certain instructions to others with which he (the chela) himself is not altogether familiar. You see, beloved ones, if the chela takes that Law to others with which Law he is not wholly acquainted himself the karma for this lies upon the shoulders of the outer self of the chela who divulged the instruction. 

Now, the reason for this is quite simple: As we said previously, the chela taking training from a competent Guru is held within the protective aura of that Teacher while his instruction is being given and his experiments are being tried. When such a chela promiscuously divulges such instruction to others and they attempt to produce the same results without the protective aura of a trained Guru, they may (and often do) get into considerable difficulties and, naturally, the karma for this would fall upon the shoulders of the well-meaning but indiscreet chela. 

Therefore, when you have actually entered into our sanctified aura (by placing your attention upon me or any of the Cosmic Beings or Ascended Ones in loving devotion and gratitude), you then have protected freedom to experiment with your expanding faculties, as well as with your dormant ones which we are trying to help you develop. The exercises and applications which we know are quite safe for you to use are given in the published literature of this Activity, according to the discretion and discrimination of Beloved Morya in "The Bridge" literature and of my own in "The Bulletin". Common sense will tell you, of course, that such instructions of Truth may be utilized and given forth to help others at any time. 

The Planet "Aquaria" 

For your interest and illumination as well, let me take you now on a little mental journey which will tend to expand your consciousness and acquaint you with at least something of what is in the rest of the Universe. 

Placing our consciousness for a moment in the heart of Helios and Vesta, we move outward first to the Planet Mercury; then to Aquaria; then to Uranus and then to the Earth. Presently, of course, you are living upon the Planet Earth and your reason for being here is because you have volunteered to help raise this Planet and her evolutions. In this Cosmic hour of the forward movement of this entire Galaxy, Mercury will move forward into the Sun. When this takes place, the Earth and her evolutions will be ready to move into the orbit of Uranus. Uranus, in turn, will move into the orbit of Aquaria and Aquaria will move into the orbit of Mercury. All of this will bring the Planets of this System closer to their Sun (presided over by Beloved Helios and Vesta) and Mars (the Planet next to the Earth), will move over into the present orbit of the Earth. 

Now, you know something about your Earth so today, for just a moment, we will take you to the Planet Aquaria which will be the closest one to the Sun when the present Planet Mercury has been absorbed into the heart of that Sun. 

Uranus is a very large Planet and upon it there are a very great number of lifestreams evolving. Aquaria is a Planet smaller in size than Uranus and, looking at it from Cosmic space, it presents a beautiful blue color, something like your aquamarine. Its color is really a combination of aquamarine and turquoise as you know those colors on Earth. 

Aquaria is a very "delicate" Planet, everything about it is along the Seraphic lines of the most delicate and refined stature, even its verdure and Nature Kingdom. All of the buildings on Aquaria are beautifully frescoed, the columns narrow and often end in lovely Seraphic figures. The people's bodies there are beautifully fashioned as well and the Aquarians have golden hair and blue eyes, as have the Uranians also. 

The Aquarians have accomplished Divine Mastery through the expansion and use of the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth within their hearts until, in them, it is visible to the physical sight above their waists. This makes them self-luminous and the light blazes from the upper part of the body. Everyone wears a natural Crown of Light which is made up of the Seven Rays of the Elohim. The jewels they wear and use in their adornments are precipitated fire and everything these people do is done with great delicacy and finesse. 

These Aquarians wear garments mostly Grecian in style, both men and women. Their foot-fall is very light because of the self-luminosity of their bodies and when they move they do not even touch or make an imprint upon the beautiful surface of their land an aquamarine-colored ground covering which is similar to your grass. 

There are beautiful mountains upon this Planet, in variegated colors (pink, gold and violet) from base to summit. Perhaps some of you have seen, from time to time, mountains in the sunset with these lovely colors playing around their peaks but on Aquaria these colors play all through the substance of the mountains themselves. Because these people levitate as easily as the Ascended Masters do, you will find lovely golden Pagodas and Llamaseries 'way up in very high places in these mountains which, from the human standpoint, would make them seem quite inaccessible were you to look at them from the bases of the mountains. 

On Aquaria there are seven continents and seven oceans, and this pattern of seven continents and seven oceans follows through on all of the Planets belonging to our System governed by Helios and Vesta. In the System above, the one to which our Beloved Alpha and Omega belong (our Great Central Sun) there are twelve Planets, with twelve continents and twelve oceans on each Planet. You see, there is a great symmetry and Divine pattern of perfection in all the activities of Nature. 

Since these people of Aquaria are self-luminous and since the atmosphere of the Planet has no discord in it, the Music of the Spheres is easily heard by the masses. These people pass through a fourteen thousand year cycle (seven two thousand year periods) from the time of the birth of the lifestream into its first embodiment on Aquaria until its Ascension is attained at the end of such a cycle. Of course, so-called "death" as you think of it here is unknown. On Aquaria, at the close of a lifespan (some lifespans running as long as one thousand to twelve hundred years, because there is no disintegration or decay there) , the individual just steps within a concentrate of the Violet Fire of Etherealization which is focused in certain Temples provided for that purpose. Thus such a one passes instantly from Aquaria into the Inner Realms around it for rest and instruction before taking another embodiment. 

There are Temples on Aquaria which are similar to your crematories. Not only every continent on the Planet has such Temples upon it but every inhabited locality upon those continents has such a Temple which the people call "Completion". When the individual has completed a lifespan, that one proceeds to that Temple, his family invariably accompanying him. To the melodies of beautiful music and appropriate ceremony, the individual steps into the Flame and just disappears into the light, consciously entering into the Inner Realms. As we said before, such a lifestream often returns after a certain period of rest and instruction, reassuming his contact with the various members of his previous family, because of the long lifespans which the people of Aquaria enjoy. Even should he be out of embodiment for as long as two or three hundred years, most of his loved ones are still in embodiment on Aquaria and they joyously wait for him to return. 

On Aquaria, the "birth" of a new body comes, of course, through the conscious projection of precipitating light rays from lovingly chosen parents and such an individual is in full command of all his faculties from "birth". He comes into embodiment wearing a very light garment which could not be called a "flesh" garment, but is similar to the bodies worn by those in the Realm in which he has come to abide. Such an individual will very often continue with the studies in which he was proficient before he left his former body, arrangements having been made previously with his family and friends before he entered the Temple of Completion to keep his books and experimental data together, usually in a lovely golden chest which is marked with his name and approximate date of his return. This continuity of consciousness makes things very much easier for the lifestream on Aquaria. 

When a lifestream comes into rebirth upon that Planet, there is a ceremony again in the Temple which they call "The Temple of Opportunity". There the parents stand, accompanied by the other members of the family, friends and loved ones. As the parents project intelligent light rays into a Precipitating Flame at a given point in the atmosphere before them, they are directed to form the vortex of the heart of the incoming one, into which the Holy Christ Self of that one descends within the Immortal Three-fold flame. There is no veil of shadow here. 

Then the parents coalesce around that Flame a "physical" vehicle through the process of self-conscious precipitation. Sometimes it is only a matter of ten minutes or so of time before the "new-born" steps out of this Precipitating Flame, in full possession of all his faculties as has been said. He usually greets his parents with a handclasp or loving acknowledgment of some kind, greeting his friends in a like manner. Then he has a period of adjustment to the Planet itself, after which he is free to go and repossess the treasures of his previous life and continue with his experiments and activities of light. 

From the foregoing, one can easily see how very beautiful is this Planet Aquaria. The lifestreams who have come to help the Earth from this Planet (long ago, when such assistance was offered in Earth's darkest hours) , you will usually be able to distinguish by the very delicacy of their forms. They will always be individuals who are very slender, rather ethereal and they carry a great buoyancy and sensitivity of spirit. 

The present endeavors of Aquaria and her people are to prepare as quickly as possible to enter into the fiery orbit of Mercury in this great Cosmic "push" of the hour. 

Now, again, the Mercurians are an entirely different type of lifestream. They are tremendously charged with fire and are a very positive people. Thinking upon the Nature of the Beloved Ascended Master Morya (who is a Mercurian) you can understand this rather well. So, the adjustment of the Aquarians to take the orbit of the fire people of Mercury is also quite an initiation! Many Mercurians are already living on Aquaria, rendering service and assistance to this end. 

This is just a "bird's-eye view" of life on Aquaria but I would like to have you somewhat acquainted with the Planets which belong to the System in which you are serving. Then you can travel hither and yon in consciousness; you can go and see the people there, as well as invite them to visit you. In your outer world contacts, when you see the different types of lifestreams, you will be able to realize from whence they came and thus understand them better. You can cognize Uranians as well as the "fire people" from Mercury and it will be interesting and helpful to you to be able to test your own discrimination and your capacity to recognize them. As you now have some understanding concerning their different natures, it will be easier for you to associate with them much more harmoniously. 

As the time allotted for our little visit has now expired, I again give you the benediction of the Holy Spirit, asking always that you remember to rhythmically give me your loving attention. * 

Note: As mentioned by our Beloved Maha Chohan in the previous address, the first move in the Cosmic evolutionary progress of this System is horizontal. For the edification of our Gentle Readers, we give you below the names of the Seven Planets which belong to the System to which our Earth belongs - whose Sun is Helios and Vesta.


        1             2            3            4              5        6        7

Mercury – Aquaria – Uranus – Earth – Freedom – Athena - Purity










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