(Please use the following 3 times a day - 3 times each for each Element)


For Fire Element, Salamanders

Beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God "I AM" in me and Beloved Helios and Vesta:

*Hold their Flames steady; make and keep them ready;

Hold them in their perfect place and let their bondage cease!

God-Presence set them free now! Joyous let them be now

Eternally sustained in love and peace!


For Air Element, Sylphs

Beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God "I AM" in me and Beloved Thor and Aries:

(*Repeat 4 lines above, please)


For Water Element, Undines

Beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God "I AM" in me and Beloved Neptune and Lunara:

(*Repeat 4 lines above, please)


For Earth Element, Gnomes, Fairies, Nature Spirits, etc.

Beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God "I AM" in me and Beloved Pelleur and Virgo:

(*Repeat 4 lines above, please)




Constancy in the giving of the above decree with sincere feeling, daily and rhythmically, will bring tremendous blessings to any and all who will give this service.




June 21, 1958



I am come to give to you my blessings for the sweet sincerity of your dear hearts in endeavoring to resuscitate the natural Power of Precipitation for your own dear selves and your fellow-man. 

As I Am also among those Divine Personages who are interested in the conscious use of the Power of Precipitation utilized so freely and magnificently through the Nature Kingdom, I can but rejoice that now, in this hour of planetary crises, there is arising within the deep recesses of your spiritual nature, a beautiful and sincere desire to learn to use the Power of Precipitation. This Power you once knew and utilized through eons of time before the "veil of maya" (with its limited concepts) temporarily caused you to lose this Power and accept limitation as being God's Holy Will for you! 

Precipitation of GOOD is part of your Divine Heritage. Now reach out, beloved, and consciously accept this Power! I shall help you. Remain no longer in the acceptance of your spiritual impotence! What the Nature Kingdom externalizes each year for the beauty, nourishment and encouragement of mankind, you, too, can do RIGHT NOW! This will be the greatest example to mankind (who enjoy more the fruit than the patient tree which produces it) and will cause some few among them to desire to learn the Law of Precipitation for themselves. Be not disappointed, beloved, if the many pluck the fruit of your spiritual disciplines and resultant manifestations, but are much less interested in the Way by which such manifestations occur. It has always been so! 

Remember always, beloved children, that the New Day has dawned and that my son, the Ascended Master Saint Germain, depends upon you, each one, to bring forth the Permanent Golden Age upon the Sweet Earth through your dedicated spirits. This is the Kingdom of Heaven come NOW! 

To those of you who consider seeking the Power of conscious Precipitation as either selfish or unworthy of a spiritual life, I suggest that you dis-abuse your minds and outer consciousnesses of such false human concepts. It is not for yourself, alone, that you seek the resuscitation of that Power, but that through you (as channels) the beauty that lies in the Seventh Sphere may and shall be externalized upon the Earth. 

Consider rationally the Nature Kingdom for a moment! After the long winter months which have been provided as a time of rest for the various members of that Kingdom, if such members took the conscious stand of mankind and thought it of no use to "bother" to tie into the Resurrection Flame; if they did not consciously endeavor to cooperate with their own Divine Plan (which is to show mankind the beauty of their expression) how would you personally feel? If even for one year there were no glorious Spring; no harvest; no magnificent Autumn; mankind's HOPE, as well as his practical physical sustenance, would disappear! Are you not equal to the challenge which we, the Spiritual Hierarchy, place before you, to Precipitate GOOD through the expansion of the Divine Plan held by the Holy Christ Self within your heart? 

On behalf of the Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain, whose Cause you have vowed to serve, I IMPLORE YOU NOW to be about your "Father's Business", as Blessed Jesus was centuries ago and still is! The desire to learn how to consciously use the Power of Precipitation for the blessings of the Earth's evolutions is GOD-INSPIRED, GOD-DIRECTED AND GOD-PROTECTED! The human vows of "holy poverty" have been mis-interpreted by well meaning individuals. The God-vow is "holy humility" in the use of all the God Powers and their attendant expressions, whether these expressions take the form of FAITH in God; WISDOM in the use of his Life; LOVE of God and his Messengers; personal PURITY (so that one is a more efficacious channel of his Holy Will); CONSECRATION of his life (through you) to expand any constructive line of endeavor; MINISTRATION to those expressions of imprisoned life (whether they be Angelic, human or elemental); or INVOCATION of God's Holy Will manifest NOW on the Sweet Earth. 

Note carefully that the Power of Precipitation of Good is coupled with Reverence for Life! In that conscious knowledge is your safe-guard against selfishness of any kind. 

Let us daily enter together in consciousness into the beautiful Rocky Mountain Retreat and sit at the feet of Beloved Lanto and the Brotherhood there. They have guarded the Power of Precipitation for ages and are filled with the FEELING OF REVERENCE FOR ALL LIFE. From them accept the blessings which are yours for the asking! I shall be waiting there for you! Please come and, within the compass of my own loving heart, you can be the beneficiaries of ALL the full, gathered Cosmic Momentum which IS WITHIN THIS RETREAT! Then, as you return to your respective spheres of influence, you will have a greater impetus to use the instruction concerning and feeling for REVERENCE FOR ALL LIFE, which I trust you will utilize without strain or stress to bless all imprisoned life at this crucial time of planetary initiation. 

Love and blessings





The Statement for Transmission Class of June 21, 1958, is:

     1            2             3          4                  5                 6          7            8

"I AM" inbreathing Lanto's feelings that precipitate peace where'er I move

"I AM" absorbing          "            "         "                  "        "          "

"I AM" expanding         "            "         "                  "        "          "

"1 AM" projecting         "            "         "                  "        "          "


Color of Flame: Chinese Green;

Musical Keynote: "O Thou Sublime Sweet Evening Star" from Tannhauser;

Hierarchs: Beloved Lanto and Beloved Confucius








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