In the Name of God, I bring you the FIRE of Hercules! I Am the Elohim who embodies the WILL TO DO! I am the Elohim of DECISION and God spare me the vacillating man! Everything that has been accomplished by men and women of Decision; by Angels, Elementals and Devas of Decision; by Beings who have voluntarily chosen to combine the energies of their lives with the WILL TO DO! Without that WILL TO DO, there is no permanence of accomplishment! 

Here are The Seven Steps to Precipitation:

First: Hercules, the DECISION and WILL TO DO.

Second: Cassiopeia, PERCEPTION the capacity to cognize the idea, to grasp it, to meditate on it.

Third: Orion, DIVINE LOVE the power of cohesion which draws the unformed into form.

Fourth: Claire, the Elohim of PURITY to hold steady the clarified picture, not distorting it by any opinion or desire of the outer self.

Fifth: Vista (Cyclopea) holding the CONCENTRATION (CONSECRATION) of the energies until the design is completed.

Sixth: Arcturus (Seven Ray) use of the Violet Fire, RHYTHM of INVOCATION and PRECISION perfecting the symmetry of form.

Seventh: Tranquility, Elohim of Peace Sixth Ray takes the form, increasing it in beauty, harmony and service; sealing it within his Flame of Cosmic Christ Peace. This enables the creation to be permanently sustained. 

The reader will observe that in the sixth step the Seventh Ray comes into action, and that the last step is under the Sixth Ray. This inversion occurs because all precipitation to be permanent has to be sealed in the Ray of Peace. 

Beloved ones, if you were to concentrate upon the Law as we give it, you could come from a consciousness of limitation into one of complete freedom very quickly. It all depends upon how much you WILL TO BE; YOU WILL TO DO and YOU WILL TO BECOME:



Note: Excerpts from The Seven Mighty Elohim Speak on the Seven Steps to Precipitation