December 15th, 1958 through January 14th, 1959 

The beautiful Temple of Precipitation is located in the Wyoming Rocky Mountains and is now the focus of the Beloved Confucius, Successor of Beloved Lanto, who endeavors always to combine the Divine Reverence for Life of the Eastern Philosophy with the Manifest and Practical Service of the peoples of the West. 

During this thirty-day period, all of the Spiritual Hierarchy will attend the Temple of Precipitation, and many of the dear chelas, unascended, will also bring their ideas and plans for the year of 1959 for presentation to the Great Karmic Board. Again, this magnificent Focus of Precipitation is opened to all who desire (in their innermost motives) to expand the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth. 

Reverence for life, imperative

The loving reverence for Life of Blessed Confucius is an imperative part of positive and constructive precipitation and this gift, he, in love, offers to all who accept the invitation to attend this Council. In reverence for life itself, no matter what form it is presently functioning, the individual automatically removes many of the causes and cores of selfish motive for precipitation in their own worlds. 

Lord Zadkiel, Keeper of the Scrolls

Beloved Lanto will, of course, return to this Retreat during the time it is open to assist his Successor in the greeting of the dear Friends and earnest chelas. The Beloved Lord Zadkiel himself will be Keeper of the Scrolls and will accept all those patterns and designs which they desire to present to the Karmic Board. As in all previous years, the Keeper of the Scrolls will read them over carefully and assign to each Hierarch (or his Representative) a Council Chamber Wherein the Ascended Master can and will counsel with those who desire to participate in forwarding God's Kingdom here on Earth. 

The ThoughtForm for 1959

The Builders of Form, in honor of Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain, have created over the Teton Mountains, magnificent chairs of deep amethysts, with purple foot-stools to match. Here, the Karmic Board will listen to and approve those ideas and patterns that can best be worked into the ThoughtForm for 1959. This Thought Form is lowered by the Silent Watcher of the Earth, Immaculata, into the living Consciousness of the New Lord of the World, Gautama, who, in turn, projects It forth into the visible tangible consciousness of all assembled at the Council. They, knowing Its import, expand millions of replicas of this Thought Form forth into the emotional, mental, etheric and physical consciousness of mankind, where it is picked up by the outer minds of those sensitive to its vibration and, in a perfectly natural manner, these good people then create, each according to his or her own ability, and manifest it on Earth as an impersonal blessing to all life. 

Not too many peoples on the Earth today are acquainted with the gift, secured by them by the Beloved Maha Chohan, of even entering such an Ascended Master Retreat. This, however, makes the gift no less in its potency and, of course, proximity to the Ascended Host and the actual witnessing of the ThoughtForm as it is externalized by the Lord of the World, greatly helps the unascended beings so privileged as to be a part of these magnificent half-yearly Councils. 

Purification of the lower bodies, essential

The perfect pattern for every unascended being is to release all the good of his or her own Causal Bodies AT THIS TIME into the physical appearance world. Thus the purification of the energies of the four lower bodies is essential in order that such a Cosmic Release through each and everyone can and will take place NOW. Great Divine Beings on the Seven Rays are awaiting each chela at this Retreat to help each such an one individually to learn how, first to purify the lower bodies, and second, how to release consciously the good in their Causal Bodies. 

Impersonal service to life, indispensable

As this Retreat has been described in detail many times in "The Bridge to Freedom" (see footnote) this issue is primarily concerned with the learning by the chelas of impersonal service to life and gentle, loving, reverence for life. 

Throughout the ages, mankind has experimented with the science of precipitation for personal benefaction, but now those who are willing, able and selfless enough to learn the true science of precipitation, which is only for the benefaction of the entire human race, will be particularly assisted in this science and its manifest effects. 

Learn to precipitate

Come with me to the Heart of the Teton! Sit with me at the Feet of the Ascended Masters of Precipitation! Learn how you may and truly shall become Lords of the Precipitation of Good! I implore you, in my name! 

Your obedient Servant,

El Morya



(Note: For further information on the Rocky Mountain Retreat, please see "The Bridge to Freedom", Vol. 1, #3 and 8, Vol. 2, Nos. 3 and 9, Vol. 4, Nos. 3 and 9, Vol. 5, Nos. 3 and 9, Vol. 6, Nos. 3 and 9)







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