"I AM! I AM! I AM the Resurrection and the life of the perfect health and action of every cell and organ of my body, mind, world and affairs, HERE AND NOW made manifest!"

(Repeat 3 times) 

"I AM! I AM! I AM the Resurrection and the life of my finances visible and tangible in my hands and use today." (Repeat 3 times) 

"I AM! I AM! I AM the Resurrection and the life of all the Ascended Jesus Christ peace and protection, happiness and limitless supply of every good thing I once knew and had with the Father, before the world was - made manifest here and now today!" (Repeat 3 times) 


(After repeating the whole group of three decrees three times, follow with:

"…and in full faith, I consciously accept this made manifest for me here and now, with full power!") 


(Should you feel that your faith is not strong enough to bring about these manifestations quickly for you, then say:   "Beloved Jesus, help thou mine unbelief! Give me your feeling of faith that my call may be answered instantly!")