Instruction from Serapis Bey on


"Consider the world around you as a moving sea of energy. Have you ever tried to see your image in water that is violently agitated? That is the position of the artist in endeavoring to create the impression of a Divine Being, either seen through clairvoyance or within his own consciousness. 

Then too, let us take into consideration the etheric memories of such an artist... previous training in various schools of art; proximity to Masters and Angels in past ages, as well as the subtle influence of already presented pictures which are recorded through the avenue of human sight. All of this conglomerate mass forms the effluvia through which the artist endeavors to place, on a two dimensional canvas, the likeness of a three or four dimensional Being. Each artist will, naturally, paint into any picture all of the above influences. However, the Divine Being so depicted uses all constructive reproductions of himself as a channel through which to pour his blessing... from the roughest hand-hewn crucifix to the most beautiful canvas or piece of sculpture. There should be no confusion in the minds of students as to the many differentiations in presentation. Just know that the one whom you love is radiating to you (through whatever focus you have of that one) as much of his love, light and blessing as you can receive. For instance, the earlier artists depicted Master Jesus in the harsh lines of the age in which they themselves lived. Later artists, living in more luxurious surroundings, softened his visage. Every nationality and religion has its concept of Deity and you will note that such concept invariably follows the race pattern to which the artist belongs. When the riptides of discordant qualified energy are completely transmuted, art will be more accurate in expression. In the meantime, BE AT PEACE! If you like one representation of Deity more than another, it is no doubt because you 'remember' such an one in that guise. Discrimination and wisdom lead out of the valley of confusion into the path of serenity and peace!"





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