To the Cosmic Spirit of Precipitation:

Blessings from all of us who are, in Truth, precipitated Light Rays from the Heart of God! We, in turn, choose to precipitate our blessings to all life everywhere, charged and qualified with the Virtues which we have developed through self-conscious endeavor throughout the ages. 

To Beloved Lanto and the Brotherhood of Precipitation:

Blessings from all of us and from all mankind whom you serve, generously, kindly and constantly; teaching them once more to wield the Power of Precipitation from within themselves, to create and sustain only manifestations of beauty, harmony and perfection. 

To Beloved Neptune and the Undines:

Blessings for the visible and tangible act of precipitation of the Water Element to this Earth. Let it be a constant reminder to the outer consciousness of man that precipitation is a perfectly natural activity, even in this world of form! We do call in Mercy that the precipitation of the Water Element be governed through Divine Love and only released wherever and whenever necessary to nurture life so that harmony may be established again between the Water Element and human kind. 

Beloved Universal "I AM" Presence, bless the Precipitating Power in all mankind and release through those whose desires and motives are to forward the progress of the race the manifestations of that Power NOW!

Thomas Printz, Editor


The Homes and Retreats of The Masters of Wisdom


June 15th through July 14, 1957 

The beautiful natural cathedral of the Grand Teton Mountains, rising from the plains surrounding them, is the focus of the Beloved Ascended Master Lanto and the Brotherhood of Precipitation. 

Precipitation is a power, the use of which mankind so eagerly seek. They are not conscious that when the active ability to precipitate is released through them, all the secret thoughts and feelings, spoken words and actions will also be externalized WITH POWER. It is, therefore, mercy and wisdom to purify the inner vehicles of the chela before he experiences the conscious use of the power of precipitation which, otherwise, would cause him much personal embarrassment and no little amazement if the cause and core of impurity were not first removed from the lifestream. 

As the vicinity of the Teton Mountains was the first place where mankind took embodiment upon the Earth, the focus of the Seven Elohim, like an open Lotus with seven petals of Flame, is located there in the ethers and encompasses the Retreat and Its environs. The Seven Elohim, having participated in the creation of the Earth as a habitable schoolroom for certain evolutions, provide an impetus of the power of precipitation into form from this locality. The Beloved Lanto, many ages ago, accepted the offer to become Hierarch of this Retreat and Guardian of its beautiful Green Flame of Precipitation. 

Twice each year, the Spiritual Hierarchy meet at Beloved Lanto's Retreat, in order to bring there gifts of their own Consciousness and in order to receive the impetus of this Precipitating Flame. At these half yearly conferences, the Great Karmic Board are always present. This year, in honor of the Flames of Truth and Purity, the chairs for the Karmic Board are made of beautiful diamonds, encrusted with flawless emeralds. Beloved Pallas Athena is presently Spokesman for the Karmic Board. As she is also one of the four Sponsors for the year of 1957 (our Lord Maha Chohan, the Elohim of Purity and Beloved Astraea being the other three of the Sponsors for this year) she will wield more power and influence than usual at this Conference. 

The original Rocky Mountain Retreat has been enlarged as most of our gentle readers know, by adding seven beautiful ante-chambers which now surround the main Audience Hall. Each one of these is opened to the Audience Hall by the drawing back of the golden-mesh curtains at their entrance, on which curtains are portrayed the figures of one of the great Archangels and his Divine Complement. Each of these antechambers is in the color of one of the Seven Rays. You can see, therefore, how the etheric Lotus of the Elohim is outpictured in the actual substance of Earth in this Retreat. 

Throughout the year, except for the time when the Retreat is Host to the Spiritual Hierarchy (December-January and June-July) the golden curtains are kept drawn and only the central Audience Chamber is open for use in ceremonial activities particularly connected with the expansion of the Power of Precipitation throughout the emotional, mental, etheric and physical consciousness of mankind and the evolutions belonging to the Earth. 

Beside the glorious Audience Chamber and its seven antechambers, the Rocky Mountain Retreat has many Council Halls which are courteously offered for use to the Beloved Ascended Masters who visit this Retreat with the specific intent and purpose of helping to precipitate into the world of form some God-design and blessing which will be beneficial to the race as a whole. There is always a beautiful Angel placed in charge of receiving the Scrolls upon which are written the petitions and proposed plans of the Ascended Ones; as well as those of their conscious chelas. This Angel of the Scrolls is chosen yearly as an honor to that One for having rendered some special service in the world of form. Thus, this Office of Service is permanent, but the Angel who receives the Scrolls is not always the same one each year. After the Angel has received a Scroll of Petition, the Celestial Being whose Scroll it is (and who has been chosen by the Brotherhood of his Retreat to attend the Conference on their behalf) is assigned to one of the Council Chambers. The Angel then places his Scroll upon a panel outside the door of this Chamber. Within that room, then, the Divine One interviews those visiting the Retreat and, having read his Scroll outside the door, professes an interest in the development of the particular Plan being presented by that one. He explains his Ideas for its development, endeavoring to enlist their practical cooperation in the manifesting of that Plan in the world of form. 

In this way, the Ascended Ones as well as their unascended chelas, are given opportunity to study, contemplate and, generally, widen the scope of their own vision with regard to a particular Plan before they agree to consciously assist in furthering the outpicturing of that Plan. 

By the time the Karmic Board is ready to listen to the Petitions and Plans as presented by the Divine Beings who often incorporate as well as present Plans of their chelas in their addresses to the Board, each individual is well versed in the content, ways and means of execution and personal responsibility involved in becoming an active sponsor of such a Petition. It is entirely a freewill endeavor. 

In recent years, due to the dispensation given by the Divine Law, more and more unascended lifestreams are cognizant of the activities in the Rocky Mountain Retreat and they, in turn, have a greater awareness of the opportunities available to them to more quickly further their own spiritual progress and that of all mankind by lovingly co-operating with the Brotherhood here. Unascended chelas are also given an opportunity to face and address the Karmic Board themselves, if their petitions are of sufficient value to the evolution of the race and if their Sponsors believe they have the ability and spiritual development necessary to help externalize these Plans through their own endeavors and through whatever collective energies they may be able to enlist from their fellowmen. 

One of the most solemn moments in these Conferences is the presenting of the addresses and Petitions to the Karmic Board who sit, facing the Assembly, the expressions upon their lovely faces, wholly impersonal. Another such solemn moment is the moment when, from time to time, the Karmic Board acquiesces to the Plan of some petitioner (Ascended or unascended) who is thereby given permission to try to externalize a particular Idea.  

The most solemn moment for the petitioner is when he receives that acquiescence and the responsibility for developing that idea is placed upon his own shoulders, he knowing full well that within a period of six months, he must return with a full report of what he has done to fulfill that Plan in the world of form as a practical benefaction for the race. 

As the beautiful Rocky Mountain Retreat has been described so often in our other published literature, we shall not take up further space here to reiterate the magnificence of this Focus of Light, referring the gentle readers to the many "Bulletins" issued after the various Transmission of the Flame classes in December and June of each year, as well as the following descriptions: 


(NOTE: For further description of the Rocky Mountain Retreat, please see "The Bridge to Freedom", Volume 1, No. 8; Volume 2, No. 3, No. 9; Volume 3, No. 2, No. 9;

Volume 4, No. 3, No. 9; Volume 5, No. 3, No. 9.)



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