An Address by


December 2, 1956

Beloved and blessed children of God, my own "heart-children" too, how often have you stood before me, having been called by the Karmic Board to receive new opportunity for embodiment on Earth, opportunity again to "make things right" and balance past mistakes. When you thus came before me, in the Sacred Heart Temple, how often have you held behind your back that portion of some destructive karma which was yours to expiate in the next Earth life! Then as one would do to a little child, I would take your hands in mine and, opening them, look upon that karma. Then with all of my great love for you with the help of the mercy and powers of light which are mine, I would give you the greatest help I could in the creation of the best heart possible. 

How many times have you and I met? When you really meet a person, what do you meet? Just their consciousness, is that not so? Whether or not their physical forms are in close proximity to one another. Two physical forms may be as near each other as these two microphones are here, yet the consciousness of those two individuals can be miles apart. Whether one "meets" another in person, over the telephone or by reading his or her words upon a written page still all "meeting" is just an exchange of consciousness! 

So far as we in our Octave are concerned, most of our "meetings" with unascended lifestreams consist of receiving from mankind the consciousness of petitions, prayers and various other types of invocation for help, asking for some supernatural surcease from the suffering of returning destructive karma. Lately, from dedicated groups of consecrated individuals here (more often previously has it occurred in the East) the sweet perfume of prayer arises to us without a request or desire for some special assistance, just gratitude for your own being; gratitude for our friendship and our desire and ability to give you our help when it is needed. 

Now, dear hearts, we are always so grateful for whatever consciousness you do give to us, for your attention upon us gives us the only "Open Door" we have into your worlds through which we can answer your calls and give you the help required. We want you to call to us when you have problems and distresses to handle, for we have become Masters of those problems in the physical appearance world and have earned the right to abide in these Octaves of God's eternal peace and perfection; these past experiences of victorious accomplishment over the same types of distresses you are handling today having equipped us to transmute them into light. After all, just what are those problems? They are nothing more nor less than energy, vibrating too slowly to produce perfection. By the power of Love and Light which we have become, we can project our light into that energy and raise it into a vibratory action which cannot produce distress of any kind. Whatever your problems may be - think upon me and I shall not fail to answer you immediately. I am as real as you are, shall we say more real than you are in your outer consciousness, for my entire Being has become eternally changeless God-perfection! 

Remember, I have walked the dear Earth as you have done and have suffered many of the vicissitudes of human experience upon this planet; many of its insults and, later, many of its praises. I am a woman who wore a flesh form, bore an infant son; held that infant in my arms, cared for him and watched that little body grow. If you can think of me as such a very real Being and Divine friend to you, letting our friendship grow in strength and efficacy as the days go by, who among you can tell me what a tremendous service to all life we may be able to render together? Why could not any soul, sincerely consecrated to the drawing forth of God's loving care and healing power for his people, be efficacious in that service and, calling to us, enable us to establish a focus of healing for the transmutation of the distresses of certain individuals, for that matter, a whole city? Such a dedicated lifestream long ago offered us similar opportunity to establish such a healing shrine on a rocky hillside in France (the Shrine of Lourdes) built to its present efficacy by the faith of those who come for help but who know not how and care not how they are restored. 

Unusual Assistance Available Today

Beloved ones, you are really so fortunate today for you live in a time when the great Cosmic Law is allowing us to bring you so much of our consciousness! The door to our Realms of Light has been opened wide to you and your love, light, constancy and interest in helping mankind out of their distresses has been such that those who have the power and authority so to do, have directed to and through us the permission to come and bring to you our Presence, our consciousness and our words of instruction. May I also say that we hope, one day soon, to be able to bring forth through you, our works! 

"Faith without works is dead" you have heard it said and there is a great deal of Truth in that statement. You see, it is not a real, deep and true Faith if there are no works to support it. I saw my beloved son raise the so-called "dead" body of Lazarus which had been entombed for some time and surrounded not only by the winding cloths of death but also by the "winding cloths" of grief and despair of his loved ones. I watched the Beloved Jesus reach forth his hands toward Lazarus and through him God's great Infinite restoring power of life and light flowed, raising and making completely whole again a body which was so diseased. 

I have seen men, women and children who had been blind from birth, those who had never seen the blue of the sky or the bright green of the early Spring, open their eyes and see for the first time in this embodiment; able to enjoy the beauties of life, all done through the releasing of the currents of God's healing light, directed through the channel of a single lifestream (Beloved Jesus) who was completely consecrated and dedicated to "his Father's business". The "Second Coming" has been promised and there has been much talk about it. Do you know that it is promised in "multiple numbers" through you and you and you, through any and every one who will so dedicate and consecrate his or her life to be about "the Father's business" doing his Will? 

O yes, this can and will be done when, by your daily attention to it, that individualized Christus now sealed within your hearts, has expanded sufficiently to completely control your outer consciousness in sustained harmony and peace; when your blessed souls have received enough God-light; when the appearance world has lost its tremendous hold and "pull" upon your attention; when you really take our hands and allow us to assist you not as ephemeral, cloudy Beings or as Gods and Goddesses upon pedestals of ivory or marble, but as living, breathing lifestreams who, either upon this Earth or some other planet, have learned how to use the powers of creation; have learned how to magnetize and radiate the gifts of the Father-God and, in so doing, became God-free forever. 

Mary's Personal Experience

Like most of you, I first came to the Earth filled with enthusiasm and desire to help mankind, sure and certain of my own God-connection with my own Divinity; positive that no riptide which flows through the atmosphere of Earth nor any contagion of the fears, hates and diseases of the people could or would possibly enter my mind or feelings. I know whereof I speak for I have been through it all! Long, long, before I was privileged to take my initiation before Lord Maitreya and qualify to become the Guardian and Protector of the lifestream of Jesus in his final embodiment here on Earth, long before that I took embodiment on this planet as a woman was raised to my maturity and then given in marriage unto a very holy man whose name today you would know were I to mention it. This man was filled with reverence and peace but I was unhappy there and I lived rebelliously within his home. In my own thoughts and feelings there was a resistance to his sanctity. Where that resistance came from I shall not tell you but to this man I bore a child - a child whose body was built of my own concepts deformed; a child that no one but a mother could love. 

I lived with that child and raised it, learning during that time something of what hidden and destructive thoughts and feelings can do, not only to the molding of the flesh of the unborn carried beneath one's heart, but also to the energies of one's own personal world. That child passed on not too late in life, thank God, and all during this experience, my loving husband protected both the child and myself. When I finally passed from that embodiment, believe me, I certainly did apply for entrance into those Temples of Light at Inner Levels where one is trained to govern and control thought and feeling. It was then that I took the vow (when I was ready so to do how many embodiments later it was I do not care to tell you!) to be the Protector of the children, the unborn and the born, especially the deformed and unwanted and of the mothers and fathers who suffer the agonies of distresses which are similar to those of my experience. 

You see, dear friends, sometimes these very "trying" experiences become the very goad one requires to compel the stubborn human knees to bend to the goodness and perfection of God's Holy Will. The only reason I have related my own story to you was that I thought it would encourage you to know that I had had such an experience. For no other reason would I put the thought of anything less than perfection into your minds. 

Now, understanding as I do, I am so grateful to be able to help every child who comes before me in the Sacred Heart Temple and to give them all the blessings I can where I see that there is a tremendously heavy destructive karma to be expiated in their next Earth-life and I see something of the distress they will have to live through. When I do look upon such a one, I ask one of my assisting Ladies of Heaven to take that lifestream aside and place them within a special room which I have created for just such occasions. Then, as soon as I can, I go to such a one and take the time to talk to them, explaining the situation and how they can best handle it. This helps to prepare them in some measure and sometimes the great Archangel Gabriel brings into that Council room at night (while their physical bodies sleep) the prospective mothers and fathers of these children for consultation too. That radiation at Inner Levels has often given the incoming lifestream the strength, courage and power later to go through those experiences of distress victoriously. 

Because so much of our activity is not visible to your physical sight and outer consciousness, it seems unbelievable to you. You see, dear hearts, you do not see all that we do for you see mostly just the conditions of chaos and distress which manifest, about which one I love so dearly has said: "Judge not according to appearances." Of course, you all know you should not, but when that unhappy experience is looking right at you (as it were) it seems so difficult for you to know its unreality and, calling for its transmutation into light by Violet Fire, replace the imperfect picture by that which you desire to see manifest the Immaculate Concept. 

There is much more spiritual light in the world now than we had here in our day. Many of the riptides of mankind's combined destructive thought and feeling are gone and much of the discordant accumulations of the centuries in, through and around your own worlds is gone, through your persistent faithful use of the Violet Transmuting Flame, with the help of the Great Ones. All of this is to the good and all of this makes us feel very, very grateful and very reverent before the Universal First Cause. We are so grateful also to and for those unascended beings who are willing to come together, stand on their feet and rhythmically give those determined calls for the removal of the cause and core of plaques, germs, epidemics, disease and all pain. 

At this time and for some time ahead, the Beloved Jesus, Saint Germain, Beloved Raphael and the Angelic Host as well as myself in fact all of us who are particularly concerned with the freeing of the Earth, are going to endeavor to make you feel our closeness to you; that we are living breathing Beings, just as responsive to you as would be a trusted friend whom you would call on the telephone to make a request of that one. You know that friend would respond instantly to your call. That is the feeling of spiritual partnership which is of the New Age; it is the Age of your Master, our Beloved Saint Germain; the Age of the practical partnership between the Angelic Host and unascended mankind; the Age of the partnership between mankind and the Elemental Kingdom and that Age has already begun to come into manifestation. 

Sustained Peace - a Vital Necessity!

Now, most of you, all of this life, have been seeking peace, health, sustained harmony and illumination, mostly peace, may I say, and you will never find permanent peace until you have found it inside yourself! I know! When the Beloved Gabriel came to me with that Annunciation concerning the coming of Jesus and when I began to know something within myself of the great responsibility entailed in bringing forth the physical form of that one who was to render such a transcendent service, it was not so easy to hold that calm, uninterrupted peace. As I have told you before (and I do not wish to be repetitious) it was not easy to hold the peace when once we thought we were all settled after the child was born then the Beloved Joseph was warned by an Angel of danger to come. We had to leave quickly for Egypt and there it was not easy to hold sustained peace either, as we made a new life with very little in the way of this world's goods; among an alien and rather unfriendly people and beneath a strong, hot Sun which beat down relentlessly practically every day. Those of you who have been in Egypt (some of you will be one day) will know what I mean. It was not very easy for me to hold the peace when I led that little "infant" (at least to me he seemed so) into the gates of the Temple at Luxor. It was not easy to hold the peace, either, when, after the passing of Joseph, Jesus went the long way alone across mountains and plains into India for further instruction. I had to learn to hold that infinite peace in my feelings which, incidentally, stood me in good stead one Good Friday. That day I also had to hold the feeling of peace around that blessed Jesus as a protective aureole while his blessed bleeding body was nailed to a cross. 

Also, that inner peace stood me in good stead again when I was called upon to gather together around me the frightened, disillusioned disciples and followers of the Master Jesus' teachings, as well as during the many years when we built our community, the details of which would make a book in itself. If I had not been able to hold that inner peace, there would be no Christian dispensation today; no mighty cathedrals with their spires pointing to the sky; no great choirs of lovely singers and no ecclesiastical glory of the Christian Church. 

So, I say to you now, while you are yet in that state (shall we say) of "spiritual infancy"; while you are yet groping toward an understanding, paraphrasing Solomon, may I say: "With all thy understanding - get PEACE!" not a surface feeling of energy controlled by your will, but a feeling inside of a deep, abiding peace which cannot be disturbed. One day you will need it! If you are the type that is prone to become hysterical in emergencies, I recommend that you apply daily to the Elohim of Peace! to Beloved Jesus, Prince of Peace; to Beloved Gautama, new Lord of the World; or to my humble self, asking that we charge into your feeling world (letting that feeling of peace expand through all your four lower bodies - physical, etheric, mental and emotional). If you really want this peace which we can and want to give you, you must give us opportunity to charge our feelings into your worlds. Our feelings are the actual substance of our life and we can only give you our blessing through your giving us your attention. Your attention is the Open Door through which we can reach you and to have a sustained and expanding radiation of our peace come into your worlds, you will have to give us a few minutes of your attention rhythmically every day at the same time, preferably. 

Also, just before entering sleep at night, you may ask your Holy Christ Self to take you out to these great Beings of Cosmic Christ Peace at night while your physical body sleeps. Ask, too, that you be allowed to bring back into your physical brain consciousness when you awaken, all the peace you experienced while in those Higher Realms. 

Peace, you know, is not a negative quality! It is not relinquishing your stand for the right. "Peace at any price" is not peace at all, it is merely appeasement for the moment. There is a great difference here - PEACE IS POSITIVE! Peace is positive in the complete knowledge that right is being done by and through yourselves and peace is also in the knowledge that your fellowman is doing the best he can according to his own light, greater or lesser as that light may be. 

Your peace is also sustained by your developing the capacity to take your hands off other people's energy, giving them freedom of expression, all the while making the calls to your own "I AM" Presence and theirs, seeing what can be done to harmonize things by the radiation of that light called forth. What you try to handle or adjust through your words (spoken or written) or your actions through the outer self, many times will cause some recoil of distress to you and all concerned. Believe me, I have tried that too! Every experience of which I speak to you I have passed through myself. 

Before the birth of Jesus, suppose I had tried to justify myself to the men and women who cast aspersions upon his legitimacy? Suppose I had chosen to stay at home in comparative comfort rather than travel the long way to Bethlehem over a rough road, a cold uncomfortable ride just before the birth of Jesus? Suppose I had chosen to just forget the Archangel's assistance and tell Joseph that inasmuch as the Holy Child had been perfectly born, he would most surely be protected? Those would have been acts of appeasement and they would have resulted in the destruction (even before it got started) of the great Dispensation we were to represent. Then what would have happened? We would have lived out our lives and eventually passed on as holy men and women perhaps, and, at a later date, other lifestreams would have been given opportunity to anchor in that Dispensation. 

Please remember, beloved ones, that Divine Love, Peace, Compassion - any of these God-qualities of which we speak, are not negative qualities! They are never lethargic in their expression. These qualities are the positive control, first of the energies within yourself and then of all the energy which is around you; that control being wholly through radiation. In the Name of God, I BEG OF YOU TO PRACTICE THE HOLDING OF THIS SUSTAINED PEACE, particularly now while you have such opportunity and such tremendous assistance is available to you from us. 

Archangel Gabriel Will Help You

At this time, I would like to bring to you again something about the offices of the great Archangel Gabriel. This Great Archangel, as you know, helps all to hold the Immaculate Concept. How much have you thought about that? You know, to many of you, your Presence is a lovely figure off in the atmosphere some place, feeding light and life into your physical form through your Silver Cord. You are most certainly glad it is there but is its Presence not pretty abstract to you? 

We have told you previously that there are about ten billion souls belonging to the evolutions of your Earth, not all of them embodied at once, however. That blessed Archangel Gabriel has voluntarily taken it upon himself to become acquainted with the Divinity of each one of you - your own beloved "I Am" Presence, to learn its nature; its colorings; from what planet it originally came; what it is doing at Cosmic levels; what your Divine Plan is and what you are to do upon this planet and he has taken this obligation as well of holding that Immaculate Concept of perfection for the entire ten billion souls to evolve here! Believe me, dear hearts! That is a task - a task which as a rule only the Silent Watchers themselves take on. So, if you want to know more about what you should be and how you can achieve that perfection, how about speaking for a few moments every day to Beloved Gabriel? 

I assure you he knows more about your Presence than your outer mind and soul can possibly know at this time and he will give to you such a tremendous radiation of his love, light and wisdom. Of course, you are all lovely ladies and gentlemen here now, but, even in Heaven's Realm, there is room for shall we call it the "expansion" of loveliness! 

Revere Sanctuary Atmosphere

There is quite an assembly here this morning of Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters, Cherubim and Angels you can feel it by the radiation. This radiation can be sustained and expanded, if you will keep the atmosphere of your Sanctuary as holy as possible at all times. Do you realize that sometimes when you enter the Sanctuary there is a Master of Light upon your platform addressing a whole group of lifestreams from the Inner Levels or Angels? Sometimes these very chairs upon which you are now seated are being occupied by Angelic and sometimes Ascended Beings (of course, while no class of yours is in session). It is so! Sometimes there is a mighty Master or Cosmic Being of Light upon your platform, giving instruction to some audience of lifestreams with which he is working at Inner Levels. All of a sudden someone bursts noisily into the room and there is a shattering of the finer vibrations drawn here - I know you would not want that to happen. 

When we need some place in the physical octave in which to render some service to life that cannot be rendered elsewhere, is it not perfectly natural for us to use a place which has been dedicated and consecrated to our service and into which the Sacred Fire has been rhythmically drawn in a given momentum? It would be well for all to hold a very sacred and reverent attitude toward and in these lovely places which have become just what their name implies Sanctuaries of peace, love and light, away from the pressures of the chaos and confusions of the outer world. Won't you all try to make and keep them so? 

Please do not impress upon the others of your Sanctuaries any thought, feeling, spoken word or deed that is not of Godliness. Render the service you wish to give in grace and please remember the transcendent blessings which have been brought to you by our Presence with you in your meetings. Whether there is an actual address by the Master or not, where the heart-calls of the lifestreams present are sincere, there is always one or more of us in attendance to answer those calls and give you all the help you can and will accept. There are many, many lovely and sincere lifestreams devoted wholly to the service of the Christian Church who would really worship for the rest of their embodiment here just one visitation from "The Blessed Mother" yet we come to you again and again to help you! 

Think on these things, dear hearts! Think often upon them and upon us upon the Beloved Saint Germain who, as Saint Joseph, was so good to me in that time long ago; think often upon my son and the great Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael and all the Angels of Heaven. Think upon These often for you know the Law "What your attention is upon - you become". Wherever you work; wherever you shop; wherever you go - go and act there as though you were on a spiritual pilgrimage and the Angels will accompany you, if you do. If you will hold the peace in your feelings everywhere you go and in all you do, you have no concept in the outer mind of just what can be done through you; what transcendent Beings will give you protection and help you in many ways of which you know nothing now. 

Now, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; in the name of my own Beloved Jesus and in my own name, I make the call for the Lord to bless you with his peace; sustain you in good works; illumine your souls as to the pattern and fulfillment of your own Divine Plan; keep you from bodily harm; keep you supplied with the limitless abundance of every good thing; unity of feeling required to create, sustain and expand "The Diamond Heart" and may Lord Michael with his own blazing Sword of Blue Flame remove now and forever the causes and cores of all in your worlds that can hurt you, your families, your loved ones and your fellow-students! O, how I long for the day to dawn when you have completely and forever lost the capacity to hurt any part of life. I finally came to that day after many very bitter experiences. Work diligently toward that day when you are not able to hurt any part of life ever again and thereafter be that comforting Presence to all life. I do love you so much! Thank you and good morning!






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