Excerpts of an Address by the


June 24, 1956

Beloved ladies and gentlemen! It is my privilege and honor to again greet you through the veil of human maya, speaking my words into your outer brain consciousness. Each one of you receives according to his capacity to understand, in the outer self. Even among human beings talking one with another, there is a different amount of comprehension, understanding, clarity of perception and capacity to put the instruction into applicable works. When we come from the Ascended Masters' Realm in which we dwell to speak through the "veil" into the consciousness of unascended beings, we see that there are no two chelas (no matter how earnest, honest and sincere) who have the same capacities; either in emotional receptivity, mental perception or the same etheric ties of the past with us; nor, of course, do they have the same type of physical consciousness and brain cells. So, when we address a group of unascended individuals; when we come forth to speak at a conference such as this; we expect and we do receive very different types of receptivity and comprehension from each blessed heart. It is no reflection upon anyone of you. It is due to your own evolution upon which you have risen to this point where you at least accept the Ascended Masters as real Beings. It is also due to your national and racial karma; your family karma and even your education in the school system; as well as in your churches from which many of you have come forth into greater freedom. 

I speak to you now, each one, just in the same manner as did the Master Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, when every man heard it in his own language. After this class, if I were to take each one of you aside individually and ask you to give a five-minute resume of what I had said, you would be amazed that there would be no duplication of theme matter, one point appeals to one person; one phase of the law to another; one power of perception perhaps is greater than another. Therefore, we throw the "seed" ideas into the consciousness of the group and each one is at liberty to weave them into that which he thinks is best to bring about the freedom of his fellow man and expand the Glory of God. In the first place, you would not be here if you were not vitally interested in expanding the Glory of God through his Living Presence in this Universe; as well as in developing your capacity to consciously contact that God Presence and through that contact with it, bring Divine order, purity, supply, health and balance into your worlds. You would not be here if you did not concede, at least mentally, that there are such Beings as the Ascended Host of Masters, the Angelic Kingdom, the Devic Kingdom and other Beings who are beyond the realm of human sight. You would not be here if you did not love your fellow man because, for many years, it has taken much of your energy, time and substance to sustain the activity of our Beloved Master Saint Germain in this Octave and to continue (according to your own light) to experiment with the use of the Violet Fire and with the use of the various facets of the Law. Through all of this you have been trying, individually and as a group, to learn the mastery of that Divine alchemy which will produce perfection for you upon a moment's notice! 

You are yet in the apprentice stage and we can but give you the Law as we know it. This we shall endeavor always to do where we are given the opportunity. Then the karma of what you weave into that Law and what you make out of it becomes your own. Of course, behind you I always stand so that if you cannot fully "make the grade", I balance that karma in Cosmic service. 

Now, that should relieve you of mental strain. The endeavors of the chelas so often bring on a sense of mental strain which undoes much of the good that would ordinarily be accomplished in relaxation (not lethargy). Again, it is the following of "The Middle Way", the razor's edge. It is a relaxation, resting within the Immortal Three-fold Flame of God "I AM" which is waiting to be called forth by you and through you; yet not allowing yourself to feel humanly responsible and apart from this Presence. In this connection, you could be given no greater words than those of your Great Teacher, Jesus, whom many of you followed in his last Earth Life: "I of myself can do nothing. It is the Father within that doeth the works." Every Ascended Being and every unascended Guru of great light points you to that same self-evident truth! 

Self-realization - the Dedication of this Class

This class is dedicated primarily to getting you acquainted with the power of the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame of God "I AM" (right within your beating heart), as an Intelligence; as a Presence; as an actual Being who will act for you when called forth by you; filling your feelings, your minds, your etheric bodies and your flesh with the substance of the Godhead qualified according to your requirements. 

Cosmically speaking, we have advanced far beyond that point which we expected to accomplish (in the Ascension of Sanat Kumara to his own Star and in the ascent of the previous Lord Maitreya to Buddhahood). Through the service which has been given, a great deal of the human creation in, through and around this planet Earth already has been transmuted. Through your kind and efficacious decrees individually and in groups, many of the vortices of human distress have also been removed and dissolved. The lifestreams who came out from the "Compound" are now studying in the Temples of Mercy and they are learning to use the Violet Fire to make things right. The individuals who had been within the "Sleepers' Realm" have resumed their conscious awareness and have applied to the Karmic Board for permission to embody again and fulfill their Divine Plan. The Earthbound (discarnates) have all been removed from the planet Earth. Those three great activities which took much of your energy are now depicted upon the frieze around the base of the marble altar at the Royal Teton and those activities have been completed, whether the outer consciousness accepts the reality of it or not! 

This gives us time now (under the counselship of the new Buddha, of the beloved Maha Chohan and various other Beings of the Ascended Master Realm) to develop the individual mastery of each one of you and then make you, in turn, a focus through which mastery may be developed in, through and around yourselves, the group activities and then into the outer world. Perhaps this may not seem as glamorous a task as the dissolving of a "Compound", but it is a very important one beloved ones. You see, even one lifestream who has come to a point of perfect alignment with his or her own "I AM" Presence, being able to call forth its power and powers at will, to instantly create conditions of peace, harmony, purity, health and supply, just one such lifestream could and would do more for this activity and for us than all our worded and spoken instruction! When you come right down to fundamentals, all mankind today is looking for practical works. We cannot blame them! When people are sick and diseased; when they need supply or are mentally troubled, abstract presentations of Law do not even register in the mind. After they have been relieved of those distresses, then is the time when good teachers should be ready, able and willing to show them the scientific applications by which the teachers were set free and the people, in turn, learn to become master through those same applications of the Law. 

Of course, you will encounter the things experienced by the Master Jesus when he healed the lepers and only one returned to thank him. Those of you who do gain mastery will give many blessings for which there will be no return from the individuals so blessed and no asking for the science by which you did it. However, there will always be the grateful few who really want to know and those few are the "leaven in the loaf", carrying the love and the light to the many. 

Need for Practice of Stillness

Beloved ones, I have been asked to allow you some time for contemplation during this class. It is My nature and the nature of most of the First Ray people to drive and get things done. So, it is an initiation of patience upon all First Ray people to become still, periodically. Yet, if you can and will do this and will remember to daily invite the Brother or Sister from the Retreat at the Teton (or from the Retreat of the month) to come and stand with you while you are making your daily application, he will help you to understand and accept the reality and efficacy of this Immortal, Victorious Threefold Flame of God "I AM" within your heart. He will help you as you endeavor to light the aura around you; to let you see that Flame come forth from your heart, from your forehead and from the tips of your fingers. Do not stay at this practice for too long at a time; it is better to practice it for short intervals. In this way, you will begin to use the exercise which leads to the transfiguration of the flesh. Spending hours and hours in a corner trying to make your inner light visible or to precipitate would only cause greater mental tension than ever in your world and this is not desirable. We do want you to use good, sane, balanced God-sense in your endeavors to realize and call forth into action the Presence of God, "I AM", from within your own heart. 

We have been asked to emphasize to you the requirement of acknowledging the "I AM" Presence within the heart. Even in our Realm, beloved ones, before we start to do anything of import, we get still. Most accidents and unhappy occurrences in the human octave are caused by hurry and by not getting still enough emotionally, mentally, etherically or physically before the individual starts upon a project. Even in our Realm, before we attempt to render any service, Cosmic, planetary or individual, we get very still and absorb more light from the Source of our Being, saturating ourselves with it. We anchor ourselves firmly within that Light and then direct it forth for a given purpose, whatever it may be, whether it be the instruction of a chela; the making of a Star or Planet, whatever the occasion might be! 

"Directors" and "Receivers" - Both Essential!

Now, dear hearts, in order to have a perfect activity of the Light Rays, you must have both "directors" and "receivers". This is the way we work in the Ascended Master Realm, we have the Master who is directing the energy and the Ray goes forth from him to another Master who is working with him. He receives it at the point where the service is to be rendered. We do most of our communication, of course, in this manner through the Light Rays, without worded speech at all. Through radiation and picture, the communication is directed and the service is given. 

I think perhaps you may not completely comprehend just how much is involved in the preparation of one of our Classes. First, we have Cosmic currents which we must watch (in order to be able to take advantage of a specific blessing for the Earth at a given moment); then we have the instruction from the World Teacher which must be imparted to you; we also have the students in the Class, whose strengths as well as weaknesses we must also watch; and we have the activities taking place at current Retreats with which we want to acquaint you. Then we must consider, too, the question of climate, especially at this time of year when it seems uncomfortably warm here to you. Concerning this, I would like to speak to you a moment about your atmosphere here. 

I might say that if you had taken up my intended invitation to visit Darjeeling as the setting for this Conference, we would have started at Ceylon and walked up through India. You would have found it there a good deal warmer than you do here in Philadelphia! You would have had to provide your own atmosphere, blessed hearts. It is very hot in the south of India. When you get up around Darjeeling, of course it is very beautiful, but we were going to start at Ceylon and let you see some of the lovely places that belong to history now; places where the Buddha walked and talked; where he gave his first message to the public and where he finally ascended. 

I took it upon myself (among all my other duties) to consult with our new Lord Buddha (formerly Lord Maitreya), our Lord Maha Chohan, the Archangel Michael and Lanto, concerning the possibilities of drawing here into this room certain cool air currents from the mountain ranges of the world. Having obtained their acquiescence, I went to the mountain ranges of the various Continents and contacted the Hierarchs of the Retreats which are there. I spoke to our Blessed Himalaya and asked him if he could have a group of Brothers direct cool currents of mountain air down here into this class room in Philadelphia from the Himalayas. He said: "Yes, if you have receivers". I said: "I shall have receivers!" Then I spoke thus to the God of the Swiss Alps and he said: "Methinks I shall provide a twenty-four hour cooling system there, if you have receivers". I again replied: "Certainly! We shall have receivers". Then I spoke to Lord Michael in the Canadian Rockies and he said: "O, yes, we shall send our radiation from the Canadian Rockies, if you have receivers". I promised: "O, yes, we have the most wonderful receivers". Then I went to Lanto and spoke with him at the Royal Teton. You can imagine the service he has to render! The Karmic Board is coming in this morning; all the Hierarchs are coming in from all over the world; all their scrolls are on their doors; all the Brothers and Sisters have wonderful ideas to present to the Board. Have you any concept of the energy, wisdom and courtesy it requires to take care of all these activities; to get those presentations in order and, as well, to guard those energies as well as that of those around the Teton who are not yet qualified to enter but who do feel the Light? I said to him: "I know you are very busy and the Karmic Board is coming today but could you spare a few Brothers to send some Teton air to Philadelphia?" He said: "Yes, if you have receivers". I spoke to God Meru and I asked his assistance from the Heart of the Andes and, of course, he also acquiesced with the same statement. From the African mountains we asked assistance also! 

From the Australian continent, we have asked the Master whom you know as David Lloyd (God of Gratitude and Divine sponsor for Australia) and the Brotherhood there to send us here a Ray of Gratitude. From Africa, we have also invoked the Ray of Healing which is focused in one of the Etheric Cities over Africa. At the moment, there are many Rays converging here from all these various places. Will each of you please accept the responsibility during this class of being a "receiver" for at least one of these Rays each day so that I can show these great Beings that my words are truth? Thank you, beloved ones, God bless you. 

Complete Surrender to Great White Brotherhood

I have been asked today to keep my talk "light". You know I Am great on presenting the Law and sometimes it seems as though I must be almost forcibly restrained in order to keep the instruction "light". You see, if we get into too deep an action of the Law, the students get so tense and over-conscientious, likely to feel that they're either personal failures or that they are not doing what they should. For that reason, the Maha Chohan asked me today to keep the instruction "light". You know, when you join the Great White Brotherhood, your name, your feelings, your mind, EVERYTHING goes to that Brotherhood. Then we work staff in line under our new Lord of the World, the beloved Gautama (the former Buddha) and whatever they say, that is done! Suppose Saint Germain wants something done, well that is done. We endeavor to assist whatever Master Presence is rendering the service and which the greater wisdom of those farther above us (on the Ladder of Light) know is for the greatest good for all. When mankind (and the students, too) come to have that same respect and courtesy for and to each other, how happy I shall be! I think I shall be the happiest Master in Heaven when you have finished your experiments with what you call personal freedom and are willing then to know what freedom really is! 

Chelas are not too unlike horses while they are in training (I do not mean in consciousness of course!) You know the "unbroken" horse rears, plunges and loves what he calls freedom. He runs through the fields, the wind flowing through his mane and he is a magnificent creature! I have seen many such specimens. However, much more efficacious is that same horse when he has been broken to bit and bridle; when he has become a valuable "servant", carrying perhaps, a Potentate in dignity, still with his magnificent prancing step; still with flowing mane and the beauty of his nature; but doing something constructive instead of just running wildly over the fields. The same thing applies to individuals, they are desirous, many of them, of what they call freedom. They love the "clover patches"; they love the "high places" but if they are going to be part of the Spiritual Hierarchy, sooner or later they are going to have to submit - NOT TO ME - but to the infinite power of the Cosmic Law which requires controlled emotions; controlled minds; controlled etheric vehicles and controlled flesh! That is just common sense. 

Entrance of Great Karmic Board

While we are here speaking to you, the Karmic Board are taking the beautiful chairs prepared for them, set in position over the Royal Teton. We did not know on Transmission night, June 16th, exactly when they would come. At that time, the Builders of Form were in the process of creating for them seven magnificent chairs of pink substance inlaid with pearl, in honor of the Third Ray, which is the Ray honored by Sponsorship for this year. Those chairs have been completed and are beautiful beyond description. Of course, the back of the center one is a little higher and it has over it the canopy denoting the authority of the Spokesman of the Karmic Board, the beloved Portia (Goddess of Justice and Opportunity). This Board usually does not come into session until very much later, closer to the first of July, but since They have come in early, it must mean that they are going to have Visitors from other Systems, Galaxies and Stars. It also means that there are certain activities which will take place which we didn't wholly expect, both through your group work and the activities at the Royal Teton. 

As the Karmic Board enters, they are a glorious sight indeed! They all wear garments of lovely pink also in honor of the Third Ray. I want you to look for a moment upon Beloved Portia and see the magnificence of her entire Being, the beauty of those luminous eyes; the beautiful crown of pink diamonds upon her head; the soft chiffon veiling falling from it and then the long flowing train extending some forty feet. As she is seated, certain of the Angels gracefully arrange her train so that it is very becoming. This evening, certain of the Elementals have chosen to cooperate with the Angelic Host in making more festive the entrance of the Karmic Board and they are sprinkling lovely pink rose petals over them. It is a very beautiful sight! A bit below and in front of the Karmic Board, the Beloved Lanto stands alone in pure white garments and behind him are the Hierarchs of the various Retreats, with their conscious chelas. 

At this point, beloved Portia rises and speaks:

"Beloved Lanto and Friends assembled! We have come at this hour fulfilling a Cosmic request from the Sun of this Galaxy, known to you as Alpha and Omega. We are awaiting the Messengers from the Suns of the various Systems, as well as from the planets that belong to those Systems. These will address you, Beloved Lanto and your Assembly, before you fully formulate and present to us your petitions. Therefore, at the command of Cosmic Law, we are reversing the usual activity, which is the presentation of petitions from the Hierarchs, Angels, Elemental Kingdom and unascended mankind to us. We are going to have the outpouring of certain designs, plans, patterns and truths from Above which I know will elaborate upon those already prepared by you. We come to you today, beloved Lanto, and through the power of projected consciousness we are able to reach the handful of earnest souls in Philadelphia to give to them also this message. Thank you." 

Beloved Lanto speaks:

"Beloved Portia, in the Name of God 'I AM', in the Name of the Light of the World and in full reverence for life, first I thank Almighty God for the honor of guarding the Precipitation Ray here in the heart of the Teton; for the honor of guiding lifestreams who care to come to us in the expression of self-mastery; for the magnificent honor of your Presence with that of the entire Karmic Board above our humble Retreat twice each year; for the added honor, unexpected even to us, of the Visitors from other Systems. When I speak thus to you, I speak, I know, for every Ascended Being, Angel and Elemental, as well as for every chela who is either present with us or is a part of this Half-yearly Conclave. Thus may we clasp hands, from the realm of Earth (where the need is so great) to the realm of Heaven from whence the help that is needed does come! I thank you, dear ones, for coming! Beloved Portia and Great Karmic Board, always we remain your obedient Servants; yours to command at a moment's notice!" 

Our Gracious El Morya returns to speak again:

As you have heard the conversation between Beloved Portia and Beloved Lanto, you will understand that the presence of these Cosmic Visitors (as well as the gifts of love and light which they have brought to Earth with them) will bring much added power into your individual worlds, beloved ones. I can see easily why it is essential for you to have as much peace and quiet as possible in your four lower bodies, especially during this class, so that you will be able to handle this power. Wherever a God-Being goes, he carries his Causal Body, (which is his aura) with him. Therefore, if the Earth's atmosphere is going to have Visitors from the Central Sun; from the other Suns of the System and the, other planets as well, you can be prepared for POWER, I can assure you! For this reason, I am very grateful that we are having this time of quiet and preparation. I am grateful, too, that I have opportunity to speak to you about making these "air-conditioners" and I am expecting you to be good "receivers" thus helping to create as comfortable and happy an atmosphere here as possible. Each one of you is responsible now to me, because I have pledged your 'services to the Cosmic Law. 

Whole Purpose of Current Endeavor!

The whole purpose of the current Endeavor, this Endeavor, which was born out of my own heart, is to acquaint unascended beings with the requirement of the moment! There are hundreds and thousands of magnificently inspired individuals who compose song, literature, poetry and every conceivable kind of beauty. They are all under the radiation of God and one or more of the other Masters, but, among all this group we are a distinct unit, formed for a purpose. That purpose is "on the spot" reports of that which is the requirement on Earth as seen from the Ascended Masters' Realm; then the willing cooperation of unascended beings releasing their energies to set into action (through song, visualization and decree) whatever is necessary at that exact moment. Otherwise, I would not have endeavored to establish this Movement. That is the only differentiation, dear hearts. 

You could take your Bhagavad Gita, a most magnificent inspirational work and enjoy reading it while sitting in the Wissahickon Park, for instance. You would draw wonderful radiation from above and create a peaceful, comfortable aura about yourself, maybe ten feet across. So, while you were nice and peaceful, anyone who would be fortunate enough to walk through that aura would get a blessing. However, what we are trying to do, precious hearts, is to cover the entire planet with light and give Cosmic service. Thank you for your cooperation to this end and good morning.








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