The Masters of Wisdom speak

The Lords of Karma


Few among mankind know of the great service rendered by the august body known as the Lords of Karma. Of those few, many regard them with dread of punishment and only lately has the gratitude and love of mankind risen to this Karmic Board for their service of mercy rather than retribution! 


Orderly system, divine justice, absolute exactitude in the balancing of the personal, planetary and Universal use of life, is LAW. The Lords of Karma are Instruments of this Law. The Members of this Board serve in order to give opportunity to each soul to grow spiritually; sublimate its human nature; develop and externalize the portion of the Divine Plan which can be expressed only through that particular lifestream. 


When self-conscious intelligence and the gift of freewill were given to man, his subsequent use of life required the assistance of Divine Intelligence to help him (when he was ready) to set his world again into Divine Order. The Law of the Circle creating causes and reaping their ultimate effects is inexorable. Energy magnetized and used by man must return to that man as happiness (if the energy was used constructively) or unhappiness (if the energy was used destructively). Man, caught in the web of his own making feeling the return of the misqualified energy of his imperfect causes sooner or later calls for help and assistance to God. It is then that greater assistance can be given such a man by the Lords of Karma, although They serve all evolutions impersonally with but one idea in mind... to help the individual, the planet and the Universe to express more of God's perfection in whatever sphere the lifestream abides. 


Because the karma created by an individual soul is sometimes very great, the Lords of Karma mercifully withhold the return of all of that karma in one lifetime. Thus, the soul is allowed to mitigate as much karma in one embodiment as the Lords of Karma feel it can handle. This is true Divine Love... the expression "the Lord fits the back for the burden" relates to this Mercy, wherein much destructive karma is consciously withheld from the individual until he has learned how to sublimate it in happiness and peace. 


When an individual desires to become a "candidate for the Ascension" and asks for the opportunity to "clean his slate" of all destructive karma, the Lords of Karma must be in one accord as to whether such an individual has the necessary strength, fortitude, faith, illumination and general capacities, to endeavor to balance the Scales of Justice in one lifetime. Without the knowledge and persistent use of the Sacred Fire of Mercy and Purification (the Violet Flame), no individual can completely purify his energies in one embodiment. However, some individuals who have redeemed through countless ages the destructive karma they previously created have only a small debt to the Universe to "pay off" in the final embodiment. Now as the knowledge of the Sacred Fire is allowed to reach the outer consciousness of individuals outside the Ascended Masters' Retreats, this sublimation can take place more quickly. It is imperative, however, that the "candidate for the Ascension" realizes that the returning karma seeking redemption is allowed to find its way back to that candidate in order to more quickly set him free. Sincere students, faced with much of this karma, fall into the erroneous thought and feeling pattern of "failure" because they seem to have more to handle than their fellowman. The reverse is true. These individuals are handling in one lifetime that which others might have to handle in hundreds of lives. 


It is the responsibility of the Lords of Karma to see that every individual receives as much assistance as is possible in sublimating the destructive karma created through misuse of freewill. At the end of each Earth-life, the soul is called before the Karmic Board and its experiences, opportunities, potential services, seeming failures and successes examined carefully. Then the Karmic Board sends the individual to that Sphere where it can best prepare for another Earth-life, strengthened through purification, instruction and temporary respite from the pressures of its own karmic retribution. Before a new embodiment, the soul is again examined and the best possible conditions provided for birth in the family, race, nation and planet which will allow it to work out that portion of its karma which the Lords of Karma feel it can handle. Chelas and conscious students of the Spiritual Law often choose to "take on" more karma than the Lords of Karma would allot them. Then when re-embodied, these earnest ones tend to "blame" the Karmic Board instead of realizing that the opportunity of such redemption of misqualified life was their own voluntary choice. We are gradually educating the chelas to a point of recognition that the Karmic Board is a helpful Body of merciful Intelligences and not a scourge to punish the bewildered outer self. 


When an individual comes to a true understanding of the Presence of God, he realizes that the Father and his agents ALL WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GREATEST GOOD OF THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE WHOLE! Thus the "God of Wrath" is replaced by the "God of Love." Sins, transgressions of the Law, etc., can be sublimated through the use of the Sacred Fire not only for the individual making the calls but, through intercessory prayer for others as well. When I said: "Thy sins are forgiven thee", I used the power of the Sacred Fire (Violet Flame) in this manner and interceded on behalf of the individuals whom I desired to set free from the effects of their own misuse of life. 


The Sacred Fire of Mercy (the Violet Flame) is made accessible to the sincere students outside the Ascended Masters' Retreats at this time to more quickly help the earnest and sincere to purify, redeem and sublimate the distresses created by misuse of the gift of life. As more and more individuals learn the efficacy of this power of sublimation, we shall have an expressed Brotherhood of Freedom... who can, at will, free themselves and others from the shadows which frighten, distress and disturb them. Ponder well on the power of Mercy to dissolve first the cause and core of the distress and then to dissolve the effect before it can appear, act, or manifest ever again. Destructive karma can be dissolved before it acts if the students will consciously set the Violet Fire into action to do this. We shall see how much the understanding, conscious acceptance and persistence use of this PRESENCE of the Sacred Fire of sublimation (Violet Flame) will do for the chelas. All our gathered momentum of Its efficacious use is available for any and all who choose to ask us to anchor into their worlds at this time our momentum and feeling of that power.





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