An Address by


Sept. 4, 1955

Beloved brothers and sisters, within whose bosoms lives the Immortal Threefold Flame of Eternal God, I greet you in the name of LOVE! I ask that you accept in your feelings and comprehend in your minds the strength that is within love. Many consider love either a negative or a lukewarm quality. Yet, the capacity to drive through the human creation of your fellowman; to pierce through the effluvia of the personality; to stand the impact of the energies of the uncontrolled inner vehicles, as well as the flesh form and to hold true to the recognition, acceptance and magnetization of the Presence of God within that one; requires, to my mind, the greatest strength of the Godhead! Forsake your thought of love as being a quality that does not contain within itself the pressure of accomplishment! Realize love as the fecundating power; the magnetizing power; the expanding power of God's nature in this Universe and through your fellowman. 

I am come today into the atmosphere of Earth in answer to your sincere heart-call, which is your love for Truth and for an understanding of my Presence in this Universe, as well as the Divine purpose which I serve. If you so desire it, I shall help you to intelligently and competently serve in the expansion of love, tolerance, understanding and forbearance, to help your fellowman through your individual and group activities. 

I bow before the Immortal Three-fold Flame which is cradled within your hearts. I bow before it in gratitude for the privilege of knowing that God, the Infinite Source of all that is, chooses to expand perfection on the plane in which you function. By the Presence of that Immortal Flame within your hearts, it signifies to all life everywhere that God, the "I AM" Presence, has some activity to perform through you; some expansion of perfection from the heart of the Universal, as a gift to be channeled through your consciousness to bless your fellowman. It signifies also that there is some fragrance; some virtue; some momentum of good which It wishes to write upon the Akashic Records of this physical world. Therefore, I concede with grace the privilege of every man, woman and child upon this Earth to fulfill that Divine Plan. Through the love which I can direct into each one's heart Flame, I hope to encourage that Divine Plan to come forth and stand externalized, thus helping every man to do the Will of the Father. 

"Beloved Presence "I AM" within each human heart, you who have remained burning brightly within the soul in the encasement of the personal accumulations of the ages; Beloved Presence waiting to be loved, I love you! I love you! I love you! Come forth in response to my love! Come forth on the strength of my confidence in your supremacy over all human appearances! Come forth in the warmth of my Presence and develop your gifts; sing your songs; radiate your perfume; write in dignity and honor upon the face of this Earth the portion of the Divine Plan for which the Father sent you into being! O, Immortal Presence of Love within each member of the human race, I love you! I love you! I love you! Come forth! Beloved Presence, magnetized by that love. Take command of the outer self and do that which you alone can do through each lifestream." 

Beloved Orion, Elohim of Third Ray 

Dear friends, I bring to you today an understanding of the triple activity of the Pink Flame (Third Ray), which you have been magnetizing by decrees and contemplating in silence. The power of the great Orion (Elohim of the Third Ray) is the aspect of Divine Love which sets the Cosmos into motion. In your group work, you have been calling that power forth through your decrees. These fiats consciously issued do change the pattern and course of activities in the Inner Spheres; they remove mass accumulations of distress. The Cosmic love thus set into motion impersonally, locks the Flame of God around the cause and core of imperfection, removing it before it can be written upon the screen of life as distress of mind, body and affairs. This is the great impersonal love and service of the Elohim. It is the love of impersonal, constructive service to life. This activity is on such a subtle plane that individuals in human consciousness are often not even cognizant of it. 

Beloved Chamuel, Archangel of Third Ray 

Now I would like to bring you an understanding of Divine love as expressed by the Archangel Chamuel. This is the love which stirs the power of gratitude within the hearts of men, Angels and Elementals; that which stirs a feeling of reverence for life and understanding of the beneficence of the great Universal First Cause, as well as all the Messengers (Ascended or otherwise), who serve that Cause. This love awakens the dormant, Divine nature of the student to a conscious feeling of gratitude for blessings received. This activity expands until, one day, it does become Universal. 

Beloved Venetian, Chohan of the Third Ray 

Then, stepping down the action of the Pink Ray through myself (as Chohan of the Third Ray), my service is to draw the love of the Cosmos and the gratitude for and adoration to God (the unseen) into the individual to manifest as love for his fellowman, giving that individual the capacity to serve his fellowman practically until every lifestream is free. 

You can see how different consciousnesses function. As you step up the scale, Chohan to Archangel to Elohim, you will see the different aspects of the love nature of God. My service as Chohan of the Third Ray is little understood. I shall endeavor to convey to you the realization that it is not enough to love the Cosmos, God and the Masters whom you have not seen and whom you can readily worship. In abstract worship, they will cause no contradiction to the outer self. To bring that love down through your minds, feelings and actions into a sincere love for your fellowman is my service to life! 

Blessed friends, consider for a moment a fundamental tenet of the Cosmic Law, as drawn to your attention by the Ascended Master Saint Germain. From your "I AM" Presence is directed the Immortal Threefold Flame of God into your physical heart. It is the life and intelligence by which you have existence. It enables you to think, feel and say "I AM". Now that same Flame, beloved ones, has also been anchored within the hearts of everyone of your fellowmen upon this planet; all those who stand at the Gates of Birth and all those who have passed from physical bodies in so-called "death". That Flame around which is coalesced the physical form, is a sign­post to you that God, the "I AM" Presence, desires to render some specific service to life through yourself, as well as through your fellowman. God, the "I AM" Presence within the Immortal Flame of everyone you meet or contact, has ordained that some portion of the Divine Plan; some gifts of his Presence; some great and important link in the entire Divine Pattern should be externalized wherever a human form abides. It is to encourage the externalization, the development and the unfoldment of God's Will through our fellowman that we have forsworn Nirvana; that we have chosen to walk by the side of all whose souls have turned toward Heaven; all whose spirits are becoming restless within the bonds of selfish pursuits; all who feel, no matter how grossly expressed, a talent which they would like to develop and give to the world. 

The genius of the artist; the magnificence of the trained voice or the accomplished musician, is easy to love! That talent has already been developed and there is externalized through that lifestream something that is a pleasurable gift to all receivers. How many can love the first stirrings of a talent that expresses in a voice not so sweet; in music inharmonious, but in true endeavor? It is easier far to turn away; to ridicule or to forget; easier to cling to the garments of beauty in self-righteous claims of loving perfection. These individuals are not their "brothers' keepers". 

Beloved ones, in the groundwork of the great New Age, there will be stirrings in the souls of men as the mighty Violet Transmuting Flame brings the power of spiritual fecundation into the atmosphere of Earth. Those stirrings will manifest as what? According to his light, the outer man considers true worship that which might appall the perfectionist; that which might repel the sensitive. The strong man, who has this within his heart, stands by such endeavors and the crudest prayer; the simplest song; the most earnest endeavor of the least of these is fanned by loving interest and encouragement. That which at first seems imperfect is fashioned by love into a thing of magnificence, beauty and eternal light. I know for I have worked with lifestreams developing through every channel of expression. The embryo politician, educator, artist, scientist, missionary, occultist, I have worked with the least of them, loving them to a point where our Beloved Maha Chohan has said: "Now, Paul, give them to the Chohan of their own Ray. There is now enough development of their initial pattern so that they can be efficacious under that Ray." Who loved them before they were consciously ready to assist their Chohan; before the pattern was apparent; when only the realization that because they were and had being, God desired to do some good and perfect thing through them? I did! Only the realization of their potentialities helped me to love them through the refining of the gross expression to the fine and beautiful design that is within them. Can you do the same? Can you come from the Realms of Cosmic Activity where you have mastered the powers of invocation, magnetization and radiation, to be your "brother's keeper"? Ah, I say you can because I love you! My love draws forth from within your soul that part of the Father's nature which is such great love for all his creation from the smallest sparrow to the greatest Sun. You may have it! If you want me to assist you, I will give you my feeling of love for your fellowman. 

Dear friends of light, what is this Liberty Flame of which we speak? It is the Immortal Flame of God within your heart which gives you liberty to magnetize, qualify and radiate light. There is no intelligence in any Sphere who does not have the Flame of Liberty to use. 

What, then, is the Freedom Flame? It is the power to magnetize from the Godhead and its Focuses of Light, that Cosmic activity and radiation which is so needed in this world of form the power to sublimate and transmute human error. 

Why are Councils Necessary? 

Beloved friends, let me enter your worlds and let us counsel together for a while. Our great Lord Maha Chohan sits in Council so often with the Chohans. What do we do? Some of our intellectual friends have wondered why a "council" would be necessary when every Master is in possession of the All-Knowing Mind of God. Counsel and the exchange of ideas (which is the communion of the Saints), enriches even the consciousness of Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun! What is such communion in essence? You have been told that we are "specialists". Our consciousnesses, our minds and our feelings are devoted to promulgating some particular aspect of Divine Law. Those of us who are the Chohans of the Seven Rays particularly, are not only cognizant of the Cosmos, but of the chelas and of the great masses of the people who come under our specific Rays. 

Therefore, in contemplation, we can expand the periphery of our consciousness and become acquainted with any knowledge we require at any given moment. Not any one of us is fully cognizant of all the detailed activities of every one of mankind belonging to every Ray. For instance, the Beloved Morya would know in detail the evolution of Intelligences on his Ray (the First). In order to acquaint myself with the service that Beloved Morya's Ray can offer, I often sit in counsel with him. Presenting to him for execution, my portion of the Divine Plan of the hour, Beloved Morya can then draw on the momentums of his Ray and say (as he often has done): "Fine! I have an individual in Morocco (or wherever such chela might be) who would be suitable for this task. He has certain strengths and faith within the inner bodies and I shall see that he is contacted at once". Thus, my endeavors to hold peace through love are supplemented by El Morya; by Saint Germain or any of the Great Ones through their chelas. Sometimes, when we gather together, and our Beloved Maha Chohan places before us the Divine Plan which Lord Maitreya or Sanat Kumara has given him, we may find a need for added assistance in the fulfillment of that Plan. Then, rather than having to go through the entire research of every lifestream, Angel, Elemental, Deva and Elohim belonging to the rest of the Universe, the Maha Chohan has the summary of available help right there before him, through us as the focal point. Not only the summary is there for him, but the cooperation and full backing of each of our Rays, to give him whatever he requires. This he may accept or he may not care to use it at all at that time. 

It is the furthering of such Divine comradeship in the world of man that Beloved Saint Germain desires, the capacity to harmoniously exchange ideas and communion of consciousness which brings a World Brotherhood; an understanding of the consciousness, problems, heritages and limitations of every race. An understanding of the strengths, gifts and powers of that race is necessary to make a World Order. The West, giving of its vital energies, can be blessed by the grace of the East. The East, on the other hand, "bogged down" by lethargy and superstition, may be given new life and vitality by the West. In the drawing of the students from India, China and the entire Asiatic Continent into the Occidental schools (which has been a portion of my service to life), we have endeavored to bring some illumination, free of superstition, back into those countries. You have little understanding of what it means to a lifestream who comes here from the East and receives an education, together with a greater sense of freedom and illumination. You have no idea what they have to contend with when they go back home, into a pattern which has been established and sustained for thousands of years! They are considered "upstarts" and "revolutionaries". Few there are who pray for them. They are mine! A little leaven in a great loaf... Asia! May there be enough of these emancipated lifestreams to bring redemption to the Orient. 

Beloved friends, in speaking of love, I would like to bring out the point that good strong feelings of positive faith (a quality which sustains you upon your own Path), are absolutely essential in your world before you can safely indulge in counseling others. Bigotry and intolerance are born of fear because the soul who fears is not anchored within the heart of Truth. Such a soul is afraid that its habitual concepts will be crumbled and its idols destroyed. On the other side of the scales, you have the sentimentalists, the vacillating lifestreams, so eager to agree with all the facets of the Law that there is no strong power of positive assurance that can listen to counsel, hold to the Truth and yet allow every man to be his teacher! You must come to a point where you can realize that within the Flame in all human hearts is the Spirit of God, who might speak to you through the lips of a man on the street or the words of a child. Yet, you must hold within yourself the dignity of following through upon your own purpose. 

Our Lord Maha Chohan scarcely speaks at all when we gather together. However, looking upon that firm countenance; those magnificent and impersonal eyes; the tremendous strength in that luminous body; one knows that, although he listens in kindness; accepts ideas in Love; blends as best he can both Masters and chela; he is the absolute Master of every Council because he is grounded in the faith which is the heart of his Being. 

You and I are not too well acquainted yet. Most of the chelas think of me as being poised against a marble pillar, playing on a violin. Dear hearts, my work is strenuous; my consciousness positive and my service in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas and Australia is to stand by the side of those upon whose shoulders rests the responsibility of merging East and West; making a foundation for Saint Germain which is strong enough to hold the great New Age now being born.

I love beauty, true! It is easy to love beauty. A small child can love beauty but I also love practical service! I love you and all life everywhere. Today I have asked the great and mighty Beings of the Pink Ray to transfer to you through my own body, consciousness, heart, spirit and momentum, a realization of the positive, practical aspect of kindly courtesy, tolerance, understanding, patience and love. Thank you, beloved ones.




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