To the Beloved Spirit of 1956!

The blessings, the hopes and the invocations of the Spiritual Hierarchy rest upon your noble brow as you enter into the atmosphere of Earth for the next twelve month cycle, in dignity and poise. Let all the dreams, visions, ideas and plans for increasing mankind's good be manifest and recorded upon your spiritual garments as deeds well done this year. We decree that 1956 shall be a year of fulfillment! The ephemeral substance of the Inner Realms shall be clothed in the "elements of this physical appearance world and shall stand forth practically manifest for the blessings of the race. 

The incoming tides of spiritual energy forming the chariot in which you have ridden into the atmosphere of Earth, shall be a stimulation toward practical works through the chelas and the people of Earth. We thank the God of Mercy for the forgiving grace that wipes out all destructive karma accumulated in 1955, motivated by unconscious error. Thus everyone on Earth now stands, cleansed in mind, body, soul and spirit, waiting to weave into the pristine substance of your living Presence something of merit to benefit the race and all attendant evolutions in, through and around the planet Earth! WELCOME! Spirit of 1956! We shall see more Divine Love manifest through your Presence and the sweet Earth more free by reason of that Presence! So be it!



The Homes and Retreats of the Masters of Wisdom 

(GENTLE READER: You will remember that our January issue always has SUPPLEMENTAL DATA of information and instruction concerning the Transmission Classes, mailed as soon as we receive it from Beloved Sanat Kumara. We shall get this out to you in a separate mailing as quickly as possible.)


This column is devoted to giving a description of the Retreat which Sanat Kumara has chosen to be the focus for the directed energies of the Spiritual Hierarchy each month in the yearly cycle. Each Retreat is a concentrated focus of energy, qualified to bless life in a specific manner. The Brothers and Sisters of that Retreat magnetize primal life, qualify it with the radiation (virtue) which their Retreat has offered to channel into the mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies of mankind. They even consciously radiate that qualified energy forth to bless the race, even as the physical Sun magnetizes the primal life from the Central Sun of our System and radiates it forth as light, heat, fecundating power, etc. 

At the close of each year (December 31st), a new thoughtform is designed by the Sun of our System, given to the Silent Watcher and then lowered into the uplifted consciousness of Beloved Sanat Kumara. In turn, he projects this thoughtform forth to the Great White Brotherhood. This form is the design of the collective endeavors to be followed by all Members of the Brotherhood for the next twelve months ahead. As this thoughtform is not received by Sanat Kumara until December 31st, he does not design the pattern of Retreats to be visited for the next year until January 1st. He chooses those Retreats to be the successive steps in the service of the year which will best outpicture the Divine Will in action, through their particular momentums of power. Much as a musician plays upon an instrument, using those tones which externalize the melody of the composition, so does Sanat Kumara place the cosmic fingers of the Brotherhood upon these tones (Retreats) which will best externalize the keynote of the year in consecutive order.





Gratefully, to the year that's past

We speak "O, fifty-five

You've brought us mem'ries that will last

As long as we're alive.

You've brought love's opportunities

With every blessed day

You did your part to let each heart

Make progress on Life's way. 

How many of those days slipped by

Without a definite goal;

Without some seed of kindness sown

To be reaped by another soul?

How gracious of our God to send

Forgiving Violet Fire;

Which transmutes discord into love

And renews all God-desire. 

We call that Violet Fire to sweep

Through you, (the year that's gone),

To purify and bless you

As we all travel on."

And as we turn to face the light

Of fifty-six - all new

We now resolve, by God's great might,

To do what we should do! 

Now as we see through the open doors

Of fifty-six the scheme

Of opportunities to serve,

Let's not just sit and dream.

Let's now ARISE! Be up and doing

Always present, never late;

Claiming in our "I AM" service

VICTORY! our only fate!




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