



It is my responsibility and obligation to the Cosmic "I Am" Presence to nourish, develop and externalize the Holy Spirit through every lifestream upon the planet Earth, or who belongs to its evolution. The Holy Spirit is the true nature of Divinity and it is fore-ordained that every child of God must, sometime and somewhere, manifest a Holy Spirit through the energies of his own world. When the Spark of Divinity signifies that it is ready to begin upon that endeavor, I come to assist in the development of the Holy Spirit of such a one. 


God, the Father, the Cosmic "I Am" Presence, created man in his own Image and Likeness. The Son, so created, then was given free-will to externalize the spiritual nature of the Father through his own thought and feeling centers. Thus, each such Son develops a Holy Spirit of his own. It is the first step upon such a Path when a man desires to "rise and go unto his Father" to become like him in nature. Then, we are privileged to assist such an earnest man to raise the vibratory action of his thoughts, feelings and outer self consciously, so that he becomes a radiating center of the Spirit of Holiness. 


The "I Am" Presence within every heart knows within itself that its ultimate destiny is to direct, control and expand the radiation of love, harmony, peace, purity, balance, faith and beauty. Through the usurping of the energies of the lifestream by the outer self, the "I Am" Presence has been denied the opportunity to direct and qualify those primal energies to bless all the life around it. The emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies of mankind created to be instruments of the "I Am" Presence have become, instead, the directors and qualifiers of the use of primal life. The resultant chaos, limitation and distress of the individual's aura as well as the world's atmosphere, is a far cry from the natural beauty and perfection of God's Kingdom, which is intended to be established on this Earth for the pleasure of man and the glory of his Creator. Educating the outer consciousness to the proper control of his vehicles of expression and bringing the direction and qualification of life back to the "I Am" Presence, is part of the service of the Brothers of the Golden Robe. 


A man can learn to consciously control the type of thoughts he allows to enter his mind and which he allows to develop there. By learning to reject and refuse to allow thoughts of a negative nature to enter and dwell within his mind, he raises the vibratory action of his mental world and it becomes sensitive to the promptings of the "I Am" Presence rather than to the stimulation of the impure thought-patterns which are the product of mass thinking. Such conscious elevation of thought must be practiced and sustained through an effort of freewill. When the mental body is so elevated, even for short periods of time at first, it becomes a magnet to draw thoughts from the Higher Spheres toward it. These thoughts become the seeds which, if cultivated by feeling, will grow as a harvest of beauty in the individual's world and environment. Thus the Spirit of Holiness is externalized by the man willing to discipline his thinking. 


A man's emotional body can also be trained to reject emotions of violence, anger, resentment, rebellion and to cultivate feelings of tolerance, love, understanding and compassion. These feelings raise the vibratory action of the emotional world and magnetize the feelings of like vibration radiated forth by Masters, Devas, Angels and other God-free Beings. When the mind and the feelings are held upon constructive patterns, the individual is beginning to be a magnet for the Cosmic radiation of the Spirit which helps him to become a Holy Spirit in himself. 


The inter-relationship among the emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies of an individual cannot be stressed too much. What affects one affects all, constructively or otherwise. Just as a charioteer driving four horses is impeded in his progress by the lameness or incapacity of one of his steeds, so is a man impeded in his spiritual progress by the insubordination or incapacity of one or all of his vehicles of expression. Therefore, each chela should take an impersonal inventory of the nature of his thoughts, feelings, words and actions and endeavor to nourish, discipline and develop the particular vehicle which he finds less amenable to the expression of the Spirit of Holiness, through his own aura and world. 


Every man created by the Father must complete his own Trinity by reflecting and radiating the Nature of that Father, the Holy Spirit through his own consciousness and vehicles of expression. The present purification of the inner bodies of the students will make it much easier for them to keep their thoughts and feelings elevated and their resultant words and actions will reflect this inner purification. Finally, the inner bodies will come to realize their purpose in being... to consciously create and radiate the virtue and beauty of the Heavenly Father in all the God qualities and God ideas which will naturally externalize in their personal worlds as peace, health, beauty, opulence and spiritual grace. 


Measuring one's thoughts and feelings against the thoughts and feelings of the Master is a good way to determine whether the vibratory action of those vehicles of expression has fallen below the natural estate intended for each chela. This need not be a severely imposed discipline but rather a happy experience for the person determined to be a radiating center of God's Presence on this sweet Earth. To every such one, we offer all the stimulation of our friendship until the aspirant can sustain his vibration of holiness and sanctity by himself.







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