"I AM"! "I AM"! "I AM"! the resurrection and the life of the Ascended Jesus Christ feeling of Cosmic Christ Peace that Peace which surpasses the understanding of the mind which I had with God in the beginning, before the world was eternally sustained and ever-expanding.

(Repeat 3 times.)




In the name of my very own Beloved "I AM" Presence, anchored right within my heart (from whom comes the very energy and rhythm of its beating) I call to the Beloved Elohim of Peace (whose very Ray is anchored in my forehead). Take immediate, complete and eternal command of all the energy in my feeling world. Expand your Ray in my forehead until it fills my world for at least nine feet around me on every side, saturating my feelings with your feeling of Cosmic Christ Peace. Make me truly feel it and then sustain and expand it for me until I become yourself in action everywhere I move, a real peace-maker among the children of our Heavenly Father. " I consciously accept this done right now with full power!         (Repeat 3 times.)