Ray-O-Light Beloved

Ray-O-Light, Ascended Master,

Is a friend of love to me;

When I call him, fear of shadows

Melts away eternally. 

Flame of Fearlessness, Beloved,

Now possess me night and day;

Radiate thy comfort through me

To all life upon my way. 

Teach all men that fear is needless;

Teach all men that life is good;

Teach all men Truth universal

Life is God's love-understood! 

Ray-O-Light, by thy great power,

Free all Earth from fear today!

All her life and evolutions

Let them live in Freedom's way. 

Ray-O-Light, we do adore thee!

Now possess us as thine own;

Transmute every doubt and shadow,

Raising Earth to her God Home 

Chorus (To be sung after each verse)

Fearlessness is mine!

Let it through me shine!

Ray-O-Light forever blazes

Fearlessness through me! 

(After last Chorus)

Great, Great Central Sun,

Bless this Holy One!

Flood his world with gifts and blessings

For Earth's victory won! 


Melody to be found in most Sunday School hymnals under title of "I Shall Not be Moved", first line beginning "As a tree beside the waters, etc." During these times of unusual and violent activities of the elements, it is very, very important to build a momentum of absolute fearlessness by the frequent repetition of these words in song or decree. If you seem unable to procure the music, PLEASE USE IT as often as you can as a decree, individually or in groups, silently or audibly as circumstances permit. If you will do this, one day you will be grateful that you did!




Once there was a man of wealth who had seven lovely sons. In their individual lives, each of these sons was exemplary but, together, they seemed not able to get along harmoniously. Knowing his life on Earth was about spent, for he was quite old and, desiring to save his estate from being wasted by constant bickering, he called his sons to him one day, with the request that each one bring with him a stick of wood. After they had all assembled, the father asked each boy to break off a piece of his stick, which each one did quite easily. Next, he asked them to put all their sticks together in one bundle. They, did. Then he asked the son holding the bundle of sticks to break it. This he could not do. Said the father:


"Herein is the lesson I would teach you. Each of you individually may be 'broken'. Together, as a unit, you are invincible".





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