Excerpts from an Address by


April, 1954

Beloved friends! Accept my extreme gratitude for your accomplishments in service to Life. Faith and confidence entrusted in unascended beings has proven worthwhile and a harvest of merit is being offered to Life, to the Universe and to the Spiritual Hierarchy as proof that when mankind know what to do to cooperate with the Divine Plan, they are willing and eager to do it. 

I have contended for some ages that it was an important principle in the endeavors of the Great White Brotherhood to serve the race, to secure the conscious, intelligent cooperation of unascended beings. I have felt that the efficacy of the well meaning was limited, not so much due to willful disobedience, as from ignorance resulting from the veil clouding the spiritual sight and vision. For many ages, I have awaited the opportunity to prove my point in the world of form. The recent dispensation granted me to reach the conscious mind of the chelas has proven that a mind sharpened, an intellect illumined and a consciousness spiritually nourished, will produce effects of merit even through limited and impure energies. My point, well proven, has been accepted by beloved Sanat Kumara, my own beloved Teacher, the Maha Chohan and the Lords of Karma. Since this point has been proven, it will give us greater freedom to act because, where ideas sown in the fertile consciousness of the people bring actual manifest works, there can be no denying further and further opportunity to sow new ideas. It is my responsibility to see that those ideas are sown in the consciousness which can best manifest actual works. 

Through the investment of the vital energies of the Great White Brotherhood in those consciousnesses which show promise and merit and then in the harvest offered by those who have been given opportunity to serve with the Hierarchy, we will eventually focalize the energies, confidences and instructions of the Brotherhood only through those who really mean and prove, IN WORKS, their willingness to cooperate with the current activities of the hour. Lip worshippers and those who promise to serve Life by tongue alone, have been plentiful in every age but the man who serves in manifest action is the man who writes in his own blood, if necessary, with his own voluntary energies, that he is, in truth, interested in evolution and mankind's progress. You have proven this, you have given me opportunity to stand before the Karmic Board, to stand before the lesser Councils and to show that it was no mistake of judgment to allow me to reach through the veil and attempt to form a partnership between the God-free and unascended mankind. This partnership is already bearing fruit in the physical appearance world as well as at inner levels. It is a magnificent offering before the Cosmic Law in which your energies have joined my own to further the evolution of the race. 

Entertainment and selfish accretion of spiritual knowledge is not the purpose of this endeavor. It is not a panacea to cover personal pain of consciousness, mind or body. This is a conscious endeavor TO BRIDGE THE CHASM between the Ascended Master consciousness and the minds of men so that they willing to serve, may know what to do and when to do it. It is to tie today's energies into the requirement of the present hour. It is to make religion serve, not through a mist of 2,000 years of past events, but in today's Cosmic endeavors! Those who are interested in this vision may not be numerous but they will be worthy of our time, attention and hope.