
Excerpts from an Address by


April 21, 1954

Beloved children, it is my extreme pleasure to greet you in the name of the Freedom which I serve. I am privileged among all the sons and daughters of Heaven to have the opportunity of bringing to fruition the full harvest of all the ages of spiritual service in which millions of lifestreams engaged. The individual who places the final harvest of an evolution upon the screen of life receives undue homage, for many do not think back to the countless numbers of consciousnesses that contributed to the final Victory. I am merely the "capstone" placed at the apex of the spiritual pyramid. This pyramid was built out of the energies and vital life of countless men and women who served the cause of God through the centuries and who gave themselves without reservation to fulfilling his Divine Plan. 

On the eve of this great Ceremony,* which will engage the attention and energies of all the Members of our Spiritual Hierarchy, my heart is filled with gratitude and humility for the honor of accepting the Crown of Authority as Directing Consciousness for the incoming cycle. You may be interested in the diversity of activity connected with the investment of certain powers in a lifestream. Even in the world of form, wise investment of more than ordinary powers requires a deep understanding and an illumined consciousness that those powers may be used always to expand the sphere of influence of God-good, and in every manner, aid the evolution of the planet and its people. 

Although I have been the Chohan of the Seventh Ray for many years, I had not yet become the Cosmic Representative of the new cycle, because the final vibrations of the Sixth Ray were still active in the atmosphere of the planet Earth. 

For almost one hundred years after the Ascension of my physical body, I prepared to be invested with the power and authority as the Chohan of the Seventh Ray. I prepared to be invested with the Cosmic Authority as the Directing Consciousness of the new cycle of time. You will see all progress is in graded radiation, graded application and preparation of consciousness. 

During my last Earth life, I was privileged to come into contact with many Masters, some of whom were already Ascended, others of whom were highly developed and evolved. Through their assistance I was able to use the applications given and prepare myself to be free from the necessity of rebirth. At the close of that Earth life I went into Transylvania and there on the first of May 1684, passed into the Ascended Master Octave. My personal Ascension was completed in 1684, but the assumption of my office as Chohan of the Seventh Ray was completed late in the eighteenth century, after my service to the Cause of Freedom in America and at the Court of France. When I assumed office as a Chohan, it was no longer possible for me to use my vital energy in the visitations, such as I had made to the crowned heads of Europe. Until this time, I had certain liberty to utilize my energies in endeavoring to form a United States of Europe and to persuade certain students of the occult and metaphysical laws that, if they would cooperate with the Hierarchy, a universal brotherhood could be established without bloodshed. With the exception of my endeavors through Napoleon Bonaparte, I no longer gave any personal service to the European governmental circles and my service to mankind became Cosmic. 

It was at the time when Beloved Kwan Yin turned over to me the authority as Chohan that I retired from active service in the world of form. 

During the Theosophical era, Beloved Brothers Morya and Kuthumi invested their energies instead and I built those energies so that when I came forth again and my energy again began to flow, my more personal association with mankind would begin again in a renewed and powerful activity. 

I shall always remember the Ceremony in which I received the Crown as Chohan of the Seventh Ray from the beloved Kwan Yin. I considered in my heart if I could ever hope to embody the mercy, the compassion and the love of such a Being as Kwan Yin, half hoping that I might not have to assume that responsibility after so short a preparation at inner levels. 

In regard to the use of the Sacred Fire of transmutation, one of the major impressions which have differentiated her activity from mine seems to be that she taught the use of the Flame of Mercy as a power of transmutation in the changing of the quality of energy; whereas the presentation of the Violet Flame as brought forth more recently emphasized the consuming of discord. This is apt to bring into the consciousness and the mind of many a feeling of a vacuum and a lack. I am hoping that through the pressure of Kwan Yin's interest, we can in some way convey to the consciousness of new people particularly, that this Flame is not only a consuming activity of impurity, but it is also a transmuting and changing of the quality of energy into perfection. This process leaves them with the same energy which previously distressed them, but now constructively vibrating at a rate which becomes a store of merit within their hands and use. Much of the fear that enters the consciousness of new students with regard to the use of the Violet Flame, rises from the word "consuming." Often as I sit with Kwan Yin, we discuss the aspect of presentation and she emphasizes again that she used the words "mercy," "compassion" and "transmutation" giving the emphasis to the purification in the aspect of the Flame and in the change of the actual quality of the energy. 

It is now again the time to assume another vestment. I assumed the vestment as the Chohan of the Seventh Ray, and now I assume the Cosmic Vestment as the Director of this great incoming cycle of two thousand years, which closes the major cycle of fourteen thousand years as well. I ask for the prayers and decrees, the devotion, the thought and the calls of all who love me in this hour, so that I may avail myself of all that my consciousness can absorb and which I can pour as the greatest blessing to the mankind of Earth through the consciousness of each of you and all my friends throughout the world. I have lived but to serve life. I have lived but to set it free. Now is the hour of my opportunity. 

Many centuries ago I hoped and wished for an Earthly crown (as Francis Bacon). I had a vision of a united brotherhood of Europe. Through circumstance, mercy and the wisdom of the law I did not receive that crown. Now I am about to receive a Cosmic Crown and in the greater wisdom and maturity of my consciousness, I find that even now I feel I am not ready. One does not lightly assume the responsibility for the evolution of an entire planet, all its peoples, all the angels and all the elementals. I stand in that position today. I stand requiring the love and the friendship of incarnate spirits, I certainly have the love, companionship, friendship and support in Heaven of the most exquisite Beings of light and perfection, for which I am eternally grateful. 

They are weaving the garlands for the great Temples. The Coronation train of this exquisite vestment will be over forty feet in length. The Crown I will receive from the beloved Jesus, because as Prince of Peace of the sixth dispensation it has been in his keeping for the past two thousand years. The Scepter of Authority I will receive from Sanat Kumara. It will truly be a day to remember, a day when I shall offer myself again to Life and to Freedom. 

I would like to thank you for giving yourselves so freely and so completely. I would like to thank you for your interest in the Cause of Freedom, for investing your energies in that Freedom through the centuries, not only in this embodiment, but you have rallied around that banner of Freedom in almost every era and every age that you have lived. Now as we enter the door of a new day, I shall remember those of you who have stood by me, and you shall be part of that Spiritual Court that lives forever. 

There is much I would say, there is much of which I am thinking in regard to each one of you; there are memories woven deep into my heart for the personal and universal associations. Those memories are sweet... they are the bonds that bind Heaven and Earth... they are the ties that keep the God-free yet hovering around the planet reluctant to enjoy Heaven's bliss while any portion of life is in shadow. It is a marvelous thing that through each one of you we shall reach the rest of mankind and set them free also. I hope and trust that you will enjoy the happiness of the incoming of the Seventh Cycle and that you may enjoy the radiation and the beauty of the pageantry of the Kingdom of Heaven. Meantime for this short while ahead I am spending it within the Temples of the Silence in invocations to the Father that I be worthy of the honor to be bestowed. 

To you, each one, God bless you and thank you for the homely things that make of life a joy. 



(*Note: Coronation of Ascended Master Saint Germain and the Goddess of Justice, Portia, May 1, 1954.)




Calendar of Special Days of Spiritual Importance in 1955

April 10 Easter Sunday
May 1
Ascension Day of Master Saint Germain
May 1
Anniversary of coronation of Saint Germain as Presiding Authority for next 2,000 year cycle
May 6 Wesak Festival (approximately 5 p.m. eastern standard time)
May 8 Mothers' Day
May 19 Ascension Day of Master Jesus
May 29 Whitsuntide (Pentecost)
July 4 Independence Day
August 15  Ascension Day of Beloved Mother Mary
November 2 All Souls' Day
November 24 Thanksgiving Day
December 25 Christmas Day






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