October 1, 1954 


Do you know what a great honor it is to be considered before Life as a "Candidate for the Ascension"? It means, in essence, that you have within your own consciousness the capacity to redeem, transmute and purify a sufficient percentage of the energies used by your lifestream through the ages to warrant your receiving eternal freedom from the wheel of rebirth and the necessity of re-embodiment upon the Earth plane.


Those individuals whose spiritual development and capacities signify to life that they may (not necessarily will) utilize the opportunities which will be afforded them toward "making things right," come under the protection, guidance and care of the Brotherhood at Luxor, whose Great Hierarch is known as the Chohan of the Fourth Ray, Serapis Bey.


As the attention of the Great White Brotherhood and mankind is turned toward the Ascension Temple at Luxor, you are invited to ask for the particular assistance of some Member of this Brotherhood who, during the thirty-day period while the Retreat is Host to mankind, will help you, individually, to set into motion that particular application which will assist you toward your individual ascension in consciousness from despair to peace, from impurity to purity, from discontent to happiness, from disease to health, from limitation to infinite ever-present supply. Bridging the abyss of separateness from the ever-present goodness of God is the process of ascension. Bringing harmony into your homes, peace into your minds, supply into your worlds, health into your bodies, is the transforming of the energies of your personal worlds into the Kingdom of Heaven. Those of you who wish to tune into the Ascension Temple at Luxor will enjoy "ascending" the conditions of your life into the perfection of God's Kingdom and making practical in manifest ways the spiritual truths you have long mentally enjoyed.


The Flame from the heart of the Ascension Temple is pure white. Feel it and accept it as your individual WAY BACK HOME. Remember, always, you do not make the return journey into a state of grace, peace, harmony, health and general perfection all in one instant. It is the hourly, daily living that builds the consciousness of the Ascension and the final culmination that releases the freed spirit is motivated by the secret and silent applications of the years.

Love and Blessings,






October 1, 1954



God bless you! God bless you! God bless you! Do you know just how powerful those three words can be? Have you ever experimented with them for just one full day saying nothing else but "God bless you" to everyone and everything you meet? Try it! People will not think you nearly so funny or queer as you may think. More people's hearts are craving the blessings of God than appears on the surface. One of the Ascended Ones said long ago that that statement, consciously and consistently used with the full understanding of what it meant, would lift the speaker of those words eventually into his Ascension in the Light. Use it more and more but use it thoughtfully and deliberately, MEANING every word, knowing that in the Wisdom of the Great and Loving Father, just the perfect thing will be done to bless your friend the thing he or she needs most at that moment.


We are today the result of our use of energy in the past. Our attention determines the use of our energy whether that attention be on constructive or destructive things, God or human appearances. Worry, fear, "hurt" feelings, injured pride, anger, resentment these are the heavy rates of vibration that lower not only the inner bodies but also the coarser atoms of the physical flesh and, if persisted in long enough, open the body to germs and disease. Now the God-qualities just the opposite of these, such as gratitude, happiness, kindness, loving feelings, the desire to bless, these actually raise the physical vibrations of the flesh structure and consistently abided in, will keep the body healthy, young and lovely.


For this next 30-day period, let all of us in the family of "The Bridge," consciously set about to deliberately use the words "God bless you" as often as possible every day and then, silently, within ourselves let us add the words "with the victory of your Ascension as soon as possible." This would be a TREMENDOUS raising power within each one who said it and all who received it, even though their outer minds did not hear ALL the words. It will help to keep you happy and the world in which we live needs that help so much.


The color of the Flame for this Transmission is white, the musical composition which draws the power of that Ascension Flame in through and around us is "Liebestraum" by Franz Liszt (inspired by beloved Serapis) and the statement to be used for this lovely opportunity to serve life - the Transmission Class is:


    1           2                   3         4          5        6        7              8

"I AM" inbreathing the raising love of the Ascension Flame from beloved Luxor


God-your own beloved "I AM" Presence right in your beating heart, bless you now and all ways with the fullness of all his love holds in store for you, the beloved of his great Heart. Victoriously in the Light "I AM" Your sincere and eternal friend of Light,







This Transmission Material, formerly distributed to Sanctuary Directors and Group leaders only, has been included in the monthly copy of THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM at the request of the Beloved Maha Chohan. Because of the growing interest of the students and their earnest desire to participate in this Activity, it was thought to make the instructions available to ALL the gentle readers of The Bridge. not only those fortunate enough to have access to a Sanctuary or active group endeavor. It is pointed out that the tuning into the Active Retreat may well become a daily practice of the alert, rather than a monthly endeavor only. Each student, having a full knowledge of the mechanics behind this endeavor, becomes a greater strength in the cooperative service through the group activity. The greater the proficiency of the illumined unit the greater the efficacy of the cooperative whole. For the same reason, the Transmission Flame manual and history have been made available to ALL interested student. It is not the desire of the Masters to hold knowledge for the few, but rather by sharing it with all, develop both the individual and cooperative endeavors of mankind in active, intelligent partnership with the Great White Brotherhood.









For Transmission Flame period, 9/15/54 to 10/14/54

October 1, 1954


Beloved Ascension Flame from the heart of Luxor anchored in my heart! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! Arise! Expand thou through me and take your full dominion in me and my world right now! Command and compel my body, mind and world into perfect Divine Order through Divine Love and hold it there forever. RAISE ME! RAISE ME! RAISE ME! out of everything human into all that is Divine, fulfilling God's Great Divine Plan through me all ways - today and forever!




Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in me, Oh, thou beloved Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth within my heart, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, Beloved Saint Germain and Jesus and all Great Beings and Powers and Legions of Light, Angels and activities of the Sacred Fire, in the Name of the Presence of God which "I AM" and through the magnetic power of the Sacred Fire vested in me, I decree:


Let the powers of the Ascension Flame release through me today      Beloved "I AM!" (3)

Let those powers now control all I do, think, feel or say                     Beloved "I AM!" (3)

Let those powers go before-make clear and straight my way              Beloved "I AM!" (3)

(Please repeat above 3 lines before each ending)

By Serapis' hand! (3)

By Jesus love! (3)

From God above! (3)

By Luxor’s power! (3)

Doubled each hour! (3)

And bring God's peace! (3)

Heavenly release! (3)

Heal all today! (3)

It is God's way! (3)

It now frees all! (3)

It answers call! (3)

Show life it's goal! (3)

Now raise the soul! (3)

By Mercy's Ray! (3)

I command it done today!

I command it done to stay!

I command it done God's way!

Beloved "I AM!" (3)



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