All Souls' Day, Nov. 2, 1954

Editor's Note: Beloved Archangel Michael, at the close of his Sponsorship for the Earth at the end of 1953, offered before the Karmic Board a gift of Love and gratitude from his lifestream to those who had "come out" with beloved Saint Germain's New Endeavor and who are serving it to the best of their ability, spreading this light as far as possible among all mankind. 

This gift was to make it possible for all the loved ones of such students to be taken at the close of their Earth life and at Inner Levels shown ways and means of expiating their destructive karma without the necessity of re-embodiment on the Earth plane. This grant would take in relatives of the present students back to the fourth generation. THINK ON THIS AND TRY TO REALIZE WHAT A TREMENDOUS SERVICE THIS IS FROM OUR BELOVED ARCHANGEL MICHAEL! 

This offer was accepted by the Karmic Board and the Ascended Host and their loving cooperation with him to this end was assured. Immediately the Builders of Form began providing in those Realms of Consciousness, great buildings made of pure white substance, beautiful in the extreme and these were offered as focuses where our loved ones could be taught. These buildings were completed on the Wednesday of Holy Week just before Easter, 1954. On Holy Thursday, for the first time, the doors to these great Temples were opened and the first group of such individuals entered those Temples in a lovely ceremony. Beloved Serapis Bey joyously offered to assist beloved Michael in this great undertaking and it was he who told us of the Activities mentioned above in these Temples. 

At the Royal Teton Conference in June-July 1954, the beloved Michael, in order to receive permission to increase this grant even farther for the people of Earth brought before the Karmic Board these individuals who had been studying since Holy Thursday in these Temples. It was his desire to show the Board the tremendous increase in their light as a proof of the efficacy of such a procedure and that it could be made an extremely advantageous blessing to the Earth, hastening beloved Sanat Kumara's release from his self-imposed exile of the Ages. 


If there are any of you precious ones who would like to add your energies in a daily call to the Karmic Board, evincing your interest in helping give beloved Michael this grant, we suggest, the two following decrees to be given daily to this end for the rest of this year.  

"Beloved Mighty Presence of God, 'I AM' in me, and beloved Mighty Astraea! LOCK your Cosmic Circle and Sword of Blue Flame of thousands of suns from the Great Central Sun, in through and around all destructive karma of those passing from the Earth this year. Close in upon it all, and ANNIHILATE (3) it all, cause, effect, record and memory, before it can act, approach or encroach upon life longer. Replace it by the Cosmic United Flame in the power of the three times three.”


“and the FULL POWER of the Thousand-fold Flame of the Sacred Love of the Sacred Fire, in overwhelming Cosmic power, a thousand times more every hour, ruling in through and around them all and all they ever do or contact, until all are ascended and free – Beloved ‘I AM’!” (3 times) 



"Beloved Mighty Presence of God 'I AM' in me, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, Beloved Saint Germain and Jesus and all Great Beings and Powers and Legions of Light, Angels and activities of the Sacred Fire, in the Name of the Presence of God, which 'I AM', and through the magnetic powers of the Sacred Fire vested in me, I call especially to the Great Karmic Board: 

GRANT THE PETITIONS releasing those passing from the Earth this year from re-embodiment on Earth again


Beloved "I AM" (3)

By Michael's Hand (3)

By Michael's love (3)

By the Master's Love (3)

In Michael's Name! (3)

By the Violet Flame (3)

By the Spiral Blue Flame (3)

By the Unfed Flame! (3)

By Sacred Fire (3)

By Mercy's Ray (3) 

(Please repeat above statement once before each ending line)  

…command it done today!

…command it done to stay!

…command it done God's Way! 

Beloved "I AM" (3) 

Then repeat 3 times "And I accept this done now with full power."






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