To the Beloved Mother Mary:

We dedicate this issue of The Bridge to Freedom to you Blessed Mother Mary, in honor of your Appointment as Co-sponsor for the year 1954. 

As the New Cycle opens its doors to the inflowing substance, radiation, and instruction from your own Cosmic Heart, may the gentle readers so regulate the vibratory action of their own inner bodies and flesh garments that they may receive the fullness of the outpouring which is yours to give. May they, through the sustained harmony of the vibratory action of their own energies, be at all times in a state of Spiritual Grace and natural conductors for those blessings, healings, and gifts which you may, from time to time, desire to direct to them and through them to mankind and all evolutions progressing to God Mastery in, through and around the planet earth.


May the Marian Year manifest the fullest Cosmic Christ accomplishment, not only at inner levels, but in the physical appearance world where it is so much required to kindle the Faith in God and the subsequent cooperation of the souls so convinced of his All Power in forwarding the Divine Will for all created beings... perfection, mastery, beauty, harmony, peace-individually and universally as well.


In gratitude for the privilege of serving with you, I Am

Your Editor,



The Homes and Retreats of the Masters of Wisdom

The Tibetan Retreat of the Master Himalaya

March 15, 1954 through April 11, 1954 

In the heart of the great Himalayan Mountains which lie I like a cosmic crown on the brow of the world, there is set a Cosmic Lotus in the Personage of the great God, Himalaya, Manu of the Fourth Root Race, and Guardian of the wisdom of the Lemurian, Atlantean and Eastern cultures. 

This great Personage has drawn through his own Light Body and sustained the Cosmic Ray which anchors the Father Activity of the Universal First Cause upon the planet earth, even as his great brother, the God Meru in South America sustains the Cosmic Ray which anchors the Mother Activity of God upon the planet. These two Cosmic Rays form the spiritual matrix directed by the Elohim from the heart of the Silent Watcher around which the substance and energy was drawn to create the physical planet itself. The Cosmic Ray guarded by Lord Himalaya has been the predominant spiritual activity governing the progress of the evolution of the race up to the year 1953, at which time the Cosmic Law directed the pressure of energy through the Feminine Ray guarded by the God Meru. Thus, was transferred the magnetic pull from the East to the West. This will result in the attraction of the spiritually inclined egos toward Western incarnation and the gradual infusion of the spiritual interest and nature of the East into the Western consciousness and culture. 

During the thirty day period dedicated to the Retreat of the Blue Lotus, in the heart of the Himalayan Range, the great Himalaya-teacher of Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya and Beloved Kuthumi will bless the pilgrims and visitors with the Cosmic Flame of his peace, wisdom, balance and love and will give the benediction of his centuries of momentum of God direction to those consciousnesses which open themselves to his instruction and counsel. 

The Retreat of The Blue Lotus is located within one of the great mountains high in the Himalayan Range. To all outer appearances, the entrance to the Retreat is just a great bare, rocky mountain crest which, seen from afar, has the outline of the head of the Master himself. Within this Retreat is the magnetic power of Divine Love which has drawn pilgrims from all over the world into the mountain fastnesses of Tibet in the search for truth and illumination. In the face of almost unbelievable privations and personal hazards, the seekers after truth have braved the icy blasts, the almost bottomless chasms, the perils of wild animals and nomadic tribes of savage intent, to answer the call from the heart of the Blue Lotus. Some have been rewarded by being admitted into the Mystic Brotherhood and accepted as chelas by those Gurus who themselves had gained their Mastery at the feet of the Lord of Wisdom and who chose to show their gratitude by taking to themselves pupils in his name. 

When the pilgrim has earned the right to enter the Presence of the Great Himalaya, the paths which lead to the entrance to his Retreat are opened before his feet... and he is guided invisibly toward the foot of the great rocky promontory where the face of the rock suddenly glows with Celestial Radiance and takes on the form of an open-ended Cross of White Fire, similar to the representation of the Holy Eucharist in the Christian Communion Service. As the eyes of the pilgrim become accustomed to the blazing light, the opening in the rock is apparent, and standing serenely in the doorway is the Personage of the God Himalaya. He is the embodiment of Eastern dignity and serenity. Like Sanat Kumara himself, the wisdom of the ages is in his eyes, in the gentle courtliness of his bearing, and yet the impression of strength, youth and constancy fills the atmosphere around him. As the pilgrim looks upon his Gracious Presence, from his Aura unfolds the Mystic Garden, profuse with tropical flowers, singing birds, and swiftly flowing sparkling rivulets that could not exist at such a high altitude except in the Magic Presence of this Being of Love. 

As the pilgrim is invited by the inclination of his head to enter the outer chambers of his Retreat, each one removes the shoes from off his feet in reverence and respect for the honor of being drawn into that Glorious Presence. Within the outer chamber is the beautiful lily pond upon whose tranquil bosom floats the Sacred Blue Lotus, symbol of the Blue Flame Lotus which is guarded in the Heart of the Retreat deep in the center of the mountain and which is the heart center of the Cosmic Ray spoken of above. 

Each pilgrim is allowed one request while in the Presence of the God Himalaya and while contemplating the Blue Lotus, he knows that the magnetic power of pure Divine Love will activate his desire and bring to him the embodiment of that desire. Think carefully and deeply and pray well before making such request, for you deal with Cosmic Fire! 

Blessings, children, as you begin the pilgrimage into the Heart of the Himalayas long my home and that of my brothers. I shall be waiting you there!  





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