June 1954


It is a beautiful and a gratifying feeling for those of us who have devoted our lives to evolving a consciousness of Mastery through mankind to see such an earnest, humble, constant response from the students. Each one is so eager to learn how to become master over the constantly fluctuating screen of maya. Be assured our Heart's Love will give every assistance possible toward the end. 

This month as we honor the ancient focus of Light in the Grand Teton, presently Host to the Karmic Board and the Spiritual Hierarchy, let us remember that the activity of breathing in itself shows the balance of the Law. The two activities of creation, the rhythm of contraction and expansion, centripetal and centrifugal force, are required to both draw and sustain life in the physical form. The inbreathing must be followed by the out-breathing to comply with the Law which sustains the presence of the individual in the world of form. This same Law applies to all activities of life. The comprehension of this Truth and the Mastery of the energy in drawing forth and expanding the Divine Pattern in the world of form, coupled with the drawing in and sanctifying of the energies of life through purification and application, raises the individual into the next octave of experience as an Ascended Being. 

The Rocky Mountain Retreat represents the Activity of expansion of the Divine Plan. This is why the half yearly Councils meet here, the designs of the White Brotherhood are accepted and energized here, and the various designated Intelligences go forth on the Cosmic Centrifugal Force from this center to the respective locations on the Earth's surface charged with the pressure and power of this natural activity of expansion. This is also why this location was chosen for the first pulsation of life upon the planet Earth, so that the lifestreams could have the spiritual tide of this focus to carry them forward upon their life plan. As you have been told, the other focus where the completed life cycle is closed, is located at the Temple of the Ascension in Luxor, Egypt. 

Individually and practically, the radiation, consciousness and power of controlled precipitation is the gift of The Rocky Mountain Retreat to all who tune into its light. Its color, the precipitating ray of green emphasizes this Activity of opulence and of manifest works in every line of spiritual, mental and physical endeavor. 

As you draw forth the blessings of the Rocky Mountain Retreat and as you join the Great Assembly at the feet of the Lords of Karma, may you feel the spiritual stimulus and inspiration to "be about the Father's business" in a practical and helpful way. 

Love and blessings,



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June 1, 1954


God, the Holy Spirit, bless you especially this Whitsuntide, individually, collectively and most abundantly with his gifts of Cosmic Christ peace, invincible protection, perfect health, limitless wealth and God success in all you undertake amplifying without limit even the most feeble endeavor to expand the border's of God's Kingdom. This shall bel Consciously accept it for it is decreed in Divine Love and all substance and energy are instantly obedient to the Master control of love. 

The "keynote" to be used during this 30-day period before the meetings (if possible) to prepare the atmosphere and the students for the outpouring which will take place from the Beloved Royal Teton is "Oh thou sublime Sweet Evening Star” from Wagner’s opera “Tannhauser.” As you read in our dear Maha Chohan’s letter preceding this one, the color is a brilliant Chinese green.


The statement to be used for the breathing exercise during the Transmission Period on June 19, is as follows:

I AM inbreathing the precipitating power of Lanto’s love from the Royal Tetons

I AM absorbing                                                                   

I AM expanding                                                                   

I AM loving                                                                           




Precipitation drawing into manifest form direct from the Universal anything and everything you desire is a magic word and enchanting idea to many, many people. Because it sounds so effortless so easy of accomplishment without using the physical energy required by those on the earth plane today to manifest form, there are those very anxious to be able to use this means, perhaps not realizing what qualities in the user are necessary for satisfactory results. The fundamental Law underlying the power of Precipitation is OBEDIENCE! As one of the Ascended Ones mentioned some time ago "Mankind need not so dislike and rebel against the idea of OBEDIENCE for it simply means "loving cooperation with God-good." That takes the "sting" out of it, doesn't it? All life loves Freedom and the use of free-will and none like to think they are bound to do the will of someone or something outside themselves. Yet, when one understands that his own life is the life of God and he is willing to love and expand that Will of Good to the best of his ability, it becomes a real JOY to lovingly co-operate with the good of God's Will and give obedience! 

All substance and energy everywhere lovingly, without question, obeys the command of Divine Love. If it were not for this obedience, there would not be any such power nor could there be law and order anywhere. Did you ever stop to think how much you love obedience FROM life to YOUR desires? If life somewhere, in someone, does not obey you when you lift your telephone receiver, do you have the joy or satisfaction of communication? If light does not obey you when you flip the switch of electricity, do you receive light which enables you to fulfill your purpose in mind? If water does not flow forth from the tap, obedient to your demand for it, can you quench your thirst or do the many things water makes possible? 

Let us right now stop a moment and definitely think these things over. Having done so, let us lovingly determine with all that is within us to not only be willing to OBEY God's Will and DO it to the best of our ability, but to REALLY PRECIPITATE that Will through ourselves and BE the fullness of all beloved Jesus showed us the Father was "Be ye perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect." This is TRULY "being about our Father's business" and manifesting HIS WORKS! 

Joyously and Victoriously all ways in the Light

"I AM"






For use during 30-day period from June 15th to July 14th, 1954 

Hail to thee! beloved Heart Flame of Precipitating Love from the Royal Teton! I thank you for your Supreme Presence in the Universe and your focus on our dear Earth today! I love you! I love you! I love you! Take your full Freedom in me now! You are inside of me! BLAZE your light through! Raise this outer self of me into the full manifestation of Perfection which thou art that I may be about my Father's business every second every day, in everything, in every way, in all I do, think, see, hear, feel or say, today and forever! I accept this done NOW with full power! 

I live, move and have my being in a gigantic fiery pillar of the precipitating power of Beloved Lanto's love from the Royal Teton, in outer physical action, protecting, purifying, healing, illumining, supplying and raising my entire being and world and those of all I contact today and forever.









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