The ideal balance for the most rapid spiritual development, is individual application leading to self mastery, coupled with active service, according to the developed consciousness and capacity of the student. In all endeavors to raise mankind again to his natural God-free estate, the safest, surest and most efficacious progress is made on the Path recommended by Lord Buddha "THE MIDDLE WAY." Mankind, through the ages, has swung to both extremes of either too much absorption in self or absolute neglect of self in a Cause. We recommend the balance between the two. 


The Will of God is to externalize the perfection already existent at Inner Levels. To draw the visions, ideas, patterns and plans into the world of form that have already manifested in the Kingdom of Heaven, is the service that can be performed by really sincere, practical, willing students on the Path. Many students prefer to contemplate perfection in the abstract sense, but are not willing to consecrate their personal energies to drawing forth the perfection for the blessings of mankind. The few who are so willing become the joy of my Heart. To them, I look for accomplishment. 


The Wisdom of God is to become still enough to perceive, comprehend, absorb and understand the Will of God before rushing forth into zealous service. The wise man, sincerely desiring to further the Cause of God's Design, learns first to humbly apply to the Fount of Knowledge, commune with the Holy Christ Self, and receive its wisdom, its strength, its directions. Then, consecrating his energies to externalizing that contemplated pattern, he becomes of use to the Spiritual Hierarchy because his energies are one with the Will of God and his endeavors will supplement the endeavors of every Member of the Spiritual Hierarchy working toward the same glorious fulfillment of the Divine plan. 


Students sometimes forfeit great opportunities to use the developed talents, momentums, natural capacities and actual substance which are already theirs to utilize, waiting for a Great Opportunity, a spectacular summons from the Masters. Thus, precious months and years fly by and an individual, convinced of his own sincerity, loses the precious Cosmic Moment when his energies might have helped to turn the tide of an entire evolution toward greater spiritual victory and accomplishment. How many lifestreams who were fortunate to live at the time of Jesus' Ministry did not recognize their individual capacity to assist him to greater efficacy in his Service! Looking back through the glamorous folds of time, those same consciousnesses affirm with feeling that if they had been there they would have protected, assisted, supplied and promoted his endeavors. Yet, they were there! We are again in such auspicious moments of Opportunity. Let the wise be alert to the present. 


At Luxor, the student is examined for present worth to the community as well as future worth to the evolution of the planet. His developed consciousness is employed to sustain and expand the endeavors presently occupying the attention and energies of The Brotherhood. At the same time, he is being trained to develop a more mature, creative, self-controlled consciousness for future service. We do not allow any applicant to remain who is not willing to invest his present talents in the Cause of world good, on the false assumption that the development of greater personal powers will later be offered to the Great White Brotherhood. The very fact that such a one desires to place his talents, worth and consciousness at the feet of God only at a later date is a clear statement that any future developed gifts and powers will likewise be withheld for self. These individuals we cannot use. 


I serve with the lifestreams who have true vocations (Individuals whose inner consciousness is developed to a point where they desire to channel their energies into a specific service to life). These men and women are born with this pre-dedication to some channel of expressed service, such as teaching, nursing, preaching, etc. Even as children, they are strongly drawn toward developing the capacity to be of service to life on a particular Ray of expression. They seek out the consciousnesses who can assist them in receiving both knowledge and practical experience to make them proficient along these lines. They are consecrated at inner levels. Their energies are blessed by the Beloved Archangel Raphael and myself, and the life which flows into their hearts filling their worlds is blessed indeed.

Individuals who have a spiritual vocation find no happiness unless allowed to follow the dictates of their hearts in this direction. Conscious chelas and students of the Masters fall into this category. The experiences of life and the promptings of "conscience" continue to prod the student until he comes into some line of spiritual teaching where this soul thirst is assuaged and he feels himself upon the Path of his own choosing. However, here, the spiritual aspirant often falls far short of the layman with a vocation of much less value to world evolution, for the student does not always recognize the impersonal law which says to every man "serve as you learn." The interne in the hospital, the student nurse, the novitiate in the convent, the student priest or minister, accepts this law in happiness knowing that in service much of his knowledge and development will come. The spiritual student, however, from a sense of pride or a mistaken notion of the law, ofttimes "wiles away" a lifetime on metaphysical contemplations and abstract studies, while the Brotherhood whom he professes to love is denied the practical assistance of his present developed energies, talents, and general strength and wealth of consciousness. These men and women fail on the first initiation which is "practical works make further knowledge available." 


My ministry was one of action. Every day before I left the house, great numbers of people had gathered primarily to receive relief from all manner of discomfort and disease of mind and body. Very few came to learn the application by which I had achieved such powers to give surcease from distress. I had learned never, under any circumstances, to go forth to serve until I had first ANCHORED my consciousness, feeling and self in the PRESENCE OF GOD. Only when I was firmly established in that unshakable faith, that indestructible fortress of his Power and Presence, would I endeavor to convey that consciousness of his Goodness, through words and works, to my fellowman. Earnest men and women, filled with zeal and enthusiasm, often rush forth without such personal contemplation and communion with the God self. Then they are overwhelmed and swallowed up by the appearances of evil which mankind not only unconsciously cherish but energize by their strong faith in the reality of the chains that bind. Wisdom is to pursue the Middle Way. Learn the nature of the Father, not only in shifting energies of the outer mind, but in the deep centers of the feeling, and in the fear-charged atoms of the flesh. Then no appearance will shake the foundation of faith in God and the appearance will yield to the one so armed in Truth! 


Ordered service is the activity of the Seventh Ray which it is my privilege and honor to introduce to the consciousness of mankind at this time. Every activity of life draws some of the primal essence and energy of God into the qualifying consciousness of the individual. The use to which that life is put determines the conditions of the individual's aura and world. It is my hope to teach mankind to qualify this primal life in a balanced, orderly manner to fulfill the Divine Plan. Each activity of the day must become a ceremony of dignity, harmony and perfection. Further, chelas must be alert to opportunity to use their energies to forward the activity of the present moment and not spend these vital hours in contemplation of a future service for there is only the ETERNAL NOW. My Beloved Complement is known as the Goddess of Opportunity and I cannot stress too much, to those who profess to love us, that Opportunity is standing at the door of this glorious New Age, inviting the consecrated energies of every sincere and earnest one to serve, according to the best of the present abilities, meanwhile utilizing the applications given to make future service more efficacious in our name.




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