Address by

Beloved Kwan Yin

August 1953

May the Peace of God be upon this household! May the Love of God be in your hearts. May the Light of God be in your souls! May the Wisdom of God be in your minds! May the Virtue and Purity of God be in your feelings! May the Strength and Vitality of God be among the members of your household! May the Health and Well-Being of God be manifest through the bodies, the garments which you wear! May the Grace of God be in your worship! May the Talents and Genius of God be manifest through your senses! May the fullness of the Victory of your own God Plan be manifest through your souls at the close of your earth life! 

It seems but yesterday that this blessing issued forth from our hearts as we moved from city to city in the great, exquisite Golden Age when the people of China knew such mastery and dignity and peace. At that time, I, together with the twelve ladies of my Court, once each year proceeded through the larger cities of China and in one of the local temples within the city, gave audience to the members of every household, and conveyed the twelve-fold Blessings representative of the very Nature of Divinity into the consciousness of my people. Then, retiring again into our glorious Retreat at Peiping, we gave audience throughout the year to those people, not only from China, but from all over the known world who chose to bathe in the Virtue of Merry; who chose to absorb into their own life essence this one facet of Divinity. In the heart of that glorious, sacred Shrine and Sanctuary of Mercy and Compassion, the twelve Temples representative of the Nature of God continue to pour out the Sacred Fire and Flame so that any heart, any soul, desiring to partake of that Nature, entering within those temples, might find itself filled, renewed and enabled to return again to its appointed tasks in its own individual orbit, blessed by that Spirit of qualified God Life. I long for the day which is to come again, when I shall be invited and, joyously accepted within the homes and the hearts of all people. I long for the day when China shall again manifest the perfection which she once knew, and take her rightful place among those nations that will endure through all eternity. 

Again, as we visit your homes, it begins a new pulsation in carrying the blessings of the Sacred Fire into the orbit of lifestreams who choose to invite us. Though at first the numbers be few, the pulsation thus begun shall intensify and increase in the days and years ahead until it will become the general custom again to invite and welcome the Ladies of the Kingdom who carry within the compass of their Light Bodies those particular virtues and feelings which are required to make every man, woman and child of God, Master in Grace, in Humility and in Love! 

The long journey through the earth's evolution is about to draw to its close. The shroud of earth's pain and agony is being transmuted now into garments of transcendently beautiful Light. Those of us who have chosen to weave one thread into that glorious pattern are joyously and gratefully filled with anticipation, because all the ages of watchful waiting will soon reveal that patience has had its full reward in a complete evolution of God matured individuals. 

In the very first age when the mankind of earth took up their evolution upon the planet earth, you have been told that Guardian Spirits came from other planets who chose to join with the children of earth and give the strength of their own God maturity to that childlike evolution during the period of growth, expansion and unfoldment. These Guardian Spirits came from Venus, from Uranus, from the shining orb of Mercury, and from other stars. Some were already Free, Ascended God Beings in their own evolution, like the mighty Sanat Kumara, the Great Archangel Michael, and the Beloved Manus. 

Others were highly developed, God matured individuals who were yet working out their destiny in great harmony on the planet which was their own cradle of evolution, but who had not yet completed the process of their own Ascension; yet they chose to come and join the plodding evolution of the earth, and to endeavor to complete their own evolution and Ascension through the density of earth's birth and rebirth cycles. Thus, these Guardian Spirits, some already assured in freedom and others working out their evolution with the mankind whom they chose to guard and serve, walked together in light, harmony and peace in the era before the effluvia of the creation of the laggards of the system shut away the light and perfection of Heaven. 

May I remind you of the tremendous sacrifice entailed by those beautiful Guardian Spirits who were not yet fully free and ascended in their own evolution, but who in order to better serve the race already blanketed under the maya of human creation, were required to take upon themselves garments vibrating at a rate similar to the evolution they served? They had to tie themselves into the wheel of birth and death with the hope that they might retain through their consciousness a connection with their own Divinity, their own evolution, and whatever God directed Beings chose to hold the Focus of Light for them in the Realms of Eternal Light. 

Some of us remained in bodies of Light, choosing not to take garments of earth, and some, dear to us beyond earth's reckoning, chose to enter garments of flesh hoping to hold connection with us through the veil. Thus, came the first parting, the first separation, with only the Light of the heart and intuition of the spirit enabling the incarnate one to remember those of us who remained in bodies of Light, one with our Source. The centuries have sped by and those incarnate Guardian Spirits walking with the people of earth but yet presently so enmeshed in their karma that they do not remember their own evolution and their own Spiritual Source, are again raising their heads and hearts, and sensing intuitively that they belong, each one, to a great and perfect Scheme of evolutionary life. To them and to you who are among them, we come first. Blessed be your hearts for having taken the harder road, having come into flesh garments. I think that often those of us who remained in bodies of Light and who did not taste of the appetites and passions of the senses, have chosen by far the easier road. It is for this reason that our patience has been so eternal through the centuries, because we know and sense that the very imprisonment which you have endured, was accepted for Love's sweet sake! 

Looking upon the Light in your hearts and seeing the glorious pattern of your electrons as they flow from your Celestial Electronic Body, I am grateful beyond words to see so much beauty externalized in the natural flow of your own life. 

Dear people, if you could see the beauty in the flow of the energy into your lifestreams from your Presence, if you could see those electrons flowing forth unqualified by your human creation to enrich the earth, you would never again clothe them through thought or feeling with anything which would dim the Light, the beauty, and the fragrance of their natural expression. It is such a beautiful sight when you see life externalized through the human form in its own natural harmony, its perfume, and its music. This is the way in which each man was intended to unfold that portion and part of the Divine Plan which he, alone, through his own heart beat, is destined to externalize. 

It has been my privilege this year to sit on the Throne, as Spokesman for the Lords of Karma. This Great Office which has been held by my Beloved Sister, the Goddess of Liberty, through century after century of time, has been entrusted to me in an endeavor to secure from the Cosmic Law certain dispensations of mercy which will allow mankind greater ease in walking forward upon Life's Pathway into freedom and perfection. In this office, I am grateful to say that the Great Lords of Karma and the Law of Life Itself, are allowing us, through the use of the Sacred Fire, to melt away those accumulations of the Guardian Spirits with much greater intensity than has ever been allowed since the Third Golden Age when Lemuria opened the doors to the laggards of this system. 

As the Beloved Maha Chohan has offered through the Transmission Flame Classes to anchor the Sacred Fire through the heart flames of the students, so have I offered to anchor my full gathered Cosmic momentum of Mercy and Compassion, through the use of the Violet Flame into those hearts that choose to call to me for Mercy. Mercy, dear hearts, and Compassion too, are the most positive and powerful of the Gifts and Nature of God, for it takes a strong man and a strong woman to give complete forgiveness to any part of life which has injured them. It is the weak nature that nurtures grievances. It is the strong that, in deep sincere feeling, can melt away from their own feelings a sense of injustice or wrong and can then, in intense love and devotion, direct that Flame of Compassion into the generative center which has inflicted that wrong. It is through the strong and merciful that I shall endeavor to balance the debts to life and light in these days and years that are yet ahead. 

As the half-yearly Council has closed (July 1953), and as we face the final six months of this great and decisive year, I AM eagerly seeking hearts, souls and spirits who desire to experience the Flame of Compassion and Mercy as a COSMIC FEELING through their own feeling worlds. Through these I shall endeavor to give that happy experience which loving forgiveness brings. I am hoping that among your hearts I may find such anchorage, and that you may actively and positively, when opportunity presents itself in your personal lives and experiences, call for that Flame of Compassion from my Heart and let It flow freely to give that peace and ease to imprisoned life. 

We have sat around the Great Conference Tables and spoken of these experimental groups in the various sections of the country. Where the Beloved Brother Saint Germain chose to focus the Cherubic Host in an endeavor to re-establish a Brotherhood between Angels and men, we watch with great interest the kindly concern and love poured out by the student body to those members of the Angelic Kingdom who live within their auras, and who have for the most part, grown and expanded in their Light during the short time they have chosen to abide within the students' individual orbits. 

We look with interest, too, at the groups established to bless the Elemental Kingdom, and we see as the elemental beings enjoy the harmony and the happiness of that association, that we have a good foundation for the establishment of a Brotherhood among the three Kingdoms which have evolved, although closely dependent upon each other, yet with but very little sympathy through the past - the Angelic, the human and the elemental evolutions. 

One day, as the veil thins and with your physical sight, you may see the Members of these Inner Kingdoms, it will then be a joy to work with them in bringing to fruition the Golden Age. Those of you who have worked through the veil, deserve the commendation of the Elemental Kingdom, and the Cherubic, Seraphic, Devic and Angelic Hosts as well as the Cosmic Beings and the Ascended Masters, for your faith and for your constancy of purpose. You know it is much more blessed to render that service when you cannot see the full release that is set into motion through your application, than when you have the encouragement which the perceptive inner sight and hearing charge into the feeling world as the veil is removed. 

May I offer you the Blessings of Beloved Mary, the Blessed Nada and Leto, and of those great Sisters of Light who represent the Cosmic Virtues, the Goddess of Truth, the Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Justice, the Goddess of Liberty, the Great Goddess of Purity, and all the other members who represent the Feminine Aspect of Divinity. 

We come now into close association with mankind through the intellectual consciousness at this time; but as the great activity of the Maha Chohan, as Representative of the Holy Spirit working through the Master Saint Germain in the New Age, is directly concerned with the FEELING NATURE, then more and more will we come to the foreground and offer our Qualities, not only to the women, but to the gentle men of the race, and as our Qualities are absorbed and woven into the nature of the individual, we shall see God Mastery, God Balance, and God Maturity between the feminine and the masculine aspects of the one lifestream. 

I have endeavored for many, many centuries to raise and redeem the consciousness of the women of the race who, because of the mass pressures and accumulations of human creation in the world, have fallen below the moral standards which form the natural activity, of the feminine aspect of life. There shall come a day in the near future when Temples of Mercy and Compassion will be established in the physical octave of earth through which the women of the race may be again restored to the dignity which they knew in those early Golden Ages. 

May I bless your hearts and souls, and thank you for inviting us into your presence. May I ask that whenever the opportunity affords itself, you may encourage the children of earth to invite us into their homes, their hearts, their feelings, for thus we set up the momentum and avail ourselves of the opportunity to bring the Blessings which are our Gifts to Life, into your world and your experience. 

I thank you. 

Kwan Yin








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