Beloved Mighty Presence of God, "I AM" in me, Oh, thou beloved Immortal Threefold Flame of Eternal Truth within my heart, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Mother Mary, Archangel Gabriel, Jesus, and all Great Beings and Powers and Legions of Light, Angels and activities of the Sacred Fire; In the name of the Presence of God which "I AM" and through the magnetic power of the Sacred Fire vested in me, I call particularly to the great Karmic Board:


As an unascended being in the body of mankind, I earnestly ask you to grant Beloved Mother Mary's petition to purify the souls destined to come to Earth this year through physical birth. Give them bodies as perfect as possible with all parts and organs in perfect functioning order, clear, intelligent minds and dispositions willing to give loving cooperation with that which will be for their highest good. Purify the homes, parents, teachers and guardians into whose atmosphere they come. If possible, place a Cherubim in the aura of as many as possible to keep them reminded of their vow taken to Beloved Sanat Kumara and the strength to fulfill that vow during their Earth life.


If possible, give them the victory of the Ascension at the close of this next embodiment. Beloved Lord Michael! By the help of the Angels of the Sword of Blue Flame, give invincible protection against anything and everything that would even attempt to dim their light or delay their victory. We accept this done RIGHT NOW with full power and thank you for answering our calls." (Repeat three times).





Great Karmic Board! we thank you for

Your Presence there above.

The Glory of your beauty,

Your faithfulness to duty,

Inspire us so to love (repeat once)

Inspire us, inspire us so to love! 

Great Karmic Board! our souls arise

To call your Light and Power.

Your Flames of Mercy, Justice too,

Forgiveness rare, Love's balance true,

Enfold us every hour (repeat once)

Enfold us, enfold us every hour! 

Great Karmic Board! we love our Earth

And all that is thereon.

Oh, help us lift her strain and stress,

Replace it with Light's happiness.

Expand the Cosmic dawn (repeal once)

Expand, expand the Cosmic Dawn!

Great Karmic Board! help us to be

All that you have become!

Your majesty and power too,

Victorious in all we do,

That we may bring Earth home (repeat once)

That we may, that we may bring Earth home! 

Great Karmic Board to you we give

Ourselves without reserve!

Blaze thru us your Light's joyousness,

Your Freedom, Peace and God-success;

Make all your love deserve (repeat once)

Make all, make all your love deserve! 

Great Karmic Board for you we call

In the name of all mankind!

All blessings from the Central Sun

For all the good that you have done.

No greater love we find (repeat once)

No greater, no greater love we find! 

Great Central Sun! we now command

Your gifts and blessings true

To flood our Karmic Board so dear

Expand those blessings year by year

'Til all returns to you (repeat once)

'Til all, 'til all returns to you!


Melody: "Joy to the World" (Hymn)






(Excerpt from "The All-Seeing-Eye" magazine, Vol. 3, No. 1)

"When we say this, a great cry will go up from the students oh, a book like "The Secret Doctrine" is so difficult I cannot understand it; give me something more simple!"


We answer, "What is the good of studying things you understand?" The eternal cry of man is "make it easy." We do not realize that we must grow up to things. It is a great mistake to attempt to bring Truth down to ignorance. The result is always misunderstanding and perversion. Man must be brought up to the Truth. He should eternally aspire toward the highest. He should never seek to drag things spiritual down to his level. Man must realize that his mind is capable of all things, if he will train it. If he will live the occult life as set forth by the Masters for their pupils, he will unfold his mind, thus increasing his intelligence to the understanding of those things which before were riddles and enigmas.  Manly Hall








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