To Thee, Beloved Brother Jesus: 

The Ascended Host, the Angelic Host and the mankind of earth extend their gratitude for the magnificent accomplishment of the Resurrection and the Ascension into the Light of Eternal Freedom! 

As the attention of all life is drawn to the recurrent miracle of the resurrection through nature, and as the seekers after truth and freedom ponder again the hope and promise of the Easter Season, we ask that your full Ascended Jesus Christ Consciousness may enter the world, experience and individual consciousness of every member of the human race. Through the acceptance of the power within that Victorious Consciousness may every man, woman and child on the planet and all those awaiting the opportunity of re-embodiment know, experience and manifest the God Mastery which remains our gift to the evolutions progressing upon the planet earth. 

The obedience to the FIAT of Resurrection obeyed beautifully through nature SHALL NOW BE MANIFEST THROUGH THE SOULS OF MEN AS WELL!

The Homes and Retreats of the Masters of Wisdom


April 15 through May 14, 1954 

The Temples of Mercy, Forgiveness and Compassion, guarded and sustained by the Beloved Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy, are designated by the beloved Sanat Kumara as the CENTER to which the Spiritual Hierarchy and those interested in forwarding the Will of God will turn their attention in this thirty-day cycle. 

The great Temple of Mercy stands in the center of twelve lesser Temples, all of whose domes incline slightly toward the main Temple in silent honor and respect to the focus of the Mercy Flame. Upon its Presence does all life depend for its redemption and restoration to God perfection when the desires, appetites and passions of the senses have spent themselves and the soul arises again filled with determination to find and sustain the Divine pattern and plan for itself. 

When mankind first drew the use of the freewill into the qualification of pure life according to the desires of the separate self, the need for a flame of forgiveness and transmutation arose. Some way had to be devised by which the soul, weary and spent, might purify those energies consciously charged with impurity, weaving out of those redeemed energies the Garment of Immortality. Compassion, forgiveness and mercy, being the Nature of God, had existence and being long before the need for such qualities was demanded on the earth. To draw forth those God qualities and to bring them to earth required the voluntary contribution of some God-free Intelligences who chose to embody that activity, that Nature of God. Acting as a step-down transformer, they drew that radiation, that Nature into the lower atmosphere where it might be felt, experienced and shared by any and all the sons and daughters of Heaven who felt within themselves the desire to return home, to fulfill their individual destinies, and generally to purify the miscreations of the past and make things right. 

The beloved Lord Gautama Buddha offered to draw forth that Flame of Forgiveness, charge through it his own life essence and expand that quality for mankind. In such service, he was the Chohan of the Seventh Ray, wherein the mystic power of Divine Alchemy was made available to all who would apply for it and choose to embody it through the energies of their own lifestream. The beloved Kwan Yin succeeded him in this service, and she in turn has been succeeded by the present Chohan of the Seventh Ray, our Blessed Master Saint Germain. 

The radiation of Mercy is amplified by every intelligence who chooses to visit the Mercy Temples and give of the primal essence of his own being to expanding the sphere of influence of such a Temple. Thus, while the entire Spiritual Hierarchy is present in this Retreat, the combined energies of all their lives is poured into this Flame of Mercy, Forgiveness and Compassion, and thus there is made available a much greater pressure and momentum of mercy for the blessings of mankind at this time. 

Each gentle reader who desires to see mankind free of the limitations, the distresses, and the shadows in which they presently abide is invited to enter the Mercy Temple and there pour forth their own life force in expanding the sphere of influence of the Retreat. As the reader endeavors to cultivate within himself the FEELING of Divine Mercy and Compassion, and to radiate that, through this thirty-day period, so does such a one become an outpost of Beloved Kwan Yin's gift to life. 


(For a further description of this Retreat, you are recommended to read the supplement to February 1953 issue of "The Bridge to Freedom)





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