May 14, 1953

And when the days of thy pilgrimage are accomplished and the record of thy energies are finally written into the substance of Akasha, and the Guardian Spirit of Justice takes the scroll from the Christ Self who has endowed thee with the precious and priceless Gift of Life; when the Elemental Kingdom has spoken and recorded all the substance and energy invested in sustaining thy bodies through the centuries, as the garments of thy soul; when there have been called before the Throne all those lives - human, elemental, animal, vegetable and mineral that thou hast blessed and benefited and who are richer in evolution by reason of thy being, only then sounds the note of thy victorious achievement and, through the Great Halls of the Lords of Karma will pass thy soul triumphant to its just reward. 

Ah, how many countless rounds of incarnation hast thou passed through in the endeavor to achieve the fullness of thy purpose unto the hour when thy Christ Self bids thee arise and, with the hand of Mercy, cuts the last ties and bonds of earthly attachments and desires, and thy soul, unweighted by the shadows of the long centuries, surges upward into the embrace of thy Divinity and the two become ONE in the Ascension into the Light. 

On the Anniversary of the Ascension of the Beloved Master Jesus who has been the Way-shower for mankind for the past two thousand years, we ask the Father of All Life and the Great Beings who represent the Spiritual Sons and Daughters of Heaven to bless him for the strength of his lifestream, that enabled him to live through an entire embodiment, suffering all the limitations that are the heritage of physical incarnation, and yet not qualifying one electron with the imperfection which would have been a tie on his spotless Soul at the hour when the call for his great public Ascension came. 

Knowing full well that not only a life of purity, selflessness and love were the pre-requisites to the fulfillment of this example, but also the control of the personal love he felt for his mother, his Disciples and his friends, which would bid him stay to guard and protect them, rather than accept his own freedom and let them go, he once again humbly bowed his head to the Fiat of the Cosmic Law, and trustfully placing his own Life and that of those he loved in the Loving Hands of the One Eternal Father, he ascended joyously and triumphantly into his Universal Freedom and Cosmic Service in God's Kingdom. 

Beloved Jesus! For this renunciation; for this Divine Wisdom and Trust; for the Ascension; for your Blessed Self, we thank thee and we thank the Father of all Life for what thy Presence in the Universe has meant and still means to this planet and the evolving life upon it. 









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